
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of De Soto Board of Trustees met Oct. 21

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Village of De Soto Board Members | Village of De Soto Website

Village of De Soto Board Members | Village of De Soto Website

Village of De Soto Board of Trustees met Oct. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Eric Schuler called the second regular monthly meeting of the De Soto Village Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 PM. Village Clerk Paula Parks was present to record the minutes.


Brian Gleason             Fern Martin

Eric Schuler                Jennifer Morgan

Cristy Desormeaux     Rachel Alstat


Tony Rushing

Motion made by Cristy Desormeaux, seconded by Rachel Alstat, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and to approve them. Motion carried.

Motion made by Brian Gleason, seconded by Rachel Alstat, to approve the September revenue report. Motion carried.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Brian Gleason, to pay the list of bills. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Fern Martin – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion Carried.

Leroy Miles reported that Director of Public Works Danny Vancil had followed up on the drainage problem at 200 N. Cherry St. He thanked Mr. Vancil for a good job.

Mr. Miles also reported that there is a drainage problem at 203 N. Oak St. because the street is a little higher than it used to be, and the water drains into the garage.

Village Clerk Paula Parks explained that the non-profits and government entities have the option of getting unemployment insurance through an insurance company instead of going through the State. The Village would have a lower rate because the pool for calculating the rate is based on only non-profits and government entities. The pool the State uses to calculate the rate includes all employers in the state. The quarterly information would go to the insurance company, and they would handle claims, fraud or any problems.

Motion made by Fern Martin, seconded by Christy Desormeaux, to accept the proposal from Illinois Risk Management Trust for unemployment insurance. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Fern Martin – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion Carried.

Engineer Harol Sheffer had reported that the drainage area off of Hickory Street is draining as it should be. He said drainage would improve if the area south of Logan Street would be cleared of brush and debris. All of the other drainage systems are located on private property and would not be the responsibility of the Village.

Motion made by Rachel Alstat, seconded by Cristy Desormeaux, to approve the contract with LOCiS for the utilities billing system. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Fern Martin – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion Carried.

Jennifer Morgan reported that the Park Committee had met to finalize plans for the Park Halloween Party and Hayride. They would begin serving food at 6:00 PM; the costume parade would begin at 6:30 PM; and hayrides would begin at 6:45 PM.

All park restrooms will be closed from December 1 to March 1 in accordance with Ordinance 2021-3. The park gates will be open.

The next board meeting will be held November 4, 2024, at 7:00 PM at the village hall.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Rachel Alstat, to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 P.M. Motion carried.
