Morris Area Public Library Board of Trustees met April 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order at 6:30 P.M.
2. Roll Call- Anderson, Davy, Keavney, Minett, and Porth present. Also present were Library Director Mai and guests: Burton and Christensen. Absent Cummings and Dergo.
3. Review of the Agenda for Additions/Changes.
a. None
4. Correspondence, Communications, and Public Comment
a. The library received a call from the Ottawa Reddick Library asking who does our newsletter and commenting on how great it looks.
5. A motion was made to approve the Board Meeting Minutes from the March 14th regular meeting. Porth moved to approve meeting minutes and Minett seconded. Approved 5-0.
6. Director’s Report
a. The pinwheels in front of the library were placed by Grundy Women’s Group to promote Child Abuse and Prevention month.
b. The bathroom remodeling starts on April 12th. The water will only be shut off in the two bathrooms experiencing the remodeling. Patrons will be directed to the bathrooms at the south end of the building.
c. Morris Area Public Library is one of three organizations receiving the Organization of the Year Award from the Grundy Chamber of Commerce. There will be a recognition ceremony at the Morris Country Club on May 4.
d. The Library Road Trip has started. There is a Grand Prize at each library averaging 200 dollars.
e. Because it is Spring we have several gardening programs coming up. We will have a rain barrel donated by Upcycle to raffle off as a prize for attending our programs.
f. The chair program was a great success and we will repeat this program in the future.
g. We will meet with Julie Buck and the Community Foundation of Grundy County in July.
h. National Library week was just last week and the staff was given a variety of fun treats such as Swedish Fish because the staff is OfFISHally the best.
i. The staff area has been updated and is looking spiffy.
j. The Budget for the year 2023 is in the works.
k. A motion was made to adopt ordinance 2022: ordinance confirming plans for property purchase and proposing a finance plan. Anderson motioned and Minett seconded. Approved 5-0.
l. The Library has a QR code. It will be on all of our promotional materials. We will have a lego version of the QR code on display in the library.
m. Atlas has a new trustee training day.
n. The city is also having an electronic disposal event in the near future. We will coordinate with them on future events.
7. President’s Report
a. None
8. Vice President’s Report
a. None
9. Financial Report
a. Motion was made to accept the April financial report. Motioned by Porth and seconded by Davy. Approved 5-0.
10. Committee Reports
a. Finance Committee
i. Will be having a meeting scheduled soon.
b. Technology Committee
i. Mai, Fruit and Porth, met with AT&T to look at the expansion of internet services. There is an increase in cost and they will bring the materials to the building but someone will have to be hired to get the materials installed in the building. There will be another meeting in April to continue discussions. We have on average 22 people accessing the internet at any given time.
c. Strategic Plan Committee
i. The new head of this committee has acquired the materials and is in the process of setting up a date for a meeting.
d. Personnel Committee
i. Nothing New
e. Policy Committee
i. None
f. Facilities Committee
i. The bathroom remodels commence on Tuesday and the purchase of the new building is going well.
11. Unfinished Business
a. None
12. New Business
a. None
13. Other
a. None
14. Adjournment - Time 7:08 -Minett motioned to adjourn, seconded by Keavney. Approved 5-0.