
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Carbondale Local Liquor Control Commission and City Council met April 11

City of Carbondale Local Liquor Control Commission and City Council met April 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission and the council:

Commissioners present

Commissioner Lee Fronabarger, Commissioner Tom Grant, Commissioner Adam Loos, Commissioner Ginger Rye Sanders, and Chairperson Pro Tempore Carolin Harvey

Commissioners absent

Commissioner Jeff Doherty and Mayor John M. Henry

Meeting called to order at 6:08 PM

5. Preliminaries to the City Council Meeting

Procedural: 5.1 Roll Call

Procedural: 5.2 Citizens' Comments and Questions

Citizens addressing the City Council during Citizens' Comments included Sandy Litecky, James Cooper, Jr., Chastity Mays, and Elius Reed.

Procedural: 5.3 Council Comments, General Announcements, and Proclamations Councilmember Rye-Sanders asked Mr. Reed to clarify his comments from the prior agenda item as it related to Narcan and fentanyl. Councilmember Rye-Sanders congratulated Mayor Elect Harvey and Councilmembers-Elect Clare Killman and Nancy Maxwell and congratulated Councilmember Loos on his reelection.

Councilmember Fronabarger thanked Laura Chamness and the Civic Center Staff for preparing Room 103 for Bob Odenkirk's acceptance of the key of the City; further, he commented on the activities of Bob Odenkirk during his visit and the reception he received at the Banterra Center.

Procedural: 5.4 City of Carbondale Earth Day Proclamation

Mayor Pro Tempore Harvey proclaimed April 22 as Earth Day in the City of Carbondale and encouraged residents to commemorate Earth Day 2023 by attending community events and acting both individually and collaboratively to promote a more sustainable and resilient future for Carbondale.

Procedural: 5.5 Proclamation for Autism Acceptance Month

Mayor Pro Tempore Harvey proclaimed the month of April 2023 as Autism Acceptance month and encouraged citizens to raise awareness and encourage acceptance during Autism Acceptance Month. Stephanie Brown of Autism Society of Southern Illinois accepted the proclamation.

6. Public Hearings and Special Reports

Public Hearing: 6.1 Public Hearing on the Proposed FY 2024 City Budget The Public Hearing was declared open at 6:30 p.m.

Victor Ludwig stated he was glad to funding for infrastructure improvements. He noted his concern about the spending and personnel for the Police Department, indicating there was a need for more Human Services, not more officers, and that it was time to look at a different policing model. While he appreciates that there are some reductions in police spending, further reductions would be better.

Elius Reed’s question about the Saluki Way sales tax was deferred until Agenda Item 8.1.

Garrett Longsworth concurred with Victor Ludwig's remarks, itemized the programming funding supported versus not supported, and noted that additional policing would not address the gun violence.

Elizabeth Hamilton agreed with the prior speakers, and emphasized that additional funds allocated towards social services can help address violence and crime.

Sid Barnes concurred with prior speakers, as it relates to police spending and support for social services, noting the burnout experienced by social workers, particularly following the challenges during the COVID pandemic.

The Public Hearing was declared closed at 6:39 p.m.

7. Consent Agenda of the City Council

Action (Consent): 7.1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes from March 28, 2023 Resolution: Approve the minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting of March 28, 2023

Action (Consent): 7.2 Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 03/31/2023 for the FY 2023 Warrant 1456 in the Total Amount of $951,689.59

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 03/31/2023 totaling $951,689.59 (Exhibit A-04-11-2023)

Action (Consent): 7.3 Acceptance of Approved Meeting Minutes from Boards, Commissions, and Committees

Resolution: Accept the approved meeting minutes from Boards, Commissions, and Committees and place them on file.

Action (Consent): 7.4 Appointments to Boards and Commissions

Resolution: Concur with Mayor Pro Tempore Harvey's recommended appointments to Boards and Commissions

Action (Consent): 7.5 Resolution Dedicating $25,000 in State Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Funds to Cover the City's Portion of Preliminary Engineering Costs for CIP ST1502 - Pleasant Hill Road Construction (McLafferty Road to Union Hill Road)

Resolution: Approve a Resolution Dedicating $25,000 in State Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Funds to Cover the City's Portion of preliminary engineering costs for CIP ST1502 - Pleasant Hill Road construction from McLafferty Road to Union Hill Road (Resolution 2023-R-29; Exhibit B-04- 11-2023)

Action (Consent): 7.6 Award of Contract for CIP Project ST2303 -Pleasant Hill Road From US 51 to Wall St to E.T. Simonds Construction Company of Carbondale, Illinois in the Amount of $425,168.79

Resolution: Award of Contract for CIP Project ST2303 -Pleasant Hill Road From US 51 to Wall St to E.T. Simonds Construction Company of Carbondale, Illinois in the Amount of $425,168.79

