
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Murphysboro City Council met August 13

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City of Murphysboro City Council met Aug. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Murphysboro, Illinois, City Council met in regular session, pursuant to its ordinances, on the 13th day of August, 2019. Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and Father Gary Gummersheimer led the council in prayer. Following the invocation, Mayor Stephens led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Mayor Stephens then directed City Clerk Hunziker to call the roll. The roll was called with the following:

Present:William Pierson, Gary McComb, John Erbes, Dan Bratton, Mike Bastien, Gloria Campos, W.J. Pittman

Absent:Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman, Russell Brown

Chief Ellermeyer introduced newly hired Telecommunicator Brittanie Cason.

Presentation of Commendations by Fire Chief Steve McBride: In response to a structure fire, with the fire in the basement and one person inside, having to go down the basement stairs, breaching a wall and door to find the victim and carry him to safety, required bravery, stamina and excellent teamwork. Presented the following official commendations for exceptional performance: the Distinguished Service Award to Firefighter Jim Murphy and the Medal of Bravery to Firefighter Charlie Nance, Firefighter Lance Liggett and Firefighter Adam Tarrants. Chief McBride has also forwarded their actions to the Illinois State Police for consideration of the Distinguished Crew Award.

The council then reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting.

Motion: To approve the minutes of the July 23, 2019, council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Bratton

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Alderman Bratton inquired as to:

#793 page 2 Mini blinds? For Tim Lee’s window

#796 page 3 Rural King reimbursement? Civil defense fund

page 4 Promotional video? Recruitment video for the Fire Dept

page 7 Hatch Co? box on aeration digester

page 9 7th Street land negotiations? Salary for negotiator

page 18 Shawnee Trails? Fire Dept nylon webbing

page 18 Department photo - for 2018? Yes

page 3 Brown Electric – Burke Electric doesn’t do traffic? Mr. Lee stated he will check, it is very specialized

Alderman Erbes inquired as to:

#796 page 18 SI Criminal Justice? Police Dept dues

Alderman Pierson inquired as to:

#796 page 22 Wheetley, use someone local? Lowest bid.

Mayor Stephens inquired as to:

#796 page 3 Brown Electric – traffic accident or batteries? Leandra will check.

Page 7 Heros in Style? Dress out for new officer. Chief Ellermeyer stated all are comparable, average cost $3000+ to outfit a new officer.

Jim Stewart stated that in #796 page 21 the multi probe for the lift station will be reimbursed.

Motion: To approve the accounts payable, register #793 & #796 through August 13, 2019, accounts receivable through July 31, 2019, and payroll through July, 2019. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman Bratton

Second by Alderman Campos

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried


Alderman Pittman opened discussion for Budget & Finance related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment.

Alderman McComb opened discussion for Building & Grounds related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment.

Alderman Erbes opened discussion for Community Relations Committee related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Consideration of Request for Street closures for Apple Festival:

Motion: To approve the request for street closures for Apple Festival.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of Request for Street Closures for BBQ Cookoff: Alderman Bratton asked if they were the same as last year? Ambulance would not be able to get in. Alderman McComb stated that has been taken care of.

Motion: To approve the request for street closures for BBQ Cookoff.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Bratton

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Bastien opened discussion for Public Improvement related items.

Old business:

Discussion regarding the condition of various properties:

1.Old Depot: No update. Alderman Erbes stated he heard Mr. Schaldemose is working in St. Louis.

2.North 17th Street: Alderman Pierson stated he has seen Mr. Beckman working on it.

3.South 14th Street: No update. Alderman Bratton stated he has tried to reach Mr. Schaldemose.

4.North 19th Street: Alderman Pierson stated Mr. Cripps is cleaning it up.

5.208 North 9th Street: Per Ms. Bryant the correct address for this is 902 & 908 Locust. Mayor Stephens stated he has spoken to Mitch Murphy and he is going to spray the front of the building.

New business: Nothing at this time.

Public comment. Father Gummersheimer stated when he looks out his window he can see broken windows at the Laclede Building. Alderman Bastien stated that is private property and has been taken off the list. Mayor Stephens stated if there are broken windows, they need to boarded up. He will review it again.

Alderman Bratton opened discussion for Public Works related items.

