
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met June 6

Webp hall

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met June 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board

Call to Order: Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Tina Shingleton.

Roll Call: Clerk called the role of the Village Board: Trustees Hilliard, Dalton, Wolff, Brouillette, Ross and Allen were present.

Approval of Minutes: President asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the May 2 and May 9, 2017 meetings. Treasurer Tom Rosenthal asked to correct the name of the equipment he is not comfortable with and does not want to operate, from back hoe to boom mower, on the May 9, 2017 minutes. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the minutes of the last 2 meetings, with the change. It was seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

Citizen’s Hearing: Guests present were Jim Builderback of the Makanda Fire Department, Mike Frances, and Joe McFarland. Jim Builderback was interested in what Eclipse planning the Village had done. The Eclipse Committee set the next meeting for June 15 at 6:30 p.m. and invited Jim to join us then. Mike Frances was concerned with the ongoing water leak on Cracker’s Neck. Trustee Wolff suggested that Mike attend a Water Board meeting and voice his concerns there. If that did not fix the problem, then Mike could call Channel 3 and the Southern Illinoisan newspaper and ask them to report on the situation. Trustee Hilliard recommended that Mike have 2 or 3 other concerned citizens go with him to the Water Board meeting, and to ask for a copy of the minutes from that meeting. Joe McFarland reported that Channel 12 was going to do an Eclipse Special with live reporting from Makanda, perhaps from the Community Center parking lot. Joe also reported that he had received call from an individual stating they would be coming to Makanda for the Eclipse to sell black ice cream, but had not left Joe any contact information. The Jackson County Health Department will be here in Makanda to inspect any food vendors and shut down anyone who does not meet the inspection.

Petitions & Communications: President advised Trustees that Zach had suggested having repairs to F-450 done by Davis Auto. Truck was taken to Dave’s Auto Repair.

President attended meeting on May 1 held by Jennie Snyder from Makanda CWPP to review risk assessments at Giant City State Park and in the Village. Grant opportunities were also discussed.

President received a phone call from Matthew Muir, Illinois Director for Coalition Against bigger trucks (CABT) a national non-profit that works with local officials across the country in opposition to federal legislation that would allow for longer and heavier semi-trucks on roads. He is requesting a 10-minute phone call to discuss the impact bigger trucks would have, along with gaining insight on the effect they would have on public safety and infrastructure in our community. He would like me to consider writing a letter or making a call to our legislators. Board did not feel it necessary to respond.

President checked prices for fire proof file cabinets. U-Line - 4-drawer, FireKing $1,299 and Amazon – 4-drawer, Patriot by FireKing $1,175. A suggestion was made regarding purchase of a gun safe. After discussion it was determined that the file cabinet would hold more files. Trustees approved President to purchase one (1) fireproof file cabinet from Amazon. Trustee Ross made a motion to purchase one fireproof file cabinet, motion was seconded by trustee Dalton. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

Matthew Curry has been staying under Pavilion, working on his motor bike. Jackson County has been called twice but was never able to find him there when they arrived. He had taken apart his bike and abandoned it under the Pavilion, which needs to be removed. President and Bill Abney collected all the pieces and put them in a large Rubbermaid tub. The tub and motor bike parts are being stored in the Village Hall garage. He used to rent from Janet Dalton.

Zach has talked with Braden Ross, Jason’s son, to see if he would be interested in helping with road work during the summer while school is out. He would be available to work with Dan through the week, if needed, and also weekends. If Board is agreeable President recommends pay of $10/hr. Motion was made by Trustee Wolff to hire Bradden Ross to assist with road work at $10/hr. Seconded by Trustee Brouillette. Motion carried.

Dan also spoke with Norris Hagler and he is willing to work the Village as well, if needed. President suggested Street and Road Committee meet with Zach to review street and road employees to see if additional help is needed.

President will contact Public Health Department regarding standing water along Makanda Road to check on mosquito control and campers on Poplar Camp.

President did not recall there being an approval at the May 9 meeting of the recommendation from the Street and Road Committee to accept the bid from BC Contracting construction of the frame building. Motion was made by Trustee Allen to accept bid from BC Contracting for construction of frame building not to exceed bid price of $31,000. Seconded by Trustee Brouillette. Motion carried.

Clerk: Clerk recorded Man Hours for May. Clerk gave a basic explanation of the TULIP insurance option offered by the IMLRMA. It is an option for purchasing insurance by groups that rent the Community Center and are having the type of event for which Makanda needs to be covered as an additional insured. Trustee Ross reported that she had talked with a person from Alto Pass, and was told that they rent their Civic Center out for $75.00. If there is going to be 50 people or more, they double it, for an event lasting 6 to 8 hours. Trustee Ross stated that the Village needs to raise our rates and possibly extend the hours for events. She stated that currently the Village charges $30 for four hours. Trustee Hilliard will work with Trustee Ross to develop a plan to present to the Board.

