
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Carbondale City Council met Jan. 9

Webp 15

Jeff Doherty, Councilmember | City of Carbondale Website

Jeff Doherty, Councilmember | City of Carbondale Website

City of Carbondale City Council met Jan. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Local Liquor Control Commission and Regular City Council Meeting January 9, 2024

Councilmembers present

Councilmember Jeff Doherty, Councilmember LaCaje Hill, Councilmember Clare Killman, Councilmember Adam Loos, Councilmember Nancy Maxwell, Councilmember Ginger Rye Sanders, and Mayor Carolin Harvey

Meeting called to order at 6:06 PM

5. Preliminaries to the City Council Meeting

Procedural: 5.1 Roll Call

Procedural: 5.2 Citizens' Comments and Questions

Citizens addressing the City Council included Laurel Toussaint, James Cooper, Jr., Jane Cogie, and Dan Joutros.

Procedural: 5.3 Council Comments, General Announcements, and Proclamations

Councilmember Loos suggested hiring a director for the newly formed Parks Department. Councilmembers Maxwell, Killman, and Rye-Sanders concurred with Councilmember Loos.

Councilmember Maxwell announced that the fourth annual MLK train would be on Saturday beginning in Harrisburg, with stops in Marion and Carbondale, and ending in Murphysboro. She responded to Councilmember Rye Sanders' comments regarding the availability of showers for individuals without homes.

Councilmember Killman encouraged preservation of and adopting practices to coexist with natural resources.

Councilmember Rye Sanders encouraged street and sidewalk improvements to address flooding on Jackson Street; establishing bath and shower locations for homeless individuals; and announced a Community Town Hall meeting on January 20 beginning at 2:00 p.m. at the Eurma C. Hayes Center.

Mayor Harvey announced the first session of Meet the Mayor at the Neighborhood Co-op and the annual Martin Luther King Community Celebration at the Carbondale Civic Center.

6. Public Hearings and Special Reports

Discussion, Information: 6.1 Presentation to the City Council on Shotspotter Respond Gunshot Detection, Location, and Forensic Analysis Service

Note from City Clerk: the presentation and discussion for this item was lengthy. Below is a brief summary of the key points raised by the City Council and public. The full audio and video is available through the City’s website. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office for assistance.

Representatives from SoundThinking, formerly ShotSpotter, Jeff Jaeckle, Kevin Johnson, and Trish Layne presented information and presentation on the use of gunshot detection technology and responded to questions from the City Council and the public.

Councilmembers shared their individual opinions with regard to support for or concern about this technology. Further, there were a host of questions regarding technical aspects of the types of data collected and the retention period, the impact of such surveillance on the community members, the results and effectiveness of this technology both as experienced in the communities who have or do utilize it, as well as that included in the MacArthur Justice study, concerns about the impact on civil liberties, questions about how the technology may be used, the cost, and inquiries about their customers.

Jacob Bowers inquired if this is a machine-learning model and if this focused specifically on learning gun fire shots or locations.

Connor Sullivan noted his concern about the reported effectiveness of the technology and that which is being reported by the company versus third parties.

Discussion, Information: 6.2 Introduction and Presentation by Dianah McGreehan - Director of Violence Prevention Programs

A break was observed between 7:20 and 7:25 p.m.

Director Dianah McGreehan introduced herself, shared her background, and outlined the goals of the violence prevention program.

Dan Joutros greeted Dianah and noted the juxtaposition of the prior report to the current one.

Councilmember Maxwell noted her feelings about those Carbondale community members doing some of the work identified in the presentation not receiving recognition.

7. Consent Agenda of the City Council

Action (Consent): 7.1 City Council Meeting Minutes from December 12, 2023 Resolution: Approve the minutes from the Special and Regular City Council meetings on December 12, 2023

Action (Consent): 7.2 Acceptance of Approved Meeting Minutes from Boards, Commissions, and Committees

Resolution: Accept the approved meeting minutes from Boards, Commissions, and Committees and place them on file.

Action (Consent): 7.3 Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 12/08/2023 for the FY 2024 Warrant 1474 in the Total Amount of $2,364,399.01

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 12/08/2023 totaling $2,364,399.01 (Exhibit A-01-09-2024)

Action (Consent): 7.4 Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 12/22/2023 for the FY 2024 Warrant 1475 in the Total Amount of $1,719,936.33

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 12/22/2023 totaling $1,719,936.33 (Exhibit B-01-09-2024)

Action (Consent): 7.5 Approval of Wells Fargo Warrant for the Period Ending 10/31/2023 FY 2024 Warrant # WF 10/2023 in the amount of $125,431.53

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 10/31/2023 totaling $125,431.53 (Exhibit C-01-09-2024)

Action (Consent): 7.6 Approval of Wells Fargo Warrant for the Period Ending 11/30/2023 FY 2024 Warrant # WF 11/2023 in the amount of $176,285.91

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 11/30/2023 totaling $176,285.91 (Exhibit D-01-09-2024)

