Carla Ehlers - Principal, Parrish Elementary School | Carbondale Elementary School District 95
Carla Ehlers - Principal, Parrish Elementary School | Carbondale Elementary School District 95
Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met Jan. 23.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
A regular meeting of the Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 was held on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 6:00 PM at The John Major Learning Center, 1150 E. Grand Avenue, Carbondale, IL 62901.
1. Roll Call:
Upon roll call, the following members were present:
Ms. Catherine Field, President
Mr. Corey Cawthon, Secretary
Dr. Renada Greer
Ms. Imani McHenry
Ms. Aimee Wigfall
Administrators present:
Ms. Janice Pavelonis, Superintendent
Ms. Janiece Blake, Chief School Business Official
Ms. Michelle Martin, Director of Data Reporting and Programs
Ms. Brooke Kensler, Director of Special Education
Roll Call:
Ms. Catherine Field, President
Mr. Corey Cawthon, Secretary
Dr. Renada Greer
Ms. Imani McHenry
Ms. Amy Wigfall
Wigfall moved, seconded by McHenry to enter Executive Session at 6:05 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation. No decisions were made, and no votes were taken.
Roll Call Vote:
Yes votes: Field, Cawthon, Wigfall, Greer, McHenry
No votes: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
Executive Session adjourned at 6:58 PM.
Voice Vote:
Yes votes: Field, Greer, Wigfall, McHenry, Cawthon
No: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
3. Public Comments - None
4. Approval of Agenda
Greer moved, seconded by McHenry, Recommend approving the Agenda.
Roll Call Vote:
Yes votes: Field, Greer, McHenry, Wigfall, Cawthon
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
5. Consent Agenda Items
Wigfall moved, seconded by Greer, Recommend approving Consent Agenda Items, 5.1 Minutes, 5.2-Financial Reports and 5.3-Communications
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Greer, Cawthon, Wigfall, McHenry
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
5.1 Minutes
5.11 Regular – December 19, 2024
5.12 Executive – December 19, 2024
5.2 Financial Reports
5.21 Approval of Bills
5.22 Treasurer’s Report
5.23 Revenue Report
5.24 Expenditure Report
5.25 Activity Fund Reports
5.3 Communications
5.31 FOIA – None
5.32 Donations – None
6. Committee Reports
6.1 6.11 Communication Report
President’s Remarks – Catherine Field
President Field mentioned some upcoming events during the month of February.
6.2 Committee Reports
6.21 Behavioral Interventions Committee – No Report
6.22 Building and Transportation Committee – No Report
6.23 Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee – No Report
6.24 Policy Committee – No Report
6.25 Public Relations Committee - No Report
6.26 Fundraising Development Committee - No Report
6.3 Administrative Staff Reports
6.31 Chief School Business Official – Janiece Blake
• Mid-year review of revenues and expenditures. We are halfway through the year which gives us an easy reference point with how our finances are tracking to date. Expenditures are currently tracking at: 10 – 46%; 20 – 45%; 30 – 110%; 40 – 38%; 50 – 39%; 60 – 66%; 80 – 55%; 90 – 5%
Collectively across all funds as of the end of December we are at 47% of budgeted expenditures.
Fund 30 will be adjusted by the end of the fiscal year when we amend the budget.
To date we’ve received 72% of budgeted revenues.
• Custodial Transition - We have been continuing to have issues, especially at CMS. The issues with HES continue to be brought up, and our maintenance crew is doing their best to fill in the gaps. I personally met with 2 individuals from HES St. Louis office on Tuesday. I requested that two of their night custodians at CMS be relieved of their duties, and as of today that request has been granted. None of the full time HES employees at CMS will remain at CMS.
• As far as the hiring is concerned, we have a number of individuals who are in various stages of onboarding with the district. We have 2 recommended hirings for custodial tonight, and those employees will be assigned to CMS once the necessary paperwork is completed. Two of the other new hires at CMS are scheduled to start on Monday. HES employees last day in the district will be next Friday, January 31st.
6.32 Director of Data Reporting and Programs – Michelle Martin Tier 3 Intervention
I have been working with the Tier 3 interventionist this year on tracking the progress of students receiving tier 3 intervention. They are learning how to use EduClimber to track this progress. A trainer from Renaissance was onsite yesterday to provide additional training.
I have been meeting with the K-5 ELA curriculum team to review ELA curriculum materials. Teachers on this team have also gotten input from their grade level teams. Teachers overwhelmingly want to adopt the updated edition of Wonders by McGraw-Hill. A representative from McGraw-Hill was onsite today to share the updates found in the new edition. I will be working with our McGraw-Hill rep on a quote for a six year renewal. I hope to have that quote for your approval at the March board meeting.
