
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Anne West Lindsey Library District Board met Jan. 23

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Anne West Lindsey District Library | Anne West Lindsey District Library

Anne West Lindsey District Library | Anne West Lindsey District Library

Anne West Lindsey Library District Board met Jan. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The monthly meeting of the Anne West Lindsey District Library of January 23, 2024 was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Heather Abell Castleberry and a quorum was established. In attendance were Bill Slider, Sheri Hunter, Jim Koonce, Paula Buritsch, and Nancy Schmidt. Elaine Miskell was not present. Library director, Mary Stoner; financial secretary, Jennifer Sigler; and Ben Craft attended as well.

A motion to accept the agenda was made by Nancy Schmidt and seconded by Bill Slider. The motion carried.

Minutes from the November 28, 2023 meeting were read and approved with a motion from Bill Slider which was seconded by Jim Koonce. The motion carried.

Under Public Comments, Ben Craft of Banterra Bank discussed Certificate of Deposit options and information on Money Market accounts for the board to consider since the previous Certificate of Deposit matured in December 2023.

Under Communications, Mary Stoner discussed the purchase and installation of security cameras for the library and parking lots. The second installment of taxes was deposited and a grant totaling $2,000 was received from Ameren.

The Financial Secretary’s Report was presented by financial secretary Jennifer Sigler. She reported on the library’s assets, profit and loss, and operating budget vs. actual, July through November 2023; deposit detail and check detail for the month of November 2023. A motion was made by Bill Slider and seconded by Sheri Hunter to accept this financial report per audit. The motion carried.

Jennifer Sigler also reported on the library’s assets, profit and loss, and operating budget vs. actual July through December 2023; deposit detail and check detail for the month of December 2023. Bill Slider made a motion to accept this financial report per audit and was seconded by Jim Koonce. The motion carried.

In the Library Director’s Report, Mary Stoner reported the following:

(1) The Friends of the Library met December 18th. They received over $1,000 due to their collaboration with the Southern Illinois Community Foundation (SICF).

(2) Continued working on accessing information about the library receiving Personal Property Replacement Tax from the City of Carterville.

(3) Mary Stoner and Children’s Librarian, Nicole Young, will attend the Southern Illinois Boat and Fishing Show on February 4th.

(4) Tri-C Elementary has asked Mary Stoner to be a mentor to a First Grader. She will spend 40 minutes every two weeks at the school.

(5) A spread sheet was created to track hours of staffs that are affected by the Paid Leave for All Workers Act.

(6) During the month of December 2023, library staff processed 192 items and 13 new library cards were issued.

(7) Friends of the AWL Library Spring Book Sale will be April 13, 2024. (8) Program total for the month of December 2023 was 261 patrons.

(9) The Per Capita Grant was submitted on January 8, 2024.

(10) Mary Stoner met with the Finance Committee in December and the Strategic Planning Committee in January.

(11) A new Adult Services Librarian, Emily Bell, has been hired. Her first day is January 29, 2024.

(12) Mary Stoner worked on grant (NEA Big Read) with Stinson and Sallie Logan Libraries and Artspace 304 out of Carbondale.

(13) Interim Teen Librarian, Trinity Roland, delivered 27 items to Gum Drops as part of the Food for Fines program.

(14) Mary Stoner signed up for Sexual Harassment Prevention Training.

(15) The Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner is being held on February 9, 2024.

(16) During the month of January, library staff processed 109 items and 13 new library cards were issued. The total number of Anne West Lindsey District Library cardholders is 6,401.

(17) Program total for the month of January 2024 was 333 patrons.

Along with her customary Director’s report, Mary Stoner presented reports from the other librarians. The Director’s and Librarian’s reports were accepted with a motion from Bill Slider and seconded by Paula Buritsch. The motion carried.

Financial Secretary, Jennifer Sigler, requested $75,000 be moved from the tax account at First Mid Bank to the payroll account at Bank of Herrin. Bill Slider made a motion to move $75,000 from the tax account at First Mid Bank to the payroll account at Bank of Herrin. Nancy Schmidt seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Jennifer Sigler also requested $75,000 be moved from the tax account at First Mid Bank to the operating account at First Southern Bank. Jim Koonce made a motion to move $75,000 from the tax account at First Mid Bank to the operating account at First Southern Bank. Sheri Hunter seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Under Committee Reports, The Strategic Planning Committee met to evaluate Year Two, 2023. The goal was to focus on safety, improving the library website, and enhancing resources and services. The Strategic Planning Committee asks for the Board to accept and approve the Year Two evaluation of the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. Bill Slider made a motion to approve the Year Two evaluation of the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. Sheri Hunter seconded and the motion carried.

Under Unfinished Business, the board continued discussions on accessing information from the library’s attorney regarding receiving Personal Property Replacement Tax from the City of Carterville.

In Other Business, a discussion ensued on the monies in the memorial account and the Certificate of Deposit which became due in December 2023. Jim Koonce made a motion to deposit the balance in the memorial account into a Money Market account at First Southern Bank, $100,000 into a 7 month Certificate of Deposit at Banterra Bank, and the remaining money from the Certificate of Deposit, December 2023, into a Money Market account at Banterra Bank. Nancy Schmidt seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Under New Business, the Certificate of Status Non-Homestead Exemption Renewal Form must be completed, signed by Board President, Heather Abell Castleberry, and returned to the County Assessor/Supervisor of Assessments prior to January 31, 2024.

Under the agenda item, Semi-Annual Closed Session Minutes Review, Bill Slider made a motion to approve the closed session. Sheri Hunter seconded the motion. Bill Slider made a motion to go back to open session. Jim Koonce seconded the motion. Jim Koonce made a motion to make the minutes from the closed session open to the public. Bill Slider seconded the motion. All motions carried.

Trustee training was discussed in which all businesses are required to receive annual sexual harassment prevention training. All library staff will need to complete the mandatory online training as required under the Illinois Human Rights Act.

The next Anne West Lindsey District Library Board Meeting will be held on February 27, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

A motion to adjourn was made by Sheri Hunter and seconded by Paula Buritsch at 7:50 p.m.
