
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Carbondale City Council met July 25

City of Carbondale City Council met July 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Preliminaries to the City Council Meeting

1.1 Roll Call

1.2 Citizens' Comments and Questions

1.3 Council Comments, General Announcements, and Proclamations

2. Public Hearings and Special Reports

3. Consent Agenda of the City Council

3.1 Minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting of July 11, 2023

3.2 Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 0/07/2023 for the FY 2024 Warrant 1463 in the Total Amount of $1,443,961.83

3.3 Approval of Wells Fargo Warrant for the Period Ending 05/31/2023 FY 2024 Warrant # WF 05/2023 in the amount of $154,850.19

3.4 Approve an Agreement with Carbondale Elementary School District #95 to Provide a School Resource Officer

3.5 Approve the Placement of a Sign at Turley Park Naming the Kiwanis Playground

3.6 Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Tax Increment Financing Agreement with Grayson Investments, LLC for a Redevelopment Project at 506, 507, 511, and 512 North Davis Street

3.7 Award of Contract for the Rehabilitation of Three Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations to WJ Burke Electric Co., Inc. of Murphysboro, Illinois in the Amount of $98,500

3.8 Approve the Purchase of CivicGov Community Development Software in the Amount of $29,753; and, Approve an Ordinance Authorizing a Budget Adjustment to Increase the FY 2024 Budgeted Expenditures for the Use of American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) Funds

3.9 Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract for the Purchase of Land from Lawrence Millard for Property on Sports Blast Road and to Authorize the Mayor to Accept a Quit Claim Deed for Conveyance of Said Land, and an Ordinance Authorizing a Budget Adjustment to Increase FY 2024 Parks and Recreation Budget to Purchase Said Land

3.10 Conditionally Award the Purchase of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Funded Street Maintenance Materials, Pending Concurrence by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to: Illini Asphalt, Benton, IL, for Section 24-00000-02-GM Group A in the amount of $55,958.33; Section 24-00000-01-GM Groups A,C,E and G to Beelman Logistic LLC of East St Louis, IL, in the amount of $29,828 and Group F to Illini Asphalt of Benton, IL, in the amount of $16,445; and, Approve the Purchase of Non-MFT Maintenance Materials to be Awarded to Beelman Logistics LLC, East St Louis, IL, for Groups B and D in the amount of $33,120

3.11 Approval of Consent Agenda Items

4. General Business of the City Council

4.1 Ordinance Amending Title 17, Chapter 14 of the Carbondale Revised Code as it Relates to City Parks

4.2 Discussion on Rental Licensing

5. Executive Session

5.1 Enter Into Executive Session to Discuss the Purchase or Lease of Real Estate and the Setting a Price for Sale or Lease of Property Owned by the Public Body

5.2 Return to Open Session

6. Adjournment of the City Council Meeting

6.1 Adjourn meeting