Action (Consent): 7.7 Award of Contract for CIP Project ST2302 - Tower Road Rehabilitation Old Murphysboro Rd to Chautauqua to E.T. Simonds Construction Company of Carbondale, Illinois in the Amount of $509,088.88

Resolution: Award of Contract for CIP Project ST2302 - Tower Road Rehabilitation Old Murphysboro Rd to Chautauqua to E.T. Simonds Construction Company of Carbondale, Illinois in the Amount of $509,088.88

Action (Consent): 7.8 Ordinance Authorizing a Budget Adjustment to the FY 2023 Budget in the Amount of $74,949.45, Approve the Purchase of Two John Deere 4045 Pump Motors in the Amount of $74,949.45 from C and C Pumps & Supply, Inc. of Marion, IL, and Adopt a Resolution Declaring Two Case 4391T Motors as Surplus

Resolution: Approve an Ordinance Authorizing a Budget Adjustment to the FY 2023 Budget in the Amount of $74,949.45, Approve the Purchase of Two John Deere 4045 Pump Motors in the Amount of $74,949.45 from C and C Pumps & Supply, Inc. of Marion, IL, and Adopt a Resolution Declaring Two Case 4391T Motors as Surplus (Ordinance 2023-11; Resolution 2023-R-30; Exhibits C- and D-04-11-2023)

Action (Consent): 7.9 Resolution Approving the Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan 23-01 (PUD 23-01) of the Jackson County Housing Authority's Parking & Site Circulation Improvements at 1425 Old West Main Street

Resolution: Adopt a Resolution Approving the Final PUD Site Plan for the Jackson County Housing Authority's Parking & Site Circulation Improvements at 1425 Old West Main Street (Resolution 2023-R-31; Exhibit E-04-11-2023)

Action (Consent): 7.10 Approval of Consent Agenda Items

Resolution: Approve all Consent Agenda items not pulled for separate consideration

Agenda Item 7.6 – There was a question about the approval process for the agenda item and comments on ensuring parity for road improvements throughout the city.

MOTION: Approve all Consent Agenda items not pulled for separate consideration

Motion by Lee Fronabarger, second by Tom Grant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, Adam Loos, Ginger Rye Sanders, Carolin Harvey

8. General Business of the City Council

Discussion: 8.1 Review and Discussion of the Proposed FY 2024 Budget and Five Year Community Investment Program

Note from Clerk: A number of individuals who had comments relating to the budget, particularly about community agency funding, spoke following the discussion for Agenda Item 8.2 Those speakers are identified under this Agenda Item. For full comments from each speaker, please review the audio/video file on the City’s website.

Council inquired about specific CIP improvements, noted concerns about funding levels and raises for Staff, commented on establishing new CIPs and inquired about the removal of old or outdated CIPs, remarked on the Community Agency Funding process which had been previously established and how it was historically approached, noting funding is never guaranteed, and made recommendations relating to the funding process and communication regarding meetings and requirements going forward.

There was discussion between the Council and those in attendance about problems with the Community Agency Funding process and communication between the City and organizations. Many of those in attendance spoke in support of their respective organizations, provided details about their funding requests and those services provide, and advocated for funding increases.

Elius Reed asked about the expected expiration of the Saluki Way tax, the primary sources of revenue, remarked that the Eurma C. Hayes Center has a hole in the roof, and asked about funding for Attucks Park.

Mary Caruthers spoke on behalf of the Good Samaritan.

Deborah Woods, Dan Joutros, and Leann Driscoll spoke on behalf of Carbondale Food Autonomy.

Margaret Nesbitt spoke on behalf of I Can Read of Southern Illinois.

Deborah Woods spoke on behalf of Women for Change.

Ayla Amadio spoke on behalf of Y'all Rock.

Stephanie Eichholz spoke on behalf of Green Earth.

Nancy Maxwell spoke on behalf of Carbondale United.

Georgia de la Garza spoke in support of food and water security.

Leah Maciall spoke on behalf of the Collaborative Kitchen.

Chastity Mays spoke on behalf of the Black Chamber of Commerce of Southern Illinois. Meghan Cole commented on the attendance of meetings and diligence.

Discussion: 8.2 TIF-Funded Downtown Commercial Property Code Compliance Program

Councilmembers noted their support for the program, inquired about the direction needed by staff, and whether there is a cap per applicant.

Sandy Litecky requested clarification about the eligibility of renters to qualify for the improvements.

Abe Traverso shared his personal experience with the challenges in bringing these properties are up to code. He spoke in favor of the program.

Pat York, who recently purchased the properties on the island, spoke in support of the program. Meghan Cole spoke in favor of the TIF program and the Economic Development Director.

Nancy Maxwell indicated that the program seems beneficial for established businesses, but noted that she did not see anything to address the needs for Black business owners.

Note from Clerk: A number of individuals spoke on matters relating to Agenda Item 8.1 at this time. Those speakers are identified under the correct Agenda Item.

9. Adjournment of the City Council Meeting

Procedural: 9.1 Adjourn meeting

There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was declared adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
