
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met July 11

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00p.m. by President Tina Shingleton.

ROLL CALL: Clerk called the roll of the Village Board: Trustees Hilliard, Allen, Dalton, Pitcher, Ross, and Wolff, were present.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: President asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the minutes It was seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

CITIZEN’S HEARING: Michelle and Victor Cardenaz, to observe. Russ Kramer, inquire about progress on fixing Baptist Hill Road. President Shingleton replied that there would be an update later in the meeting.

PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS: President received a phone call 7/9 from Tamiko Mueller, Jackson County Board Vice Chair, regarding Pickup Jackson County from 7/10-8/10/2023. A kickoff meeting was held Monday, July 10 at the Jackson County Health Department. President advised Mrs. Mueller that she feels the Village of Makanda does a great job with keeping the Village cleaned up. Residents take pride in their town. President will be interviewed by Mrs. Mueller at her request.

President received an invitation from First Southern Bank to attend a Fraud Prevention Breakfast on Tuesday, July 25 at 7:30 a.m. at Kokopelli Golf Club in Marion. She plans to attend.

President advised that she had spoken with IDOT about to see if Makanda Road is on their schedule to be resurfaced. She was told they have tentatively scheduled for the Fall (July) of 2025 or Spring (June) of 2026


TRUSTEES: Trustee Wolff reported that he and Trustee Allen had met with IDOT engineer Patrick Naas, to inspect Baptist Hill Road, and discuss a possible solution to resurfacing that road. The engineer reported that most of Baptist Hill Road was still in good shape. The problem area is below Baggett Lane and is possibly due to poor drainage or a water pipe leak at that location. Mr. Naas recommended putting 6 inches of asphalt and dome it over the section that has sunken down. Trustee Wolff reported that the sunken area of the road is less than 500 feet. Materials could cost between $110 and $170 per ton. Trustee Wolff recommend putting 6 inches of asphalt on the sunken area and 4 inches of asphalt the rest of way down Baptist Hill Road, approximately 600 feet total. Trustee Wolff suggested that he contact Penninger to see what they would bid for the project. Any bid over $25,000 would have to be put out for other companies to bid on. Trustee Allen made a motion for Trustee Wolff to move forward to work with Mr. Naas to determine exactly what materials are needed in order to write up a bid and put an official engineering stamp on it. It was seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Trustee Ross suggested including striping Baptist Hill in the bid. Repair to McGuire Road was also discussed. Once Baptist Hill has been taken care of Board will address and come up with a plan. Trustee Allen reported that the lean-to is up at the Equipment Building. The ridge line on the building had a dip in it, in two different places and has been repaired. Trustee Ross inquired if it would be possible to add information regarding seating capacity at the Community Center, and other relevant rental information, to the Village web site, President Shingleton will see what can be done.


A. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report to the Board. B. Bills Payable: Treasurer presented the Bills Payable.

President asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.


A. Finance Committee:

B. Ordinance Committee:

C. Street & Road Committee: Dan contacted the Union County Highway Engineer to see if there were any cinders available as in the past. He was able to secure cinders for the winter. President will send a thank you note to Union County thanking them for providing us with the cinders. Trustee Ross advised the Board that the brush needs to be trimmed back where Crackers Neck meets Baptist Hill Road, it is difficult to see if anyone is coming up the hill when you turn right,

D. Subdivision Committee:

E. Insurance Committee:

F. Playground Committee: President Shingleton will schedule a date for the next inspection.


A. Emergency Disaster Committee:

B. Special Events Committee:



UNFINISHED/OLD BUSINESS: New railing at B.C. Ross Community Center was installed earlier today.

President is still working with Village legal counsel and real estate agent regarding purchase of property from Bud Barnett. President has signed off on the real estate contract and realtor needs to meet with Mr. Barnett to complete paperwork. Once

completed, Village legal counsel will draw up paperwork for Village to approve Resolution or Ordinance. Hopefully this can be done at the August meeting.

On 6/22/2023, Village President, Trustee Allen, Dan Walker, Village Clerk, and owner of Renaissance House (old Methodist Church), Tom Kraper, met with Jackson County Engineer to look at bank on Baptist Hill regarding request to extend culvert at Kevin Hagler’s driveway. Bank would be cut down at ditch along Baptist Hill Road on the East side of Renaissance House to ground floor level of building to put in an easier entrance to the building. After looking at the site, the

Jackson County Engineer advised that Mr. Kraper should consult with a Geo Engineer regarding what his plans are so structural support of the bank can be checked. Reshaping of the area will depend on whether installation of culvert is feasible. These findings should be presented to the Village Board before any permit approval of work is issued. Mr. Kraper will need to contact the Board if he wishes to proceed. It was recommended, should request be approved, that property owner sign something stating they would be responsible for any damage to Baptist Hill.

Sidewalk coming off Baptist Hill being used as an entrance to Renaissance House parking lot is falling through and needs to be repaired. Dan has placed cones in the area to alert people to be cautious. Village will need to come up with a plan to make sure there is enough support.

Eclipse Committee met on June 16 to touch base regarding the April 8, 2024, Eclipse. Next meeting will be on September 7.



ADJOURNMENT: President asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was made by Trustee Wolff and seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