Star Winter Benchmark
All K-8 students
Star Winter Benchmark - February 7th
SIP Data Day - February 14th
Data presented to the board at the February Board Meeting
K-8 English Learners
K assessment one-on-one using a kit
1st-8th online
Letters sent home to families about testing
Illinois Assessment of Readiness
3rd-8th grade
Testing Window - March 24th - April 18th
Planning meeting scheduled for February 4th
Illinois Science Assessment
5th and 8th Grade
After IAR - before April 30th
Superintendent Report – Janice Pavelonis
• Black History Program – February 28, 2025 at 6:00pm at CMS.
• 1st Book Grant – Received $2000 from the Southern Illinois Alumnae Club of the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Woman to purchase books for all of the school libraries.
• Community Schools Kickoff – January 31, 2025, invite only.
• 4th Grade Teacher Posting – Due to increased enrollment for the 25-26 school year.
• Discipline Improvement Plan – An ISBE requirement each school year that must be board approved.
• Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – Students are safe at school and policies are in place on how to handle the situation. A legal brief has been reviewed with administrators and Superintendent Pavelonis is in close contact with local area law enforcement.
6.4 Faculty Council Report
• Met with Michelle Martin
• ELA Team wants to renew the WONDERS curriculum.
• McGraw Hill sent a representative to explain some of the updates.
• Discussed the role with meeting with Michelle and the Faculty Council President will continue after Michelle shifts positions at the end of the year.
• Dates for IAR were discussed and Michelle shared that the dates were set by individual buildings.
7. Old Business - None
8. New Business
8.1 First Reading of Press Policies 117: Draft Updates
2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban
2:120 Board Member Development
2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure
4:30 Revenue and Investments
4:60 Purchases and Contracts
4:170 Safety
5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment
5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited
5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
5:100 Staff Development Program
5:125 Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct
5:230 Maintaining Student Discipline
6:60 Curriculum Content
6:135 Accelerated Placement Program
6:270 Counseling
7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities
7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited
7:100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations, immunizations; and Exclusion of Students
7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
7:185 Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
7:200 Suspension Procedures
8:10 Connection with the Community
No Action Taken
8.2 Action on Classified Personnel
8.21 Action on Resignations
Greer moved, seconded by Wigfall, Recommend approving the resignation of Cobin Blessing, Instructional Aide at Parrish School effective January 16, 2025.
Voice Vote
Yes votes: Field, Greer, Wigfall, McHenry, Cawthon
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
8.22 Employment of Paraprofessionals
McHenry moved, seconded by Greer, Recommend approving the employment of the following paraprofessional effective the 2024-2025 school year, pending a clear CBI.
Lashonda McCoy – Student Supervisory Aide at Parrish School
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Cawthon, Greer, Wigfall, McHenry
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
8.23 Employment of After School Paraprofessional – None
8.24 Employment of Custodial Staff
Greer moved, seconded by McHenry, Recommend approving the employment of the following custodial staff effective the 2024-2025 school year, pending a clear CBI:
Alan Mighell – Carbondale Middle School
Debbie Mighell – Carbondale Middle School
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Greer, Cawthon, Wigfall, McHenry
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
8.3 Action on Certified Personnel
8.31 Action on Resignation - None
8.32 Employment of CES95 Faculty - None
8.33 Employment of Special Assignments - None
8.34 Employment of After School Tutors - None
8.35 Employment of the Director of Data
McHenry moved, Greer seconded, Recommend approving the employment of Robby Clark-Stokes as the Director of Data effective July 1, 2025.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Cawthon, Greer, Wigfall, McHenry
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
8.36 Employment of Lewis School Principal
Greer moved, seconded by Wigfall, Recommend approving the employment of Lindsey Cobb as the Principal at Lewis School for the 2025-2026 school year.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Cawthon, Greer, Wigfall, McHenry
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
8.37 Action on 4th Grade Teacher Posting
Wigfall moved, seconded by McHenry, Recommend approving the posting for an additional 4th Grade Teacher position at Lewis School for the 2025- 2026 school year due to the high enrollment numbers for the current 3rd grade class.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Greer, Cawthon Wigfall, McHenry
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
8.4 Action on Discipline Improvement Plan
Greer moved, seconded by Wigfall, Recommend approving the Discipline Improvement Plan as presented.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Cawthon, Greer, Wigfall, McHenry
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.
9 Next Scheduled Meetings:
9.1 Thursday, February 6, 2025
Finance Committee Meeting
CES95 Administrative Center
1150 E. Grand Avenue
Carbondale, IL 62901
5:30 PM
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Regular Board Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)
The John Major Learning Center
CES95 Administrative Center
1150 E. Grand Avenue, Suite 2
Carbondale, IL 62901
6:00 PM
6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (CLOSED) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.
7:00 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)
10. Public Comments - None
1. Adjournment
Greer moved, seconded by McHenry, Recommend Adjournment at 7:44 PM.
Voice Vote:
Yes votes: Cawthon, Field, Wigfall, Greer, McHenry
No votes: None
Absent: Roper, Saunders
Motion carried.