Trustees: Trustee Hilliard present to the Board a check for $500 matching playground funds from the State Masonic Lodge, in Springfield. He read the letter that accompanied the check to the Board. On May 25, Trustee Hilliard met with the surveyor from Bob Eaton’s office to determine the boundaries of the property at the Maintenance Shed. It was determined that except for one corner, all other corners of the property had already been properly marked with posts. A bush hog had run over the post that should be in the south east corner. The surveyor put posts with pink flags on them in each corner of the property and Trustee Hilliard has taken pictures of them. The lot is a rectangle shape. It is 150 feet across the back, 355.57 feet on the east, and 413.27 feet on the west. Trustee Hilliard recommended that the Village should spray the posts bright color, so they can be easily seen. Trustee Hilliard has prepared a Maintenance Shed copy of the Road Report to be posted at the Maintenance Shed. The Street and Road Crew should check off the work they do, on that report. Trustee Hilliard distributed copies of the Street and Road Report to the Board. President asked for a motion to approve the 2017 Street and Road Report. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the 2017 Street and Road Report, with the understanding that additional work may need to be done. It was seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All present voted yes. Motion carried. The President is waiting on an estimate from E.T. Simonds to improve the portion of Cracker’s Neck that was damaged by the heavy rain in April. Trustee Hilliard reported that Street and Road Inventory List is almost complete. Trustee Dalton reported on the street lights that are out, down in the Village. Trustee Wolff reported that he and Danny are to cut down limbs on McGuire Road extension. On McGuire Rd. the work on the culvert needs to be finished, now that it is drier. Trustee Brouillette gave a copy of the bill from Kevin Wheetly to the Treasurer. Kevin was happy to do work for the Village and hopes we will keep him in mind for future work that might need to be done. Trustee Brouillette had been approached by a neighbor inquiring about the Makanda Fire Department and how the Chief is voted in. President stated the Township is involved with the Fire Department, not the Village. Trustee Ross reported that the outdoor ash tray is set up at the Community Center. She has planted the butterfly bushes at the Community Center. Trustee Ross called I.D.O.T to come and clean the ditches and the flood debris off the bridge. E. T. Simonds came down and cleaned off the bridge and ditches. Trustee Ross reported that she had cleaned up Bill Ross’s office and put Village paper work in boxes. Trustee Dalton helped her haul the trash to the dumpster during Clean Up Day. She reported that no one has cleaned behind the Community Center, and the exits there are hard to get out of due to the weeds and debris. Board discussed the need to establish a better way for the Street and Road Crew to communicate about the work that needs to be done. Also, poles from old ballfield backstop still need to be removed from the ballfield.

Fiscal Matters:

A. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer distributed copies of the Treasurer report to the Board. Treasurer corrected the beginning balance to $285,797.20 and presented the monthly report. Board discussed the situation at Rural King with the confusion regarding the not for profit billing, and the difference between the Village and Township. The issue has since been resolved. President stated that she had gotten the tax situation corrected at Lowe’s. Trustee Hilliard reported that the Board had discussed taking some money out of the Village checking account and putting it into a CD. Board discussed CD rates and decided that $150,000 would be the amount to be transferred. Fifty thousand is to be transferred into existing liquid CD and $100,000 into new CD. Trustee Hilliard made a motion to transfer $150,000 from a checking account into a CD. Motion seconded by Trustee Wolff. Voice vote. All present voted yes. Motion Carried.

B. Bills Payable: Treasure reviewed the bills payable.

President asked for a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and bills payable. Trustee Hilliard made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and bills payable. Trustee Ross seconded the motion. Voice vote. All present voted yes. Motion carried. Trustee Hilliard made a motion to transfer $150,000 from the checking account into a CD. Motion seconded by Trustee Wolff. Voice vote. All present voted yes. Motioned carried.

Reports of Standing Committees:

A. Finance Committee:

B. Ordinance Committee:

C. Street & Road Committee: A proposal was received from E.T. Simonds for Repair of Cracker’s Neck but was only for oil and chipping. President spoke with Dave Eaves and he will provide us with a quote to include ditching and replacing culverts. Zach and Jason will measure where repairs need to be made and provide information for quote. Lower Cobden Road across from Felix Lane on the railroad side was falling off and has been repaired by Zach and Jason.

D. Subdivision Committee:

E. Insurance Committee:

Reports of Special Committees:

A. Emergency Disaster Committee:

B. Special Events Committee:

C. Eclipse Committee: A meeting has been scheduled for June 15 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss logistics of the Eclipse.

D. Playground Committee: President reported that the playground equipment has been delivered and should be installed on Friday. President received price to have mulch and boarder installed by the same company installing the playground equipment. Additional cost for mulch and boarder is $2,732.20 and installation cost is $830. This way job will be done at the same time as the playground. Zach and Jason have spent a lot of time preparing the area.

Ordinances & Resolutions: Clerk presented Ordinance 2017-4 Prevailing Rate of Wage. Voice Vote. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Executive Session:

Unfinished/Old Business:

New Business: Trustee Ross reported an electric line on Cracker’s Neck had sparked when it was hit while the Street and Road crew was mowing. The line connects to an abandoned house. Trustee Ross will call Ameren and ask them to cut off the power. Trustee Wolff will meet with the Street and Road crew to discuss what needs to be done, so that they can move forward as a team.

Announcements: Trustee Ross announced that the Church is having a Picnic in the Park this Sunday June 11 at Shelter 4 in Giant City Park. It starts at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is invited.

Adjourment: Trustee Hilliard mad a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Trustee Wolff. All present voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
