
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Carbondale Local Liquor Control Commission and City Council met June 25

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Carbondale City Mayor Carolin Harvey | City of Carbondale Website

Carbondale City Mayor Carolin Harvey | City of Carbondale Website

City of Carbondale Local Liquor Control Commission and City Council met June 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Councilmembers present 

Councilmember LaCaje Hill, Councilmember Clare Killman, Councilmember Adam Loos,  Councilmember Nancy Maxwell, Councilmember Ginger Rye Sanders, Councilmember Jeff  Doherty, and Mayor Carolin Harvey 

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM 

Note from Clerk: The Local Liquor Control Commission meeting was rescheduled at the  request of the applicant.  

1. Preliminaries to the Local Liquor Control Commission Meeting 

Procedural: 1.1 Roll Call 

2. Citizens' Comments for the Local Liquor Control Commission 

3. General Business of the Local Liquor Control Commission 

Action: 3.1 Minutes of the Local Liquor Control Commission Meeting of May 14, 2024 

4. Adjournment of the Local Liquor Control Commission 

Procedural: 4.1 Time of Adjournment for Local Liquor Control Commission 

5. Preliminaries to the City Council Meeting 

Procedural: 5.1 Roll Call 

Procedural: 5.2 Citizens' Comments and Questions 

Individuals addressing the City Council included James Cooper Jr., Jarius Harvey, Jason  Bischoff, Macklen Makhloghi, Jonathan Caraker, Connor Sullivan, and Mahar Abou Jabar. 

Procedural: 5.3 Council Comments, General Announcements, and Proclamations Councilmember Rye-Sanders commented that the Peace Resolution is being delayed, but it will  proceed; and expressed hope for some resolution to this matter so that we can move forward. 

Councilmember Killman noted that a neutral resolution has been drafted, a win for all, that a  legal review is ongoing, and offered to share the document with others. 

Councilmember Hill asked that the resolution come forward sooner than the 90 days, noted that  the community has been heard. 

Councilmember Maxwell agreed with prior Council comments. 

Councilmember Loos remarked on the conduct of the meeting, disagreed with certain comments  by Councilmembers, remarked on the Open Meetings Act as it relates to public comments and  the amendment of the rules for said comments.

Councilmember Doherty extended an apology to city employees Sharonda Cawthon, Christi  Green, and Robert Hardin for not coming to their defense when treated unfairly from the Council  dais. 

Mayor Harvey noted that meetings should be conducted with respect for all and in accordance  with guidelines.  

6. Public Hearings and Special Reports 

7. Consent Agenda of the City Council 

Action (Consent): 7.1 Regular and Special City Council Meeting Minutes from June 11,  2024 Resolution: Approve the minutes from the Regular and Special City Council meeting of  June 11, 2024 

Pulled by G. Rye-Sanders 

Action (Consent): 7.2 Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 06/07/2024 for the FY  2024 and FY 2025 Warrant 1487 in the Total Amount of $2,476,952.09 Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 06/07/2024  totaling $2,476,952.09 (Exhibit A-06-25-2024) 

Action (Consent): 7.3 Approval of Wells Fargo Warrant for the Period Ending 04/30/2024  FY 2024 Warrant # WF 04/2024 in the amount of $161,127.80 

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 04/30/2024  totaling $161,127.80 (Exhibit B-06-25-2024) 

Action (Consent): 7.4 Resolution Authorizing the City of Carbondale to Obtain a Permit  from the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois 

Resolution: Approve a Resolution Authorizing the City of Carbondale to Obtain a Permit from  the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois (Resolution 2024-R-43; Exhibit C-06- 25-2024) 

Action: 7.5 Resolution Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Submit an Application for  the Illinois Department of Transportation's Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant  in the Amount of $1,989,700 

Pulled by G. Rye-Sanders 

Action (Consent): 7.6 Appointment and Reappointments to Boards and Commissions Resolution: Council is requested to concur with Mayor Harvey's recommended appointment and  reappointments to Boards and Commissions 

Action (Consent): 7.7 Resolution Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Enter a  Professional Services Agreement with Consulting Firm Planning NEXT to Facilitate the  Update of the Comprehensive Plan for 2025 

Resolution: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Enter a Professional  Services Agreement with Consulting Firm Planning NEXT to Facilitate the Update of the  Comprehensive Plan for 2025. (Resolution 2024-R-45; Exhibit E-06-25-2024)

Action (Consent): 7.8 Approval of Consent Agenda Items 

Resolution: Approve all Consent Agenda items not pulled for separate consideration 

Johnathan Caraker inquired if the warrants were loans and if it was possible to change banks. Jason Bischoff asked for the definition of Interim. 

