
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of De Soto Board of Trustees met May 17

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Village of De Soto Board Members | Village of De Soto Website

Village of De Soto Board Members | Village of De Soto Website

Village of De Soto Board of Trustees met May 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Eric Schuler called the second regular monthly meeting of the De Soto Village Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 P.M. Village Clerk Paula Parks was present to record the minutes.

Present : 

Brian Gleason      Paulette Johnson

Eric Schuler         Jennifer Morgan

Rachel Alstat


Tony Rushing       Cristy Desormeaux

Motion made by Rachel Alstat, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and to approve them. Motion carried.

Motion made by Brian Gleason, seconded by Jennifer Morgan, to approve the May revenue report. Motion carried

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Rachel Alstat, to pay the list of bills. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Brian Gleason, to suspend the rules to move New Business Agenda Item 6h, Waive Bidding Requirements for the Village Hall Roof, up to Item 6a. Motion carried.

Motion made by Paulette Johnson, seconded by Brian Gleason, to waive the bidding requirements for the village hall roof. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Attorney Pat Hoke was present to address the offer of $500.00 from Heather Frakes-Campbell’s attorney to settle her case.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to reject the offer. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Attorney Hoke informed the Board that the Court had moved the court date for the Heather Frakes-Campbell case from June 29 to August 24. Attorney Hoke had received a call from Mrs. Frakes-Campbell’s attorney that he would be on vacation that week so that date will probably be moved as well.

Trena Lindsey and Roger Newfarmer had presented an offer of $4,800.00 to purchase the vacant lot at 207 N. Walnut St.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Rachel Alstat, to accept the offer of $4,800.00 from Trena Lindsey and Roger Newfarmer for the vacant lot at 207 N. Walnut St. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

The title search for the property at 100 N. Hickory had revealed two village municipal (weed) liens totaling $588.76. The Village had the option of waiving the liens. Otherwise, the purchaser would have to pay for the liens in addition to the purchase price.

Motion made by Rachel Alstat, seconded by Brian Gleason, to waive the two municipal liens on the property at 100 N. Hickory St. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Paulette Johnson, seconded by Jennifer Morgan, to hire A-1 Hot Oil & Chip to reseal the walking track for $3,500.00, to be paid from ARPA funds. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Paulette Johnson, seconded by Jennifer Morgan, to authorize Brian Gleason to be a signer on the following bank accounts at Du Quoin State Bank: 115-767-7 General Operating; 004-100-9 General Savings; 115-765-5 Motor Fuel Operating; 004-100-8 Motor Fuel Savings; 115-764-4 Sewer Operating; 004-100-5 Sewer Savings; 115 763-3 Sewer Bond/Interest Checking; 004-100-7 Sewer Depreciation Savings; 004-100-6 Sewer Reserve Savings; 115-760-0 Water Operating; 004-100-3 Water Savings; 115-761-1 Water Customer Deposit Checking; 115-762-2 De Soto Revitalization Checking. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Paulette Johnson, seconded by Rachel Alstat, to purchase a 2023 Kioti Model RX6620 tractor with a 2023 Model KL7320QA loader from Little Tractor & Equipment Company for $46,200.00, to be paid from ARPA funds. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Rachel Alstat, to increase Tricia Burns’ hours to 35 hours per week. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

The Roofing Guys had submitted an estimate of $39,180.00 for patching and sealing the village hall roof with a 10-year warranty, and an estimate of $84,500 to replace the roof with a 20-year warranty. Reynolds Exteriors & Coatings submitted an estimate of $64,500.00 to repair the roof and seal it with flat roof coating. Board members felt replacing the roof would be the most cost effective in the long run.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to accept the estimate from the Roofing Guys to replace the roof on the village hall with a 20-year warranty for $84,500.00, to be paid from ARPA funds. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Trustee Rachel Alstat stated that the Water and Sewer Committees had met on June 15 to discuss raising the water and sewer rates. She said the committees felt the water rate increase was necessary due to the increase in Kinkaid’s water rate; new debt service due to the Phase IV Watermain Replacements Project; and offsetting the reduction of the Rural Water rate. The Rural Water rate will be reduced to the same as the Outside Town rate. The committees felt an increase in the sewer rate was necessary due expenditures that might result from the aging lagoon and lift stations and increased operating expenses. Committee members looked at various calculations. In order keep the increases as manageable as possible, the committees recommended a break-even water rate increase for the first year and a 3% increase annually over the next five (5) years. The break-even water rate increase would average about $4.94 per month in the first year and about $1.00 per year for the next five (5) years. The committees recommended a one-time 15% sewer rate increase. The sewer rate increase would average about $4.94 per month. As a result, the total increase for a customer using 3,750 gallons of water would be about $10.00 per month. The exact amount of the increase will be determined by the customer’s water usage. The Inside Town water rate would be $17.25 for the first 2,000 gallons and $7.75 per 1,000 gallons after the minimum. The Outside Town water rate would be $20.75 for the first 2,000 gallons and $8.25 per 1,000 gallons after the minimum. The sewer rate would be a $13.75 base rate plus $5.77 per 1,000 gallons and any part thereof.

Motion made by Rachel Alstat, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to increase the sewer rates by 15%, effective August 1, 2023. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Rachel Alstat, seconded by Brian Gleason, to increase the water rates to the break-even point for the first year with a 3% increase annually over the next five (5) years, effective Augus 1, 2023. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Harold Sheffer of J. T. Blankinship, Inc. was present to discuss problems with the leachate the Landfill is sending through the Village’s sewer system. Mr. Sheffer wants to get information together and then meet with the Sewer Committee.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Brian Gleason, to approve the building permit application from Emma Brown to put a house on the property at 215 N. Walnut St. Motion carried.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Rachel Alstat, to pass Ordinance 2023-2 Annual Appropriation Ordinance making appropriation for all corporate purposes for the Village of De Soto for the fiscal year commencing on May 1, 2023, and ending April 30, 2024. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried. Ordinance incorporated by reference.

President Eric Schuler suggested having an event next year on 6/29/24 commemorating the fact that the date is the same as the Village’s zip code. He also suggested planning an event the year after that for the 100th anniversary of the Tornado of 1925.

The next village board meeting will be held Monday, July 3, 2023, at 7:00 PM at the village hall.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to adjourn at 8:30 PM.