Action (Consent): 7.7 Ordinance Approving a Budget Adjustment to Increase the Fire Department's FY2024 Budget in the Amount of $10,685

Resolution: Approve a Budget Adjustment to Increase the Fire Department's FY2024 Budget in the Amount of $10,685 (Ordinance 2024-01; Exhibit E-01-09-2024)

Action (Consent): 7.8 Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Code Compliance Tax Increment Financing Agreement with Ho Chung Kim for a Redevelopment Project at 217 South Illinois Avenue

Resolution: Approve a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Code Compliance Tax Increment Financing Agreement with Ho Chung Kim for a Redevelopment Project at 217 South Illinois Avenue (Resolution 2024-R-01; Exhibit F-01-09-2024)

Action (Consent): 7.9 Ordinance Authorizing a Budget Adjustment to the FY 2024 Water and Sewer Fund Budget in the Amount of $54,869 for Installation of Pump Motors and Pump Repairs

Resolution: Approve an Ordinance Authorizing a Budget Adjustment to the FY 2024 Water and Sewer Fund Budget in the Amount of $54,869 for Installation of Pump Motors and Pump Repairs (Ordinance 2024-02; Exhibit G-01-09-2024)

Action (Consent): 7.10 Approve the Removal of Asphalt Overlays to Monroe Street to Restore a Brick Street

Resolution: Approve the removal of asphalt on Monroe Street to restore the original brick street.

Action (Consent): 7.11 Adopt City Council Vision 2030

Resolution: Adopt Vision 2030.

Action (Consent): 7.12 Approval of Consent Agenda Items

Resolution: Approve all Consent Agenda items not pulled for separate consideration MOTION: Approve all Consent Agenda items not pulled for separate consideration

Motion by Ginger Rye Sanders, second by Clare Killman.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders, Carolin Harvey

8. General Business of the City Council

Action: 8.1 City Council Discussion and Approval of a Process to Administer Community Agency Funding Requests for the FY2025 Fiscal Year Budget

Councilmembers shared their individual viewpoints and discussed whether to open the funding up to new agencies and organizations, whether the City’s grant should make up a smaller or larger portion of the agencies’ budgets, noted past approaches that they either favored or took issue with, and how failures to complete the terms of the grant should be addressed, both during the fiscal year and the following application period.

Councilmembers inquired about past practices, how the funding could be approached differently, asked whether site visits are conducted and encouraged doing so, whether it was a good idea to increase and establish a cap on funding or establish a not to exceed threshold on funding. Further, Councilmembers expressed a desire to make sure that organizations ensure that their NFP statuses were up to date, that all other paperwork was accurate and completed timely, looking at how to eliminate duplicated services or seeing those organizations that do duplicate services to find means of collaborating.

Don Monty shared his thoughts about performance metrics and contract enforcement, quarterly reports, approaches to eliminating duplicated services, concerns about a funding cap, and requiring specifics about where additional funding was sought.

Lee Fronabarger read a statement about considering different approaches to funding and emphasized a need to return to the training and goals established by SIU Public Administration.

Connor Sullivan encouraged site visits, noting how they are meaningful.

Dan Joutros inquired about the upcoming funding cycle, encouraged city partnership with funding resources and completion of grant terms. Further, he noted disagreement with budgetary caps and asked if the Council read the applications and reports thoroughly.

Action: 8.2 A Resolution Approving and a Resolution Denying the Carbondale Park District's Request for a Special Use Permit for a Recreation Building at 925 S Giant City Road

MOTION: Adopt a Resolution Approving the Carbondale Park District's Request for a Special Use Permit for a Recreation Building at 925 S Giant City Road

Motion by Clare Killman, second by Jeff Doherty.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders, Carolin Harvey (Resolution 2024-R-02; Exhibit H-01-09-2024)

Action: 8.3 An Ordinance Approving and a Resolution Denying the Rezoning of Property Belonging to School District #95 at South Giant City Road and East Lakeland Lane, from R-1-15, Low-Density Residential, to AG, General Agriculture

MOTION: Adopt an Ordinance rezoning Property Belonging to School District #95 at East Lakeland Lane, from R-1-15, Low-Density Residential, to AG, General Agriculture.

Motion by Adam Loos, second by Ginger Rye Sanders.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders, Carolin Harvey (Ordinance 2024-03; Exhibit I-01-09-2024)

Action: 8.4 A Resolution Approving and a Resolution Denying the Carbondale School District 95's Request for a Special Use Permit for a Government Office for Property at South Giant City Road and East Lakeland Lane

MOTION: Adopt a Resolution approving the Carbondale School District 95's Request for a Special Use Permit for a Government Office for Property at South Giant City Road and East Lakeland Lane

Motion by LaCaje Hill, second by Nancy Maxwell.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders, Carolin Harvey (Resolution 2024-R-03; Exhibit J-01-09-2024)

9. Adjournment of the City Council Meeting

Procedural: 9.1 Adjourn meeting

There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
