
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education Met June 15

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Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education Met June 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Rick  Runge at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room at McElvain School, 593  Ava Road, Murphysboro, Illinois. 

Board Members present: Mr. Bame, Mr. Beavers, Mrs. Brasel, Mr. Green, Mr. Brown,  Mrs. Eovaldi, Mr. Runge 

Board Members absent: None 

Administrators Present: Dr. Evers, Mr. Ellermeyer, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Sunny, Mrs. Finke Administrators Absent: Mr. Keener 

Others present: Steve Carrington, Darl Young, Georgia Marshall, Amy Brock The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Brown 

Mrs. Eovaldi made the motion and Mr. Bame gave the second to approve the agenda as  presented. 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried.  

Mr. Beavers made the motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to approve the consent  agenda consisting of the following items. 

District #186 regular board meeting minutes dated May 18, 2021 

Tri-County regular board meeting minutes dated May 12, 2021 

Tri-County bills for June 2021 


A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Green made the motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the bills for  June 2021 as presented.  

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Green– Aye Mrs. Brasel – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mr. Brown – Aye Mrs. Eovaldi - Aye  Mr. Beavers– Aye Mr. Bame - Aye 

The president declared the motion carried.  

Under Communications, Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Bame gave the second to  approve the resignation of Margie Smith, lunch monitor, effective immediately. 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Brown made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the  resignation of Maranda Sink, social worker, effective June 14, 2021. 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the  resignation of Stephanie Layne, MHS volleyball coach, effective immediately. 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the resignation  of Caroline Nelson, para, effective May 19, 2021. 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Green made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to approve the resignation  of Michael Marks, MMS boys basketball coach, effective May 19, 2021. 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Fish bowl items were read. 

There was one Freedom of Information Act Requests from: 

Joe Sutton requesting a digital copy (PDF) of the following documents be provided to him: 

The district’s current website and/or content management system (CMS) provider  contract. 

The district’s current alerts and/or emergency notification provider contract. The district’s current mobile app provider contract. 

The district’s current learning management system (LMS) provider contract.

The information was provided in a timely manner. 

There were no public or employee concerns. 

Under old business Dr. Evers stated that the PA system at the football field needs to be  replaced, and we have already received a reasonable quote to get that done. There was  nothing else new to report that had not been discussed during the amended budget hearing.  

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Bame gave the second to approve the 2020-2021  amended budget as presented.  

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:  

Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Green – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mr. Bame – Aye Mr. Brown - Aye  Mrs. Brasel - Aye Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the low bid from  Watermark Ford Hyundai of Marion for two 10-passenger vans as presented.  

A roll call vote was recorded as follows: 

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye Mr. Bame – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mr. Brown – Aye Mr. Beavers - Aye  Mr. Green – Aye Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Green made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the low bid from  H&R Agri Power for a new maintenance tractor as presented. 

A roll call vote was recorded as follows: 

Mr. Green – Aye Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Bame - Aye  Mr. Brown – Aye Mrs. Brasel - Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Brown made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the low bid from  Heartland Mechanical Contractors, Inc. for the new MHS chiller as presented. 

A roll call vote was recorded as follows: 

Mr. Brown – Aye Mr. Bame – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mr. Green – Aye Mr. Beavers - Aye  Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye Mrs. Brasel – Aye 

The president declared the motion carried.

Under new business Mr. Runge discussed the contents of the monthly board packet.  Mr. Runge suggested that the board reduce the documents to help save on paper. There was  a handout shared that indicated what would now be included, which is the agenda, agenda  digest, #186 minutes, financial budget summary, applications, schedule of bills and checks  written between. All other documents will be placed in the google drive and shared via email to  each board member. 

Mr. Green made a motion and Mr. Bame gave the second to adopt “An Ordinance  Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate of Wages for Laborers, Workmen and Mechanics Employed  on Public Works for Said District”. 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Brown made a motion and Mrs. Eovaldi gave the second to approve the following  facilities to be established as fiscal depositories for the 2021-2022 school year. 

