
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met March 23

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met March 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 was held on Thursday, March 23, 2023, at 6:00 PM at CES95 Lakeland Center, 925 South Giant City Road, Carbondale, IL 62902.

1. Roll Call:

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Ms. Catherine Field, President

Mr. John Major, Vice President

Ms. Angela Watters, Secretary

Mr. Corey Cawthon

Ms. Carlee Coplea

Ms. Markida Roper

Ms. Tarnisha Green

Administrators present:

Ms. Janice Pavelonis, Superintendent

Ms. Janiece Blake, Chief School Business Official

Ms. Michelle Martin, Director of Data Reports and Programs

Dr. La Tonya Mouzon, Director of Student Services


Roll Call:

Ms. Catherine Field, President

Mr. John Major, Vice President

Ms. Angela Watters

Mr. Corey Cawthon

Ms. Carlee Coplea

Ms. Markida Roper

Ms. Tarnisha Green

Cawthon moved, seconded by Coplea to enter Executive Session at 6:02 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation. No decisions were made, and no votes were taken.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green, Cawthon No votes: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Executive Session adjourned at 7:14 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Field, Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green, Cawthon

No: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

3. Public Comments - None PUBLIC COMMENTS

4. Approval of Agenda

Green moved, seconded by Roper, Recommend approving the Agenda.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Field, Major, Cawthon. Watters, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

5. Consent Agenda Items

Cawthon moved, seconded by Roper, Recommend approving Consent Agenda Items, 5.1 Minutes, 5.2-Financial Reports and 5.3-Communications

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Cawthon, Green. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

5.1 Minutes

5.11 Regular – February 23, 2023

5.12 Executive – February 23, 2023

5.2 Financial Reports

5.21 Approval of Bills

5.22 Treasurer’s Report

5.23 Revenue Report

5.24 Expenditure Report

5.25 Activity Fund Reports

5.3 Communications

5.31 FOIA - None

5.32 Donations – None

6. Committee Reports COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1 6.11 Communication Report

President’s Remarks – Catherine Field

Just want to give a quick shout-out to the teachers, staff, and volunteers who make our extra-curricular activities possible. I’m thinking specifically about the Black History Month presentation, the Willie Wonka musical, and STEM Night at Lewis School, all of which I was able to attend.

There are plenty more activities, including sports, and we appreciate the work and planning that goes into all of it.

6.2 Committee Reports

6.21 Behavioral Interventions Committee – No Report

6.22 Building and Transportation Committee – No Report

6.23 Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee – No Report

6.24 Policy Committee – No Report

6.25 Public Relations Committee - No Report

6.26 Fundraising Development Committee - No Report

6.3 Administrative Staff Reports

6.31 Director’s Report

• La Tonya Mouzon, Director of Student Services

• No Report

• Brooke Kensler, Director of Special Education

Special Education Department Updates

We have an upcoming parent IEP training on March 30th, that will be held at Thomas school. The purpose is to get parents knowledgeable about the IEP process, so they feel comfortable being active participants as part of the IEP team. They plan to have childcare with crafts, food and drink and will also

have the presentation in Spanish if needed.

We have also begun to hold our transition IEP meetings for our 8th graders. During these meetings high school staff join the meeting to develop their schedule and discuss any support the students will need at the high school. The 8th graders also join these meetings, so they have a voice in the meeting and get an introduction to some of the staff.

In our health services Amy Hicks, our district nurse has worked with Dr. Kimbrough at Terrier Care throughout the year. They have been a great partner in supporting our students with health concerns and with physicals and immunizations. With that relationship continuing to develop, Dr. Kimbrough and Ms. Hicks will be attending the upcoming parent teacher conferences at Parrish, Lewin and CMS. It will give our families an opportunity to learn more information about their services, begin to build that relationship with Dr. Kimbrough, and they will also be able to schedule appointments at that time for their child’s physical and immunization.

One of the challenges that our nurses have at the beginning of the year is health compliance. Students in K, 6th and going in high school are required to have physicals and immunizations. Hopefully with the early start it will help with our compliance numbers for next year and provide an additional resource for families.

• Michelle Martin, Director of Data Reporting and Programs

• No Report

6.32 Chief School Business Official – Janiece Blake

• No Report

6.33 Superintendent – Janice Pavelonis

• Powerpoint Presentation on The Center on School Turnaround that will be filed with the minutes.

6.4 Faculty Council - Dawn Seward

• No Report

7. Old Business

7.1 Watters moved, seconded by Cawthon, Second Reading of Press Policies 110 Under Review and Monitoring

2:150 Committees

2:250 Access to District Public Records

3:10 Goals and Objectives

4:55 Use of Credit and Procurement Cards

5:170 Copyright

5:190 Teacher Qualifications

5:260 Student Teachers

6:130 Program for the Gifted

6:270 Counseling

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Cawthon, Green. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

7.2 Watters moved, seconded by Major, Second Reading of Press Policies 110 Draft Updates

2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest

2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban

2:210 Organizational School Board Meeting

2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure

4:10 Fiscal and Business Management

4:140 Waiver of Student Fees

4:165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors

5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited

5:220 Substitute Teachers

5:250 Leaves of Absence

5:260 Student Teachers

5:280 Duties and Qualifications

5:320 Evaluation

5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves

6:15 School Accountability

6:20 School Year Calendar and Day

6:250 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers

6:255 Assemblies and Ceremonies

6:260 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs

6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program

6:50 School Wellness

6:60 Curriculum Content

6:65 Student Social and Emotional Development

7:100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations: Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students

7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

7:190 Student Behavior

7:250 Student Support Services

7:285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program

7:290 Suicide and Depression Awaremess and Prevention

7:340 Student Records

7:50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non- District Schools

7:70 Attendance and Truancy

5:120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Cawthon, Green. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8. New Business NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Action on Classified Personnel

8.11 Action on Resignations

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend accepting the resignation of Harold McGhee, Math Interventionist Aide at Lewis School effective March 10, 2023, Shamar Woodson, Student Supervisory Aide at Parrish School effective March 23, 2023 and Minnie Bandera, Cook’s Helper at Thomas School effective March 24, 2023.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Cawthon, Green. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.12 Employment of Paraprofessionals

Major moved, seconded by Cawthon, Recommend the employment of the following Paraprofessionals for the 2022-2023 school year pending a clear CBI.

