
Carbondale Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Murphysboro City Council met July 30

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Murphysboro City Mayor Will Stephens | City of Murphysboro Website

Murphysboro City Mayor Will Stephens | City of Murphysboro Website

City of Murphysboro City Council met July 30.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Murphysboro, Illinois, City Council met in regular session, pursuant to its ordinances, on the 30th day of July, 2024. Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Stephens invited Alderman Hughes to lead the council in prayer then led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. City Clerk Gina Hunziker was directed to call the roll. The roll was called with the following:

Present: Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman, Rick Runge, Mike Austin, Angela Jackson, W.J. Pittman, John Erbes, Gary McComb, Scott Strack, Don Gladden

Absent: None

Presentation of Restoration Hero Award to 1517 Walnut Street: Historic Preservation

Committee President Aaron Barnett presented Rae Hanna with the Restoration Hero

Award, stating it was exciting to see all the time and effort put into the restoration and

preservation of the historic Hull House.

The council then reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting.

Motion: To approve the minutes of the July 16, 2024, council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Strack

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried


Alderman Pittman opened discussion for Budget & Finance related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Consideration of Accounts Payable Register: Alderman Hughes stated over $16,000 for tourism, have real concerns, rented a mini bus with no refund and decided not to use it. Would like city to send letter to see where they think they are at with their budget. Mayor Stephens stated spoke to Amy Mills regarding spending. She stated would be glad to come to a meeting or speak to anyone regarding this. Ultimately we are the oversight. Alderman Pittman stated have asked for information in the past.

Motion: To approve the accounts payable, register #858, through July 30, 2024. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman Gladden

Second by Alderman Austin

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Austin opened discussion for Building & Grounds related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment.

Alderman Curry-Witzman opened discussion for Community Relations Committee related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Discussion regarding Nightly Room/Home Rentals: Mayor Stephens stated addressing VRBO, Airbnb, etc. In Louis Wides there is one and there are concerns. Alderman Strack stated has been owner-occupied area, zoned as single family residential area? Allowed to conduct business in residential area? Yes. Attorney Blake stated if it is short term rental – less than thirty days – required to pay hotel/motel tax. Public – Mark Rhodes stated multiple cars parked there, don’t know what is going on inside the house. Attorney Blake stated subdivision covenant may address it, could be addressed in zoning. Mayor Stephens stated currently have sixteen Airbnb’s in Murphysboro. Communities are beginning to address this. Some require special permit, some ban. Alderman Hughes asked if the home owner is local? Noah Fritsche and Dad. Are they paying the tax? Mayor Stephens stated consumer paying through Airbnb. Ms. Ripley stated no agreement with VRBO or Airbnb to collect for us, owners pay us directly. Alderman Hughes asked any occupancy rules? Mayor Stephens stated can write in stipulations. Alderman Austin stated require Airbnb to allow us to review their contracts/information? Public – Teresa Strack stated single family residential home, we pay high taxes, should not be anybody else out there. Alderman Pittman stated we can’t tell anybody they can’t rent out their home. Public – Teresa Strack stated it’s a hotel, we don’t want it there. Mayor Stephens stated have to act judiciously. Alderman Pittman stated sixteen already operating will not fall under any new ordinance. Alderman Erbes state we can’t pick and choose, has to cover all options. Alderman Pittman stated county would have copy of covenant. Public – Frank Voorhees stated live out there, no sidewalks, has been a quiet neighborhood, it’s concerning. Public – Linda Rhodes stated don’t want to see cars coming and going, we pay high taxes. Public – Mark Rhodes stated problem was created by you sitting up there. Mayor Stephens stated that is an unfair comment, will hold over until the next meeting.

No public comment.

Alderman Gladden opened discussion for Public Improvement related items.

Old business:

Consideration of Revisions to Chapter 21 of the Revised Code: Alderman Gladden trying to determine what city wants to do regarding private and public events and bring your own drinks. Attorney Blake stated if facility being privately rented and serving alcohol, city can’t regulate. If public event and public bring your own drink, city can regulate. Alderman Gladden stated also public fundraiser event and alcohol being served as part of ticket price. Attorney Blake stated that is covered under special event license. Alderman Austin stated special event allows product not used to go back to them. Mayor Stephens stated never heard of any specific problems regarding bring your own drinks, will be exceptionally difficult to regulate, don’t think there is anything to do.

New business:

Consideration of Residential Use at 115 South 8th Street: Mr. Eisert stated there is a gentleman from California interested in purchasing the apartment building, go from sixteen units to eight, plans to live in one, have business there, too. B1 District – multi-family use. Attorney Blake stated has to be permitted use or special use or would require amendment to zoning code. Will have to go through city council, also. Mr. Eisert stated hoping to do on a case by case basis. Inside is in pretty good shape. Alderman Gladden stated wanting to get a feel for how the council feels about it. Mayor Stephens stated believe would support it.

