
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

City of Carbondale Sustainability Commission met Nov. 21

Webp 15

Jeff Doherty, Councilmember | City of Carbondale Website

Jeff Doherty, Councilmember | City of Carbondale Website

City of Carbondale Sustainability Commission met Nov. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Voting Members:




Treesong (Chair)


Aur Beck (Vice Chair)


Jane Cogie


Kevin Clark


Sarah Heyer


Vacant (CCHS Student)

Chaya Rice (SIU Student)


Gayle Klam


Joan Davis


Ex Officio Members:




City Staff:



Lauren Becker (Staff Liaison)


Community Members Present: Ana Moroz, Liz Dudeck

1. Call to Order and Roll Call (5:04pm)

2. Approval of Meeting Minutes: October 17th, 2024 J. Cogie moved, J. Davis seconded

3. Citizen Comments and Questions 

L. Dudeck expressed interest in “getting plugged back in” to the sustainability space.

A. Moroz expressed concern over the noise pollution at the North Washington Street parking lot. J. Davis recommended communicating directly with Interim City Manager and Chief of Police Stan Reno.

4. Presentations (None)

5. Report of Officers, Committees, and Communications 

a. Subcommittee Report (S. Heyer)

• J. Davis summarized the subcommittee meeting held at the Coop in line with the Open Meetings Act.

• Discussion was held on how to be more effective as commission members.

• Discussion was held excitement to focus volunteer efforts on personal interests.

• Discussion was held on the importance of formalizing this change in the way commission members approach their role.

• Chair Treesong passed around a paper for commission members to express their areas of personal interest, based on the four focus areas of the Sustainability Action Plan.

• Discussion was held on the importance of action.

b. Sustainability Coordinator Monthly Progress Report (L. Becker, attached)

c. Former Koppers Wood Treatment Site Report (A. Beck)

6. Old Business 

7. New Business 

Vote to create “focus areas” for commission members to increase action and agency. (J. Davis moved, J. Cogie seconded, Chair Treesong ensured unanimous consent.)

Discussion regarding proposal for a John A. Logan College Student Commissioner (Chair Treesong)

• Chair Treesong led discussion, unanimous agreement from commissioners that the service of A. Moroz as a John A. Logan student would be valuable.

• Discussion was held about the necessity of expanding the number of commission members, given that the bylaws do not require the student members to be from SIU and CCHS.

• General consensus that expanding the commission membership would not be necessary, given that it may limit the commission’s ability to meet in the future if unable to achieve quorum.

Vote regarding amendment to the Sustainability Commission Bylaws to allow for a John A. Logan College Student Commissioner (Chair Treesong) (Vote tabled indefinitely)

Vote regarding Annual Calendar of Meetings (Liaison Becker) (G. Klam moved, J. Davis seconded)

8. Announcements 

9. Adjournment (6:12pm, J. Davis moved, J. Cogie seconded)

The following will serve as my Sustainability Coordinator report of progress for the month of November 2024. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions and comments.
