
Carbondale Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Johnston City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met June 27

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Johnston City CUSD #1 Board Members | Johnston City Community Unit School District #1

Johnston City CUSD #1 Board Members | Johnston City Community Unit School District #1

Johnston City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of the Johnston City Community Unit School District No. 1 met at a regular Board meeting held on June 27, 2024 with Closed Session beginning at 6:30 p.m. and the public hearing regarding the FY24 Amended Budget beginning at 7:01 p.m. at the Johnston City Community Unit School District No. 1 Unit Office, 1113 Grand Avenue, Johnston City, IL. Vice President Chad Barras called the meeting to order and asked the clerk for the attendance roll call.


Present: Jimmy Dean, John Etherton, Patti Martin, Randy McIntosh, John Van, and Chad Barras

Absent: Chris Cullum

Motion made by John Van and seconded by Randy McIntosh to hold the Public Hearing regarding FY24 Amended Budget.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

There were no public comments.

Motion made by Randy McIntosh and seconded by John Etherton to adjourn the Public Hearing regarding FY24 Amended Budget at 7:06 p.m.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Vice President Chad Barras called the regular meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. and asked the clerk for the attendance roll call.


Present: Jimmy Dean, John Etherton, Patti Martin, Randy McIntosh, John Van, and Chad Barras

Absent: Chris Cullum

Motion made by John Van and seconded by Randy McIntosh to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following:

A. Approval of Regular and Closed Session Minutes for the 5/16/24 Regular Meeting and the Regular Session Minutes for the 6/11/24 Special Meeting

B. Approval of Treasurer’s Report

C. Approval of FY24 Section 125 Flexible Plan Agreement

D. Approval of Dual Credit Agreement with John A. Logan College

E. Approval of Centerstone Agreement

F. Approval of Project ECHO/STARQuest MOA

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Motion made by John Van and seconded by Patti Martin to approve the bills for payment.

Voting Aye: Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Abstaining: Dean

Motion Carried.

Dustin Hill, Tee Pee Talk, addressed the Board requesting to be allowed to broadcast home games and not just live stream the games. Mr. Hill stated that Tee Pee Talk averages 80,000 views of the streaming content per month. Mr. Hill wants to showcase the students and the city. Mr. Hill presented the Board with a handout regarding Tee Pee Talk, its purpose, what it does for the schools and community. Mr. Hill stated that he has done what was asked of him and followed the guidelines that were given to him. Mr. Hill asked what the timeframe for the decision to be made would be. Chad Barras informed Mr. Hill that a decision would not be made tonight and that he understood that there is a timeframe due to fall sports starting soon. Jeanie Hill, Bill Hill, and Jessica Lenon spoke in support of Dustin.

Steve Sims, Architechniques, provided the Board with construction updates. The flooring tiles in one of the rooms that had been remodeled due to the flooding last year has started coming up. The tiles will be pulled up, the glue will be scraped off the floor, and moisture mitigation will be put down. The moisture mitigation comes with a 10-year warranty. The flooring in three rooms will be changed. One room is going to be changed to epoxy and the other two rooms are going to have the moisture mitigation done.

The safety film installation has begun on the windows at the buildings.

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by Patti Martin to approve the FY24 Amended Budget.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by John Van to direct the superintendent to prepare the FY25 District Budget.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Mrs. Clark informed the student fees for the 2024-2025 school year would remain the same as they were for the 2023-2024 school year, but the adult breakfast and lunch prices would increase. The increase is mandated by ISBE.

Motion made by John Van and seconded by John Etherton to set the 2024-2025 fees as presented.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

The first reading of the IASB PRESS Policy updates was held.

Motion made by John Van and seconded by John Etherton to approve the new MOU with SIH.

Voting Aye: Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Abstaining: Dean

Motion Carried.

Motion made by John Etherton and seconded by Randy McIntosh to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with ROE #21 for the Alternative Learning Opportunity Program.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Motion made by John Etherton and seconded by John Van to approve the Engie Energy renewal as presented.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Motion made by John Etherton and seconded by Randy McIntosh to approve the District Wide Insurance through WCSIT and ISDA as presented.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Motion made by John Van and seconded by Jimmy Dean to approve the handbook changes to the High School, Middle School, and Elementary School handbooks.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

The principals presented their School Improvement Plans.

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by John Etherton to approve the Consolidated District Plan as presented.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Mrs. Murrah presented the District Needs Assessment Update to the Board. Mrs. Clark informed the Board that the District received a FOIA request from SMARTProcure.