Discussion regarding possible Annexation Agreement for 230 White Tail Road: Attorney Blake stated Attorney Heller was approached by attorney of owner of property, is contiguous with Country Club property, interested in selling the property with thought to having the buyer have to agree to annexation. Requires a public hearing, newspaper publication. Will move forward with it since council is in agreement.

No public comment.

Alderman McComb opened discussion for Public Works related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment.

Alderman Erbes opened discussion for Public Safety related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business: Nothing at this time.

Public comment: Alderman Erbes stated Humane Shelter stopped taking animals this week. Chief Ellermeyer stated have a temporary fix with the local vet. Meeting with Mark Tincher regarding options, will put on next agenda. Carbondale pulled out of the Human Shelter. Alderman Erbes asked if there is another facility? No. Mayor Stephens stated Dr. Landers is willing to let us use some of her unused space, kennels.

Mayor Stephens stated regarding vehicle theft, were apprehended.

Chief Ellermeyer stated while searching an abandoned building due to a noise call, officer fell through the ceiling, went to the emergency room for injuries he sustained.

Alderman Hughes opened discussion for Personnel related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment.


Postal Issues: continue to experience Post Office delivering underwhelming service. Katharine gave me a notice that Carbondale sorting and delivering will begin operating September 7th.

Contacted by School Superintendent Annie Evers regarding the District building on Walnut Street, willing to give to the city for free. Several of us looked at it, building has some issues but want to give it consideration. Alderman Runge asked if anything was said about the heating and air? Think there is something about it. Alderman Austin stated if we don’t take it, have to put up for public auction. Alderman McComb stated have someone look it over. Mr. Sheffer stated start with someone who does home inspections. Mayor Stephens asked Mr. Sheffer is he could locate someone who does commercial inspections.


Barb Hughes Nothing

Jance Curry-Witzman Thanked Tim and water department, found water coming from ground. Very helpful.

Rick Runge Nothing

Mike Austin Nothing

Angela Jackson Nothing

Gina Hunziker Sounds like they have a problem with Noah and a lot of cars, never said if anything happened.

W. J. Pittman Asked Darrin if can trim branches on tree in the grass median between 6th & 7th Street 200 block behind Nazarene Church.

Darrin will take care of it.

John Erbes Gravel is sinking on Spruce Street, Tim stated currently working on it. Stated also sinking at 23rd & Dewey.

Gary McComb Thanked Darrin and Public Works, Police and Fire Department, done a good job from all the recent storms.

Scott Strack Nothing

Don Gladden Nothing


Richard Blake Nothing

Sandra Ripley Nothing

Scott Evans Absent

Harold Sheffer Nothing

Steve McBride Contacted potential contractor of Willis building, have to do a wet demo, hire off-duty fireman to spray water, will pay wages and for water.

Jamie Ellermeyer January 2025 mandated to wear body cameras. Have met with some companies, budgeted $30,000 this year, five year contract, 14,000/year – Axon.

Charlie Eisert Nothing

Tim Lee Nothing

Brian Manwaring Nothing

Darrin Mills Nothing

Pat Gladson Absent

Katharine Volle Nothing

Leandra Bryant: Absent

Motion: To go into executive session at 7:28 pm for Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) Meetings where the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body is being considered, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired and for Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) Meetings for the discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Act either for purpose of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as required by the Act.

Motion by Alderman Runge 

Second by Alderman Curry-Witzman

Yeas: Alderman Hughes, Alderman Curry-Witzman, Alderman Runge, Alderman Austin, Alderman Jackson, Alderman Pittman, Alderman Erbes, Alderman McComb, Alderman Strack, Alderman Gladden

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried

Motion: To come out of executive session at 7:52 p.m.

Motion by Alderman Hughes Second by Alderman McComb

Yeas: Alderman Hughes, Alderman Curry-Witzman, Alderman Runge, Alderman Austin, Alderman Jackson, Alderman Pittman, Alderman Erbes, Alderman McComb, Alderman Strack, Alderman Gladden

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried

Motion: To resume regular session.

Motion by Alderman Hughes

Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Motion: To Release the Executive Meeting Minutes from 11/7/23, 1/23/24, 2/13/24, 2/27/24 and 4/9/24.

Motion by Alderman Hughes

Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor, Alderman Runge in favor for all except 1/11/22.

Motion Carried

Motion: To Hold the Executive Meeting Minutes From 9/13/22 and 7/2/24.

Motion by Alderman Hughes

Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Mayor Stephens adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m.
