
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met Feb. 14

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Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met Feb. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order (5:00 PM)

Members Present: Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Mueller and Rendleman

Members Absent: Ashley

Also present: Bart Hagston, Kenton Schafer, Jennifer Lindsey, Liz Hunter

Approval of Minutes

I. 22-6690 Approval of December 13, 2021 Minutes

A motion was made by Calandro, seconded by Mueller, to approve the December 13, 2021 minutes as presented. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 4 - Calandro, Comparato, Mueller and Rendleman

Absent: 3 - Ashley, D. Bost and Erbes

Chair's Report


II. 22-6691 Work Comp Update

The County Administrator communicated to the committee that the OHSA 300 & EEO-4 reports had been completed for the year. She also commented that she would be sending an email in the next few weeks to all department heads asking for job descriptions for all positions in each department. She noted that these would benefit the County in future work comp audits.

(D. Bost joined the meeting.)

III. 22-6692 Payment of HOPE Trust Dental & Vision Claims in the amount of $13,058.99 A motion was made by Mueller, seconded by Rendleman, to approve payment of HOPE Trust Dental & Vision Claims in the amount of $13,058.99. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 5 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Mueller and Rendleman

Absent: 2 - Ashley and Erbes

IV. 22-6693 Payment of HOPE Trust Medical Administration Claim in the amount of $286,748.00 A motion was made by Calandro, seconded by D. Bost, to approve payment of the HOPE Trust Medical Administration Claim in the amount of $286,748.00. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 5 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Mueller and Rendleman

Absent: 2 - Ashley and Erbes


V. 22-6695 Approval of On-Demand Claims in the amount of $82,486.24

A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Mueller, to approve the On-Demand Claims in the amount of $82,486.24. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 5 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Mueller and Rendleman

Absent: 2 - Ashley and Erbes

VI. 22-6696 Payment of Board Member Travel Expenses in the amount of $1,193.51

A motion was made by Calandro, seconded by Rendleman, to approve payment of Board Member Travel Expenses in the amount of $1,193.51. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 5 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Mueller and Rendleman

Absent: 2 - Ashley and Erbes

VII. 22-6792 Modern Copier Service Contract

The County Administrator communicated that this was a contract renewal for copies made with the Board office copier. The committee discussed the cost of last year vs. this year, noting an increase in cost from the previous year.

A motion was made by Calandro, seconded by D. Bost, to approve the Modern Service Contract. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 4 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost and Rendleman

Absent: 3 - Ashley, Erbes and Mueller

VIII. 22-6697 Assessment Budget Adjustments

The County Administrator noted that this request was to move money that had been budgeted for a possible move of the Assessments department that was no longer needed. The request was for the money to be moved to the County contingency line item for future uses.

Rendleman questioned if this would add to the already budgeted amount in the contingency line item. (Erbes joined the call)

A motion was made by D. Bost, seconded by Mueller, to approve the Assessment Budget Adjustments. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 6 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Mueller and Rendleman

Absent: 1 - Ashley

IX. 22-6698 Resolution 2022-27 Authorizing the Application For and the Policy Governing the Use of a County Issued Credit Card

The County Administrator explained that this resolution would increase the credit limit on the County Credit Card. She noted that usage would remain the same and that users would have to fill out the same Treasurer's Office request form for usage approval.

A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Calandro, to approve Resolution 2022-27 Authorizing the Application for and the Policy Governing the Use of a County Issue Credit Card. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 5 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes and Rendleman

Absent: 2 - Ashley and Mueller

X. 22-6720 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-01 Parcel #05-05-359-030

Items X - XXXV (Delinquent Tax Resolutions 2022-01-2022-26) were voted in one motion.

A motion was made by Calandro, seconded by Rendleman, to approve Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-01 through 2022-26. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 5 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes and Rendleman

Absent: 2 - Ashley and Mueller

XI. 22-6721 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-02 Parcel #05-08-378-018

XII. 22-6722 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-03 Parcel #05-17-253-005

XIII. 22-6723 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-04 Parcel #05-17-401-021

XIV. 22-6724 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-05 Parcel #06-21-103-004, 005

XV. 22-6725 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-06 Parcel #06-21-104-004

XVI. 22-6726 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-07 Parcel #13-30-131-007

XVII. 22-6727 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-08 Parcel #14-03-333-001

XVIII. 22-6728 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-09 Parcel #14-04-333-002

XIX. 22-6729 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-10 Parcel #14-04-333-003

XX. 22-6730 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-11 Parcel #14-04-456-002

XXI. 22-6731 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-12 Parcel #14-08-235-017

XXII. 22-6732 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-13 Parcel #15-16-406-009

XXIII. 22-6733 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-14 Parcel #15-16-431-029

XXIV. 22-6734 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-15 Parcel #15-16-432-029

XXV. 22-6735 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-16 Parcel #15-16-458-009

XXVI. 22-6736 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-17 Parcel #15-16-482-057

XXVII.22-6737 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-18 Parcel #15-20-280-004

XXVIII.22-6738 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-19 Parcel #16-25-254-024

XXIX. 22-6739 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-20 Parcel #19-05-226-010

XXX. 22-6740 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-21 Parcel #1174

XXXI. 22-6741 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-22 Parcel #6532

XXXII. 22-6742 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-23 Parcel #8044

XXXIII.22-6743 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-24 Parcel #05-05-177-001

XXXIV.22-6744 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-25 Parcel #05-05-177-003

XXXV.22-6793 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2022-26 Parcel #15-16-409-002

XXXVI.22-6699 Cash Summaries By Bank Hunter gave a quick update on the Cash Summaries By Bank Report.

XXXVII.22-6700 Revenue By Department

Hunter noted that there was no update. This item was the normal monthly report.


Old Business

New Business

Executive Session

Adjourn (5:20 PM)

D. Bost moved and Rendleman seconded to adjourn, motion carried.