Adriene Sherrill - Student Supervisory Aide at Carbondale Middle School retroactive effective March 10, 2023.

Sarah Richardson - Instructional Aide at Parrish School retroactive effective March 20, 2023.

Emma Staley - Instructional Aide at Parrish School

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Cawthon, Green. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.13 Employment of Classified Substitute

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the employment of Minnie Bandera as a substitute Cook’s Helper to be used on an as needed basis for the 2022-2023 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.2 Action on Certified Personnel

8.21 Action on Resignation

Cawthon moved, seconded by Roper, Recommend accepting the resignation of Lauren Adams, 4th Grade Teacher at Lewis School effective the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Cawthon. Watters, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.22 Employment of CES95 Faculty - None

8.23 Employment of Special Assignments

Cawthon moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the employment of the following special assignments for the 2022-2023 school year.

Carbondale Middle School

Caleb Cobb - Head Boys Track Coach

Adriene Sherrill - Assistant Boys Track Coach

Jazmyne James - Head Girls Track Coach

Tiffany Sherrill - Assistant Girls Track Coach

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Cawthon. Watters, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.24 Action on Administrator Contracts

Roper moved, seconded by Major, Recommend approving a contract for the following Building Administrators effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024:

Carla Ehlers, Principal

Robby Clark-Stokes, Principal

Marilynn Ross, Principal

Sheila James, Dean of Students/ECH Coordinator

Kimberly Barton, Assistant Principal

Marshall Hunt, Assistant Principal

Kari Kilquist, Assistant Principal

Michelle Martin, Director of Data Reporting and Programs

Brooke Kensler, Director of Special Education

La Tonya Mouzon, Director of Student Services

Melody Spaulding, Director of Technology

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea, Green. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.25 Action on Resolution Authorizing the Non-Renewal and/or Dismissal of Teachers at the conclusion of the 2022-2023 school year.

Roper moved, seconded by Major, Recommend approving the resolution authorizing the non-renewal and/or dismissal of full-time certified teachers listed in Exhibit 1 effective the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea, Green. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.26 Resolution Authorizing the Reduction in Force and Honorable Dismissal of Full-Time Certified Teachers

Major moved, seconded by Cawthon, Recommend approving the Resolution Authorizing the Reduction in Force and Honorable Dismissal of Full-Time Certified Teachers listed in Exhibit 1.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Watters, Roper, Green, Major

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.27 Action of Communications Teacher Postings

Green moved, seconded by Cawthon, Recommend approving the posting for (2) Communication Teacher positions at Carbondale Middle School as presented for the 2023-2024 school year.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Watters, Roper, Green, Major

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.28 Action on PE/Health Teacher Posting

Roper moved, seconded by Cawthon, Recommend approving the posting for a PE/Heath Teacher position at Carbondale Middle

School as presented for the 2023-2024 school year.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Watters, Roper, Green, Major

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.3 Action on Interagency Working Agreement between Archway, Inc., and Carbondale District #95

Major moved, seconded by Roper, Recommend approving the Interagency Working Agreement between Archway, Inc and Carbondale District #95. The purpose of this agreement is to provide appropriate services based on cooperation between the two agencies in detection and treatment of persons with mental, physical, social, economic, or other difficulties.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Watters, Roper, Green, Major No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.4 Action on Amendment to the District Calendar for the 2022-2023 school year

Cawthon moved, seconded by Roper, Recommend approving to amend the current district calendar due to snow days used on January 25, 2023, January 31, 2023, February 1, 2023, and February 2, 2023, for the current school year with May 30, 2023 as the last day for student attendance and May 31, 2023 as the last Teacher Institute Day for the 2022-2023 school year.

Voice Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Watters, Roper, Green, Major No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.5 Action to Establish the Date for Carbondale Middle School Promotion

Cawthon moved, seconded by Roper, Recommend setting the Carbondale Middle School Promotion date on May 20, 2023, at 10:00am at Carbondale Middle School.

Voice Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Watters, Roper, Green, Major No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.6 Action on School Calendar for 2023-2024

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the School

Calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.

Discussion: 1st Day of School for Students is August 11, 2023 and Teachers

1st day back is August 9, 2023.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Watters, Roper, Green, Major

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

8.7 Action on Resolution for Solar Arrays

Roper moved, seconded by Cawthon, Recommend the consideration of a resolution providing for the issue and sale of not to exceed $1,750,000 of debt certificates for the purpose of acquiring and installing solar arrays.

Discussion: Janiece Blake, CSBO explained how funding will be acquired and submitted for payment upfront to install the solar panels. The debt certificates will be paid by rebates and credit incentives not to exceed $1.75m in less than 2 years.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Watters, Roper, Green, Major

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.

9. Next Scheduled Meetings

9.1 Thursday, April 20, 2023

Regular Board Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

CES95 Lakeland Center

6:00 PM

6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (CLOSED) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

7:00 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

10. Public Comments - None PUBLIC COMMENTS 11 EXECUTIVE SESSION - None

12. Adjournment

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend Adjournment at 8:39 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Coplea, Green, Field. Watters, Roper, Cawthon No votes: None

Absent: Coplea

Motion carried.