Motion made by John Van and seconded by Randy McIntosh to accept the resignations of Sean Newell as the paid Assistant High School Girls’ Basketball Coach, Makaila Moore as the High School Dance (Pom Pon) Team Coach, Caleb Newell as the 5th and 6th Grade Boys’ Basketball Extended Season Coach, and Kendra Reed as a Jefferson Elementary Paraprofessional.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Motion made by John Etherton and seconded by Jimmy Dean to approve the Custodial MOU for the reciprocal transfer between Ashley Carmickle and Scott Eberhart.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Randy McIntosh and seconded by John Etherton to approve the Administrative/Director Contracts and the non-certified/non-contractual staff wages as presented.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by John Etherton to employ Dr. Mike Smith as a Part-Time (up to 120 days) Music Teacher, Amanda Harris as the Washington Middle School Library Media Aide, and Saeward Mattox as the Middle School Cross Country Coach.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Randy McIntosh and seconded by John Van to approve Kalli Lazorchak as a Volunteer High School Assistant Girls’ Track Coach, Tiffany Dobraski as the Volunteer High School and Middle School Flags Coach, and Kailee Grant as a Volunteer Middle School Assistant Cheerleading Coach.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Randy McIntosh and seconded by Jimmy Dean to post the High School Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach, High School Dance Coach, 5th and 6th Grade Boys’ Extended Season Basketball Coach, and a Jefferson School Paraprofessional position.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.

Mrs. Clark provided the Board with an update on things that are occurring in the District. The District has received our final compliance report from the Regional Office of Education and the District is Fully Recognized. The High School gym floor is curing and will need to cure one week before being able to be used. The Middle School gym floor is done and can be used next week.

Mrs. Clark provided the Board with an update of all of the things that have happened in the District over the past year.

• School Maintenance grant to provide additional security at every building, new fencing at Jefferson, and new flooring at JCHS and WMS

• Kitchen Equipment Grant – provided new sinks, dishwashers, coolers, freezers. 

• ESSER Grants –

o Added classroom space at Lincoln, added classroom space at Washington with addition of new district office

o Installing new playground equipment and surface at Jefferson, Lincoln, and Washington

o Additional storage at Jefferson, JCHS and Washington

o Greenhouse, PE lockers at JCHS

o Installing a repeater system for our building and bus radios that will allow us the signal strength to talk anywhere in the district boundaries, radios for every classroom

o Added additional bus routes and bus monitors

o Replaced HVAC in the High School Office

o Installed a ventilation system in the outdoor locker rooms

o Replaced aging student classroom furniture and lunch tables

o Added outdoor pavilions at Washington and Lincoln

o Added Summer School programming, after school and summer enrichment classes, and Tutoring Programs

o Chromebooks and Wi-Fi access for all families in need

o Added Instructional Technology Coach

• Added Student Academic Support Teachers and Paraprofessionals

• Added Parent Mentors at Jefferson and Lincoln to work with students during the school day

• Transitioning to the Safe2HelpIL confidential reporting website to report harmful, unsafe behaviors, mental health needs.

• Completed abated and rebuilt Jefferson Kindergarten/1st Grade hallway due to flooding

• Changing food service providers to Opaa!

• No longer outsourcing transportation services

• Implemented Community Eligibility Provision(CEP) to provide free meals to all students

• Added two additional social workers to provide additional services at all schools

• River the Therapy Dog has started working at Jefferson School

• Expanded curriculum reviews to include not only vertical articulation but also horizontal

• High School Medical Program has added the following certifications, Direct Service Provider(DSP), EMS, Phlebotomy, Pharmacy Tech.

• High School added student mentors for Freshman and Sophomore

• Expanded and continuing to grow our music program

• Added Wrestling

• Student enrolment has increased by 46 students in 2023

• Report card statistics over last two years

o Attendance increased 2.2%

o Decreased chronic absences 12.3%

o Decreased dropouts 2.3%

o Decreased Chronic truants 2.8%

o Homeless students increased 3.5%

o Student mobility increased 3%

o Low income increased 10.3%

• Expanded College and Career Pathways – 7% of students received College & Career Pathways endorsement. Less than 1 % of students statewide received this.

• All 4 schools are now rated as Commendable by the State Board of Education

Motion made by Randy McIntosh and seconded by John Etherton to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m.

Voting Aye: Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Barras

Motion Carried.