Jarius Harvey asked about the form of payment to Wells Fargo. 

MOTION: Approve all Consent Agenda items not pulled for separate consideration 

Motion by LaCaje Hill, second by Clare Killman. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carries 

Yea: LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders, Jeff  Doherty, Carolin Harvey 

7.1 Regular and Special City Council Meeting Minutes from June 11, 2024 Resolution:  Approve the minutes from the Regular and Special City Council meeting of June 11, 2024 

The agenda item was pulled in order to take separate votes on the two sets of minutes. 

MOTION: Divide the question 

Motion by Ginger Rye Sanders, second by Nancy Maxwell 

Yea: LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders, Jeff  Doherty 

Nay: Carolin Harvey 

MOTION: Approve the minutes from the regular City Council meeting of June 11 Motion by LaCaje Hill, second by Jeff Doherty 

Yea: LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders, Jeff  Doherty, Carolin Harvey 

Jarius Harvey noted that the ordinances requires the votes to be either aye and nay or yea and  nay. 

MOTION: Approve the minutes from the Special City Council meeting of June 11 Motion by LaCaje Hill, second by Clare Killman 

Yea: LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Jeff Doherty, Carolin Harvey Nay: Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders 

Action: 7.5 Resolution Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Submit an Application for  the Illinois Department of Transportation's Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant  in the Amount of $1,989,700 

Council comments and questions included that the area identified in the traffic study needs to be  expanded; that the area identified is not as underserved as other areas; asked about how the  funding control with SIMPO worked; noted opposition to the right-turn-only improvement; and  suggested that the design come to the Council.

MOTION: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Submit an Application  for the Illinois Department of Transportation's Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant in  the Amount of $1,989,700. 

Motion by Adam Loos, second by Clare Killman. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carries 

Yea: LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Jeff Doherty, Carolin Harvey Nay: Ginger Rye Sanders (Resolution 2024-R-44; Exhibit D-06-25-2024) 

8. General Business of the City Council 

Action: 8.1 Award of Contract for Washington Street Concert Venue (CIP NO. PB2001) to  Fager-McGee Commercial Construction, Inc. Murphysboro, Illinois, in the Amount of  $3,372,000, and approve a Budget Adjustment Ordinance of Option 1 or Option 2 included  below. 

City Council commented on the awarding of the contract to Fager McGee, the lack of diversity at  the SIMMS project, commented on the bid tab, those entities who did bid, and being the best  option of those who bid, questioned the wisdom of the project, talked about the competitive  bidding process and when it is an appropriate time to make changes to the bidding process and reviewed the specifics of the bid tab for the benefit of the public. 

The Council noted that the other question to consider is from where the overage will come and  the usage of TIF funds versus the Local Improvement Fund. 

City Councilmembers then asked Mr. Fager about the process for hiring, whether there was an  incentive to travel, inquired about the subcontractor process, what would happen if a non-union  worker wanted to bid, whether there was a difference between commercial and residential hiring  processes, asked if there has been contact with the unions about their recruitment for  apprenticeship programs, commented on the use of "good faith efforts", remarked on standards  moving forward, revisited a prior request to address all of the DEI issues on a future agenda,  requested that all parties involved bringing solutions forward on how to achieve the goals, which  request received support from other Councilmembers. It was noted that the Diversity and  Compliance Officer is doing her job and described her efforts. Further, it was noted that Fager  McGee did not already get this job and efforts should be taken to strike comments of that nature  in the future.  

Chastity Mays suggested emphasizing local hiring requirements for future bids and asked who is  holding contractors accountable. 

