
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education Met July 20

Webp meeting 07

Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education Met July 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Rick Runge at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room at McElvain School, 593 Ava Road, Murphysboro, Illinois.

Board Members present: Mr. Bame, Mr. Beavers, Mrs. Brasel, Mr. Green, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Eovaldi, Mr. Runge

Board Members absent: None

Administrators Present: Dr. Evers, Mr. Todd, Mr. Hernan, Mrs. Finke, Mrs. Sunny, Mr. Ellermeyer, Mrs. Bush

Administrators Absent: None

Others present: Steve Carrington, Georgia Marshall, Michelle Asa, Darl Young, Holly Thompson, Jen Kennedy, Brian Sanders, Amber Sanders, Amy Brock, Kyle Burke (entered at 6:45 p.m.)

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Hernan.

Mr. Beavers made the motion and Mr. Bame gave the second to approve the agenda with the addition of Brandt Popejoy added to #11, Tuition Free Student Waiver.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made the motion and Mrs. Bame gave the second to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:

District #186 Budget Amendment Hearing Minutes – 6/15/2021

District #186 Regular Board Meeting Minutes – 6/15/2021

Tri-County regular board minutes dated 6/10/2021

Tri-County Bills for July 2021

Tri-County 2021-2022 Budget



A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made the motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the bills for July 2021 as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye      Mr. Green – Aye 

Mr. Runge – Aye         Mr. Beavers – Aye 

Mr. Brown - Aye          Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

Mr. Bame - Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Under Communications, Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the resignation of Christopher Jerrells effective July 20, 2021.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Bame gave the second to approve the intent to retire from Kelly Phillips effective December 31, 2024.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the resignation of Sherri Schimpf effective July 20, 2021.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Brown made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the resignation of Alyssa Sturgeon, MHS girls basketball coach effective immediately.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Bame gave the second to approve the resignation of Sarah Jacobs, MHS asst. volleyball coach effective immediately.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the resignation of Kari Kilquist effective July 20, 2021.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Brown made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve credit hours from Idaho State University be applied to the salary schedule of Sharon Fry upon completion.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Eovaldi gave the second to approve the resignation of James Reames, MHS JV girls basketball coach effective immediately.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to approve the resignation of Stacie Teft effective July 20,2021.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to approve the resignation of Beth Blumenstock effective July 20, 2021.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the resignation of Rebekah McNeely effective July 20, 2021.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

There were no Fish Bowl items.

There were no Freedom of Information Act requests.

Under public comment, Brian Sanders expressed his concern with the decision that all unvaccinated students will wear masks during the 2021-2022 school year. He stated that he is worried about the mental stability of the students and the bullying that could take place between the ones that are vaccinated and the ones that are not vaccinated. Mr. Sanders shares that he is concerned about the division that this is going to cause between students. Mrs. Sanders shared that not all the schools are following the recommendations about masks, they are leaving it optional for the parents to decide. She also states that she is concerned who will be able to see her child/children’s medical records.

Jen Kennedy expressed her gratitude that we are following the mask recommendations and that she feels we are serving our entire student body. She feels that asking unvaccinated students to wear masks is the responsible thing to do. She was pleased that with the Delta variant and the Covid numbers rising in Jackson County that we were are requiring masks for all unvaccinated students as well as staff. Mrs. Kennedy believes that with the growing numbers masks will be mandated soon.

No employee comments were presented.

Under Old Business, Dr. Evers stated that Title I, II, IV, Pre-K for all and the EPI grants were all submitted today, July 20, 2021. She states that major decision on grants will be the expenditures regarding the Esser III, 1.5 million has to be spent on learning loss. Dr. Evers shares they she will be working with the department teams to make sure we are attacking the learning loss and the curriculum needs. The Esser III funds will need to be spent by September 2024, Esser II needs to be spent by June 2023. Mrs. Bush states that all three grants will be spent over the next five fiscal years (FY20-FY24). She states that the financial report included in your board packets show our receipts over disbursements having a $771,000 fund balance, but if you pull SIU Pre-K, which is just a flow through for us, we are in the black $155,000. Mrs. Bush states that there is a lot of in and out because of the grants. Property taxes went out with due dates of August 19 and October 19, we are looking at our first distribution approximately early to mid-September. Last year from county facility sales tax revenues we received $1,551,000 and this year we received 1,446,000 which was a 6.76 decrease, Mrs. Bush states that she was pleased she had thought it would hit us harder due to the pandemic.

Under New Business, Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to approve the dairy bid from Praire Farms for the 2021-2022 school year as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye      Mr. Brown – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye         Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

Mr. Bame - Aye          Mr. Green – Aye 

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

The bread bid for the 2021-2022 school year from Bimbo Bread did not meet the school lunch nutritional requirements and it was rejected.

Mr. Bame made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the food bid split between Kohl Wholesale and US Foods as presented for the 2021-2022 school year.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Bame – Aye          Mr. Brown – Aye Mr. 

