Illinois Heartland Library System Nominating Committee met January 5.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Call to Order
Susan Tulis called the meeting to order at 10:02 am
Roll Call
Members present: Susan Tulis, Scott Drone-Silvers, Monica Cameron, Lacey Wright. Betsy
Mahoney was not present.
Others present: None; No comments from the public
Appoint a Secretary
Lacey Wright volunteered to be secretary
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Scott Drone-Silvers to approve the April 21, 2016 minutes. Second by Monica
Cameron. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
New Business
Susan Tulis gave a summary of the tasks and associated deadlines the committee must address
within the next two months. Tasks were discussed and assigned to members as follows:
Edit Board Interest Survey from previous election. Scott Drone-Silvers suggested
streamlining the survey for efficiency. Susan Tulis will communicate with IHLS about
how to edit the survey. Lacey Wright will edit the survey and share a draft with the
Contact incumbent trustees to inquire if they are interested in running again.
Committee members divided up the list and will make phone calls, reporting the
answers back to Susan Tulis.
Set future meeting dates: 10:00 am February 17, March 3, and April 19. Susan Tulis will
check into using Zoom for the next meeting.
Public Comment
There were no comments from the public
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 am