
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Carbondale City Council met Jan. 9.

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City of Carbondale City Council met Jan. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Meeting called to order at 7:02 PM

1. Preliminaries to the City Council Meeting

1.1 Roll Call

1.2 Council Comments, General Announcements, and Proclamations

The Carbondale Fire Department presented Assistant Fire Chief Mike Hertz, Firefighter Brad Lam, Firefighter Rob Miller, Firefighter Carl Sisk, and Firefighter Ben Schultz with the Life Saving Medal. All were involved in saving the life of a local man on August 22, 2017.

Councilman Loos commented on items that were discussed at previous Council meetings that he would like brought back before the Council. They include local cannabis and paraphernalia ordinances and fines that should match up with State regulations and the sale for development of city owned property, in particular the old high school football field, the Horizon Inn property, and the Walnut Baptist Church. He stated that the process of selling city owned property should be improved by making it more transparent. It was suggested that this be placed on future Council agendas for discussion and public comment and that City Staff look into drafting an updated ordinance regarding cannabis and paraphernalia.

Councilwoman Harvey announced the showing of the film “I Am Not Your Negro” at the African American Museum on Thursday, January 11, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at the Civic Center on Sunday, January 14, and the Annual NAACP Breakfast to be held at the Student Center on Monday, January 15.

Councilwoman Bradshaw announced the Neighborhood Alliance meeting on Saturday, January 13 at the First United Methodist Church.

1.3 Citizens' Comments and Questions

Nathan Colombo, 229 South Hunt Road, apologized for his accusations towards the City Council regarding the bidding process for the citywide branding project. His lack of research caused him to give out incorrect information. Mr. Colombo also thanked the City Clerk’s office for fulfilling his FOIA request in a timely manner.

Councilman Grant announced the passing of Tommy Glisson. A moment of silence was observed.

2. Public Hearings and Special Reports


3. Consent Agenda of the City Council

3.1 Minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting of December 19, 2017

Resolution: Approve the minutes from the City Council meeting of December 19, 2017.

3.2 Approval of Wells Fargo Warrant for the Period Ending 10/31/2017 FY 2018 Warrant # WF 10/2017 in the amount of $171,717.11

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 10/31/2017 totaling $171,717.11. (Exhibit A – 01-09-2018)

3.3 Approval of Wells Fargo Warrant for the Period Ending 11/30/2017 FY 2018 Warrant # WF 11/2017 in the amount of $138,147.37

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 11/30/2017 totaling $138,147.37. (Exhibit B – 01-09-2018)

3.4 Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 12/18/2017 FY 2018 Warrant 1319 in the Amount of $2,011,979.48

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 12/18/2017 totaling $2,011,979.48. (Exhibit C – 01-09-2018)

3.5 Ordinance Amending Non-Bargaining Unit Employee Rules and Regulations as it Relates to Bereavement Leave, Tuition Reimbursement, and Employee Incentive Award

Resolution: Approve an Ordinance Amending Non-Bargaining Unit Employee Rules and Regulations as it Relates to Bereavement Leave, Tuition Reimbursement, and Employee Incentive Award. (Exhibit D – 01-09-2018; Ordinance 2018-01)

It was noted by City Manager Gary Williams that the ordinance was adjusted to exclude Firefighter Compensation Time. An updated ordinance was drafted and submitted to the Council at the table.

Action (Consent): 3.6 Approval of Consent Agenda Items

Resolution: Approval of all Consent Agenda Items which were not pulled for separate consideration

Motion by Jeff Doherty, second by Adam Loos.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jessica Bradshaw, Jeff Doherty, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, John M Henry

4. General Business of the City Council

4.1 An Ordinance Amending Title One of the Carbondale Revised Code as it Relates to the Starting Time of City Council Meetings

MOTION TO AMEND: Amend the ordinance to reflect an effective start date of Tuesday, February 27, 2018.

Motion by Jessica Bradshaw, second by Adam Loos

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jessica Bradshaw, Jeff Doherty, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, John M Henry

It was noted that there are other items in Title 1-2B that should be addressed before passing this ordinance. It was suggested that this be tabled until those items can be reviewed and addressed.

MOTION: Adopt an Ordinance amending Title One of the Carbondale Revised Code as it relates to the starting time of City Council meetings as Amended.

Motion by Navreet Kang, second by Tom Grant

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, John M Henry

Nay: Jessica Bradshaw, Adam Loos

(Exhibit E – 01-09-2018; Ordinance 2018-02)

Councilman Grant hopes that moving the City Council meeting time up to 6:00 p.m. will encourage more of the public to attend City Council meetings.

Mayor Henry stated that the aforementioned items and suggestions regarding Title 1-2B be given to City Staff for drafting and brought before the Council at a future meeting.

5. Executive Session


6. Adjournment of the City Council Meeting

6.1 Adjourn meeting

There being no further business to come before the public body, the meeting was declared adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