Old business:

Discussion regarding Truck Usage on South 20th Street: Alderman McComb stated he spoke to the county garage who stated get tax dollars to maintain it, can put up a sign No Through traffic. If do safety checks at the soccer fields, would decrease the traffic, they would quit using that route. Mayor Stephens stated he also called the county today, the Real Property Committee is meeting tomorrow and he is planning to attend. Alderman McComb stated a different manhole was sinking, so Mr. Lee put in an insert to help. Alderman Bratton stated Alderman Pierson recommended the H plate. Asked that this be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

Consideration of Bids received for the Overlay Project on South 20th Street: Mr. Sheffer stated he had received a bid, has been re-negotiated to $173,745.94 due to the changes on Division Street.

Motion: To approve the original bid by E.T.Simonds for the overlay project on South 20th Street.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Bastien

Alderman Bratton called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Motion: To approve the change order request #1 for the bid by E.T.Simonds for the overlay project for South 20th Street.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Pierson

Alderman Bratton called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Motion: To approve the Resolution for the appropriation of $25,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Campos

Alderman Bratton called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Discussion regarding Permanent Generator at Ritter Street Lift Station: Alderman Bratton asked for Budget Officer Evans to speak on this. Mr. Evans stated he has spoken with Mr. Stewart, this would be unbudgeted. Could get the legwork done and have them bill in January. Mr. Stewart stated he does not know if we have the property to put it on. Need to look into that more, may be Mark Kennedy’s property. Alderman Bratton stated if the power goes out, it affects the residential living facility. Could be a liability issue for the city. Unbudgeted but if we have the money I say do it.

New business:

Consideration of Contract Change Order for the 20th Street Sewer Main Project: Mr. Sheffer stated had voted to replace the additional line section, this change order adds that cost, which is approximately $73,000.

Motion: To approve the Contract Change Order for the 20th Street Sewer Main Project.

Motion by Alderman Campos

Second by Alderman Bastien

Alderman Bratton called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of Payment Request #2 for the 20th Street Sewer Main Project: Alderman McComb asked how much damage did they do to Division Street, had asked Mr. Mills to figure the cost to repair. Mr. Sheffer stated we are holding back 5%, approximately $12,000. He will get with Mr. Mills, offer it to the contractor to fix or if they want the city to do it, will take the cost out of the amount held.

Motion: To approve the Payment Request #2 for the 20th Street Sewer Main Project.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Bastien

Alderman Bratton called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Discussion regarding Changes to the Waste Water Treatment Plant Access Road Improvements: Mayor Stephens asked Mr. Sheffer to explain about needing a larger culvert. Mr. Sheffer stated it is for drainage. The IEPA is the last hurdle, need clearance from them on the waterways. Hope by next month to have the clearance permit. The fee is 3% of the total cost. Then will be able to put it out for bid. Mr. Stewart stated that Burkey should be done with the tree clearing by tomorrow.

Public comment: Mr. Mills asked if will be doing any oil and chipping in the alleys? Mayor Stephens answered no. Alderman Campos stated on Roberta Drive there are a couple of big drains and the second one is completely clogged. Some people put their dog poop bags in there. Mr. Mill stated he will look at it tomorrow.

Mayor Stephens opened discussion for Public Safety related items.

Old business:

Consideration of Request for Street Light at the entrance to the JC Ambulance: Alderman Bratton stated there is no street light going in. Chief Ellermeyer stated he spoke to Kent Shafer and he is going to bring it up at their meeting tonight. Wants a light at the intersection, they will pay for it. Mayor Stephens stated it may be state right of way. Chief Ellermeyer stated the pole and light that was there were removed.

New business:

Discussion regarding the Gillenberg Property: Mayor Stephens stated he spoke to Joe summers, he is waiting on the insurance company. Chief McBride stated he also spoke to him, he is expecting to hear from them this week. He will let Chief McBride know as soon as he hears. Every time it rains it puts pressure on the roof. Alderman Pittman asked about putting up temporary orange fencing? Concerns were raised about the area during Apple Festival and the parade.

No public comment.

Mayor Stephens opened discussion for Personnel related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business: Nothing at this time.

Public comment. Ms. Ripley stated that she and Mr. Evans have started the renewal paperwork for the health insurance.