Darren Fager of Fager McGee noted that everyone hired is a union contractor and that they are limited to only hiring union contractors. Further, he responded to questions and commented on  the current process and ongoing outreach. 

MOTION: Award of Contract for Washington Street Concert Venue (CIP NO. PB2001) to  Fager-McGee Commercial Construction, Inc. Murphysboro, Illinois, in the Amount of  $3,372,000, and approve a Budget Adjustment Ordinance of Option 1 

Motion by Adam Loos, second by LaCaje Hill.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries 

Yea: LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Jeff Doherty, Carolin Harvey Nay: Ginger Rye Sanders (Ordinance 2024-16; Exhibit F-06-25-2024) 

Action: 8.2 Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with CPS HR  Consulting for the Purpose of Conducting a Nationwide City Manager Search 

Council members individually noted whether they were or were not in favor of the recommended  firm, noted the criteria to look for when selecting a recruitment firm, and compared GovHR and  CPS HR Consulting. 

Jarius Harvey noted that Council should have received information about prior contracts from  predecessors. 

MOTION: Adopt the Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a professional services  agreement with CPS HR Consulting for the purpose of conducting a nationwide search for the  next City Manager 

Motion by Ginger Rye Sanders, second by Nancy Maxwell. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carries 

Yea: LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders Nay: Jeff Doherty, Carolin Harvey (Resolution 2024-R-46; Exhibit G-06-25-2024) 

Action, Discussion: 8.3 Approval of a Funding Request from the Boys and Girls Club of  Southern Illinois in the Amount of $50,000 and an Ordinance increasing the budget for the  Agencies and Organization Division of the General Fund 

Councilmembers provided details about the rationale for their votes; the issues with the former  Executive Director not facing accountability; the need for a new location and concern about who  will pay for it; compared after-school programming by the Boys and Girls Club (BGC) and  District 95; a suggestion that Council consider how and to what extent we fund childcare in  Carbondale; noted that when BGC closed, other organizations began after school services; suggested that it is unfair to fund BGC, when other programs do not receive such funding;  expressing interest in investigating other child care options; whether there would be a way to  recoup funding if they do not open in August; inquired question about the timeline; asked what  grade levels would be served and expressed concern about middle-school youth being left out;  asked about the contributions from the national organization; shared personal experience with  BGC; and commented on other organizations who operated without requesting funding; . 

Dr. Glenn Poshard and Kathleen Fralish responded to questions from the City Council. 

Chastity Mays asked the City Council to carefully consider funding, noting that other  organizations stepped up when they closed. 

Randy Osborn commented on his prior service as BGC Executive Director; applauded the city  for their historical funding commitment; and remarked on the impact and abilities of the BGC.

MOTION: Approve the funding request from the Boys and Girls Club of Southern Illinois in the  amount of $50,000 and an Ordinance increasing the budget for the Agencies and Organizations  Division of the General Fund; 

Motion by Jeff Doherty, second by Clare Killman. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carries 

Yea: LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Jeff Doherty, Carolin Harvey 

Nay: Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders (Ordinance 2024-17; Exhibit H-06-25- 2024) 

9. Executive Session 

Action: 9.1 Enter into Executive Session to Discuss Pending or Imminent Litigation 

MOTION: Enter Into Executive Session to Discuss Pending or Imminent Litigation as Permitted  by the Illinois Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) 

Motion by Jeff Doherty, second by Clare Killman. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carries 

Yea: LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders, Jeff  Doherty, Carolin Harvey Open Session recessed at 8:37 p.m. 

Action: 9.2 Return to Open Session 

MOTION: Return to Open Session 

Motion by Adam Loos, second by LaCaje Hill. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carries 

Yea: LaCaje Hill, Clare Killman, Adam Loos, Nancy Maxwell, Ginger Rye Sanders, Jeff  Doherty, Carolin Harvey (Open Session resumed at 9:29 p.m.) 

10. Adjournment of the City Council Meeting 

Procedural: 10.1 Adjourn meeting 

There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was declared  adjourned at 9:29 p.m. 