 First Bank and Trust – Murphysboro 

First Southern Bank – Murphysboro 

The Illinois Funds – Springfield, IL and US Bancorp Fund Services, LLC – Milwaukee, WI (Custodian of Illinois Funds) 

Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund (ISDLAF) – Warrenville, IL 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: All – Aye; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Brown made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to appoint the following  individuals to serve as sub-treasurers for the 2021-2022 school year. 

Kim Kilpatrick – MHS 

Holly Thompson – MMS 

Samantha Smith – CARR 

Emily Hahn – GJAL 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to approve the  resolution directing Mrs. Bush to transfer all Working Cash Fund interest earned in the  2020-2021 school fiscal year to the Education Fund for district operational purposes.  

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Bame made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the  permanent transfer from the Operations and Maintenance Fund to the Debt Service  Fund for the 2020-2021 school year, an amount necessary to pay principal and/or  interest on all lease purchase agreements entered into by the district. 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Eovaldi gave the second to  approve the renewal of Property and Liability Insurance (ISDA) and Worker’s Compensation,  School Board Legal Liability and Student Accident as presented. 

A roll call vote was recorded as follows: 

Mr. Beavers – Aye Mrs. Brasel – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye Mr. Green - Aye Mr. Bame – Aye Mr. Brown – Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Beavers made the motion and Mr. Green gave the second to move into closed  session pursuant to Section 2 of the Open Meetings Act, 5 Illinois Compiled Statutes 120/2(c),  to review: 

1.The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of   specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including   hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body to   determine its validity.  

A roll call vote was recorded as follows: 

Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Brown – Aye Mr. Runge – Aye Mr. Green – Aye Mrs. Eovaldi– Aye Mrs. Brasel – Aye Mr. Bame – Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

The board moved to closed session at 6:28p.m. The board returned to open session at  7:11 p.m. 

Mr. Beavers made the motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the closed  session minutes from the regular meeting dated May 18, 2021. 

A roll call vote was recorded as follows: 

Mr. Beavers – Aye Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye Mr. Runge Mr. Green – Aye Mr. Bame - Aye Mr. Brown – Aye Mrs. Brasel - Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Brown made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to employ Molly Falconer as  an MMS para. 

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Brown – Aye Mr. Bame – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mrs. Brasel – Aye Mr. Beavers - Aye Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye Mr. Green - Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to involuntarily transfer Paige Watson Carruthers 5th grade resource to Carruthers 5th grade self-contained, and Lily  Lickteig Carruthers 3rd grade self-contained to Carruthers 5th grade resource. 

A roll call vote was recorded as follows: 

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye Mrs. Brasel – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Green - Aye Mr. Bame – Aye Mr. Brown – Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Bame gave the second to employ the following  athletic recommendations: Emma Weber, MHS head cheerleading coach; Jeremy Marshal,  MMS asst. baseball coach; Jonathon Baker, MMS 8th grade boys basketball coach; Holly  Thompson, MMS head volleyball coach; Latrice Wood & Ben Young 6th & 7th grade MMS  volleyball co-coaches; Brad Norman, MHS volunteer boys basketball coach; Jeff Green, MHS  asst. cross country coach; Kim Cook, MHS asst. volleyball coach. 

A roll call vote was recorded as follows: 

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye Mrs. Brasel – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mr. Bame – Aye Mr. Green - Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Brown – Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Green made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve postings for:  certified: GJAL social worker; GJAL anticipated elementary position; non-certified: MMS  Builders Club; custodian; Athletics: MHS JV volleyball coach; MMS 7th grade boys basketball  coach. 

A roll call vote was recorded as follows: 

Mr. Green – Aye Mrs. Brasel – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mr. Brown – Aye Mrs. Eovaldi - Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Bame – Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to adjourn the meeting at  7:16 p.m. 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to reenter open session at  7:16 p.m.  

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to post for a para at  Carruthers and MMS head cross country coach.  

A roll call vote was recorded as follows: 

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye Mr. Green – Aye Mr. Runge - Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Brown - Aye Mrs. Brasel – Aye Mr. Bame – Aye 

The president declared the motion carried. 

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Brasel gave the second to adjourn the meeting at  7:17 p.m. 

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None 

The president declared the motion carried. 