Discussion regarding Annexation Committee: Mayor Stephens stated he knows this is a difficult job to do, is there any activity in that area? Not at this time. Alderman Campos suggested looking at the map for potential areas and the city sending a letter to one section to see if there is any interest, like a survey, list the benefits of annexation. Mayor Stephens stated that is a good idea, to get some feedback. Mr. Sheffer asked if directed to update the costs of one area? Alderman Bratton asked about putting something in with the water bill? Mr. Sheffer stated there is usually a low response rate with a letter, do better with door-to-door. Alderman Pittman stated will usually get feedback from those who are opposed. Mayor Stephens stated he is not opposed to sending out a specific mailing, can tailor a message that way. Thinks Harrison, they are a part of the community, focus on that area. Alderman Bratton suggested the rest of Bob A Rosa. Mayor Stephens stated that has also been discussed. Alderman Pittman stated the feedback received has been negative. Alderman Bratton stated need to look at the costs.

Discussion regarding Communication from Ministerial Alliance: Everyone was given a copy of the letter for their review.


Barb Hughes Absent

Jance Curry-Witzman Absent

Russell Brown Absent

William Pierson Thanked Mr. Mills and his crew for some jobs well done.

Gary McComb

When it comes time to bid out maintenance, need to put it back out for bid. Voss is not returning calls. Would also like to see the cemetery contract go back out.

John Erbes

Death of the County Animal Control Officer. Chief Ellermeyer stated has hired an Auxiliary Officer, Officer Tincher is having surgery tomorrow.

Dan Bratton

Meeting with Mr. Ruble – going to allow us on his property to survey? Mr. Sheffer stated he will check with the surveyors, will get an update.

Mike Bastien

Update on the Mark Costa property? Ms. Bryant stated she has not heard anything. The motel? Mayor Stephens stated he has put a bid out for the roads in the subdivision, stated will be building by the end of the year.

Gloria Campos Nothing

W. J. Pittman Nothing

Gina Hunziker Thanked Ms. Mulholland for filling in for her.


Richard Blake 

The Annexation of Cliff Mills property, a portion of the City taxes and the Library taxes should have been abated and that was not done on his tax bill. Has spoken to Allison Mileur, with her he will make sure this doesn’t happen for future years. The easy fix will be for the city to reimburse to Mr. Mills the city’s portion of the taxes collected, which will be: for the city $91.36/lot for a total of $365.44 and for the library $21.99/lot for a total of $87.96, which combined total $453.40.

Sandra Ripley Nothing

Scott Evans Nothing

Harold Sheffer Nothing

Steve McBride Nothing

Jamie Ellermeyer Nothing

Eric Kennedy Absent

Tim Lee Nothing

Brian Manwaring Absent

Darrin Mills 

New truck is here, guys said to tell you thanks.

Jim Stewart Thanked Brian Manwaring for doing the updates, saved them a lot of money. Asked if can get the State Representative in on the road situation? Taking so long and it will be raining again and flooding could cause major problems. Mayor Stephens stated if he knows where to direct inquires to, he will do that. Mr. Sheffer stated he will call the EPA but they are understaffed. He will send a contact name to the Mayor.

Katharine Volle:

The Water Billing Clerk resigned, are currently taking applications to fill that position.

Leandra Bryant: Nothing

Motion: To go into executive session at 7:24 pm for Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) meetings on collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) meetings held to discuss litigation when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting and Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) meetings for the discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Act either for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as required by the Act.

Motion by Alderman Erbes

Second by Alderman Bratton

Yeas: Alderman Pierson, Alderman McComb, Alderman Erbes, Alderman Bratton, Alderman Bastien, Alderman Campos, Alderman Pittman

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Hughes, Alderman Curry-Witzman, Alderman Brown

Motion Carried

Motion: To come out of executive session at 7:51 p.m.

Motion by Alderman Second by Alderman

Yeas: Alderman Pierson, Alderman McComb, Alderman Erbes, Alderman Bratton, Alderman Bastien, Alderman Campos, Alderman Pittman

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Hughes, Alderman Curry-Witzman, Alderman Brown

Motion Carried

Motion: To release the Executive Session Minutes of 4/10/2018, 7/24/2018, 8/14/2018, 9/25/2018, 10/9/2018 and 2/12/2019.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Erbes

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Motion: To hold the Executive Session Minutes of 3/17/2014, 5/23/2017, 6/27/2017, 8/15/2017, 4/24/2018, 8/28/2018, 9/11/2018, 10/23/2018, 12/6/2018, 3/12/2019, 4/16/2019, 4/30/2019, 5/14/2019 and 6/11/2019.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Bratton

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Motion: To adjourn

Motion by Alderman Bratton

Second by Alderman Campos

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.