Runge - Aye               Mr. Beavers – Aye 

Mrs. Eovaldi - Aye      Mr. Green - Aye 

Mrs. Brasel – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the waste bid from Republic Services as presented for the 2021-2022 school year.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye      Mr. Bame – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye         Mr. Brown – Aye 

Mrs. Brasel - Aye       Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye 

Mr. Green – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Green made a motion and Mrs. Eovaldi gave the second to approve the oil bid from Hines Oil Co., Inc. as presented for the 2021-2022 school year.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Green – Aye        Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr.

 Runge - Aye             Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye 

Mrs. Brasel - Aye      Mr. Bame – Aye 

Mr. Brown – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Green made a motion and Mr. Bame gave the second to approve the diesel fuel bid from Hines Oil Co., Inc. as presented for the 2021-2022 school year.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Green – Aye      Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye      Mr. Bame – Aye 

Mr. Brown - Aye      Mr. Beavers – Aye 

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to approve the paper bid from Contract Paper Group as presented for the 2021-2022 school year.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye      Mr. Green – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye          Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

Mr. Brown - Aye          Mr. Beavers – Aye

Mr. Bame – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Brown made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to approve the destruction of verbatim recordings of closed session meetings dated July 2018 through June 2019.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to seek bids for a multi year bus transportation contract.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye      Mr. Green – Aye 

Mr. Runge – Aye         Mr. Beavers – Aye 

Mr. Brown - Aye          Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

Mr. Bame – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

PRESS Policy Update #107 will remain on review until the August 2021 meeting.

Mr. Green made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the tuition free students for the 2021-2022 school year as presented.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the construction of a pavilion at MHS, to be fully funded by the Murphysboro Education Foundation, Smysor Foundation and MABA as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye      Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye         Mr. Green – Aye 

Mr. Bame - Aye          Mr. Brown – Aye 

Mrs. Brasel – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Bame made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the Safe Return Plan for Esser III as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Bame – Aye        Mr. Beavers – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye        Mr. Brown – Aye 

Mrs. Brasel - Aye      Mrs. Eovaldi – Nay 

Mr. Green – Nay

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made the motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to move into closed session pursuant to Section 2 of the Open Meetings Act, 5 Illinois Compiled Statutes 120/2(c), to review:

1. Discussion of minutes lawfully closed

2. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the district including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity.

3. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye      Mr. Bame – Aye 

Mr. Runge – Aye        Mr. Brown– Aye 

Mrs. Brasel - Aye       Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye 

Mr. Green – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

The board moved to closed session at 7:06 p.m. The board returned to open session at 7:32 p.m.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the closed session minutes from the regular meeting dated June 15, 2021.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Brown made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the board’s semi annual review of unreleased closed session minutes and to keep the minutes confidential.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to approve the contract with the Teamsters as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye      Mr. Brown – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye         Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

Mrs. Eovaldi - Aye      Mr. Green – Aye 

Mr. Bame – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Brown made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to employ the following certified staff: Nathan Hinkle and Kyle Quigley, MHS Social Studies; Molly Falconer, CARR Special Education; Morgan Rathjen, GJAL 2nd; Jesse Popejoy, CARR 4th; Lisa Willoughby, CARR 5th resource.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Brown – Aye      Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye      Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

Mr. Bame - Aye       Mr. Green – Aye Mr. 

Beavers – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Bame gave the second to employ the following non-cert staff: Nathan Hinkle, Key Club Sponsor; Aaron Barnett, Cook; Shania McNeely, CARR Para; Karlie Good, GJAL Para; Ashley Cripps, GJAL EOC Aide; Logan Alley, Custodian.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye      Mr. Brown – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye         Mr. Bame – Aye 

Mrs. Eovaldi - Aye      Mr. Green – Aye 

Mrs. Brasel – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to voluntarily transfer Katie Peradotto from GJAL 2nd to GJAL 1st and Lily Lickteig CARR 5th resource to CARR 4th self-contained.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye      Mr. Bame – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye         Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

Mr. Beavers - Aye       Mr. Brown – Aye 

Mr. Green – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to employ the following athletic staff: Kim Cook, MHS head volleyball coach; Michelle Berger & Ellie Kirk MHS asst. cheerleading co-coaches; November Davison, MMS head cross country coach.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye      Mr. Beavers – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye          Mr. Green – Aye 

Mrs. Brasel - Aye        Mr. Bame – Aye 

Mr. Brown – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Eovaldi gave the second to approve the postings for: MHS asst. JV & Frosh girls basketball coach and MHS JV & Frosh volleyball coach; MMS asst. cross country coach.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye      Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

Mr. Runge - Aye         Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye 

Mr. Green - Aye          Mr. Bame – Aye 

Mr. Brown – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 p.m.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None The president declared the motion carried.
