
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Murphysboro City Council met May 14

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Rick Runge -Aldermen, Ward 2 | City of Murphysboro Website

Rick Runge -Aldermen, Ward 2 | City of Murphysboro Website

City of Murphysboro City Council met May 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Murphysboro, Illinois, City Council met in regular session, pursuant to its ordinances, on the 14th day of May, 2024. Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and invited Pastor Jim Frye to lead the council in prayer. Following the invocation, Mayor Stephens led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Mayor Stephens then directed City Clerk Gina Hunziker to call the roll. The roll was called with the following:

Present: Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman, Mike Austin, Angel Jackson, W.J. Pittman, John Erbes, Gary McComb, Scott Strack, Don Gladden

Absent: Rick Runge

Elk’s Citizen of the Year Award presented to Mayor Stephens: Jay Wittenborn, Murphysboro Elks Lodge, presented Mayor Stephens with the Elks Distinguished Citizen Award for 2023-24. Mayor Stephens was thankful and appreciative.

The council then reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting.

Motion: To approve the minutes of the April 23, 2024, council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Strack

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried


Alderman Pittman opened discussion for Budget & Finance related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Consideration of Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Payroll Registers: Alderman Hughes asked if the Jackson County Board could write a separate check for water, save Sandra and Donna time and effort. Ms. Ripley stated the School District does it also. Mayor Stephens stated he could step in and speak to them. Mr. Manwaring stated for the school it totals the bills by vendor and issues one check so that may be what is happening.

Motion: To approve the accounts payable, register #808, through May 14, 2024, accounts receivable through April 30, 2024, and payroll through April, 2024. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman Gladden Second by Alderman Hughes

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Financial Statements prepared by Scott Evans, Budget Officer: Scott Evans presented Salsa/Home Rule Tax Receipts, Operating Expenses by Department, Payroll and Tourism Fund. Mayor Stephens stated he thinks there are more funding requests to the Tourism Board, heavy on the front end. Ms. Ripley stated there is a lot of social media push.

Consideration of TIF Application for 1310 Walnut St:

Motion: To approve the TIF Application for 1310 Walnut Street in the amount of $8000.00.

Motion by Alderman Gladden Second by Alderman Hughes

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of TIF Application for 1330 Walnut St:

Motion: To approve the TIF Application for 1330 Walnut Street in the amount of $8000.00.

Motion by Alderman Gladden Second by Alderman Erbes

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of TIF Application for 1517 Walnut St:

Motion: To approve the TIF Application for 1517 Walnut Street in the amount of $8000.00.

Motion by Alderman Hughes Second by Alderman Gladden

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Austin opened discussion for Building & Grounds related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Consideration of Bids for Replacement of Heating & Cooling Unit at Daum Building: Alderman Austin stated received a bid from Craine Heating & air conditioning for $7122.72. Mayor Stephens asked if replacing both? Ms. Ripley stated only replacing one.

Motion: To accept the bid from Craine Heating & Cooling for $7122.71.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Strack

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Curry-Witzman opened discussion for Community Relations Committee related items.

Old Business:

Update on Big Muddy Monster Signage: Mayor Stephens presented updated drawing of signage. Alderman Gladden asked if arrow will point at statue? Yes. Alderman McComb asked the cost? Mayor Stephens stated $3000-4000. Tourism will help, Mr. Koppies will help.

Motion: To approve the Big Muddy Monster Signage.

Motion by Alderman Gladden Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

New Business:

Consideration of Street Closure Request for MHS Class of 2004 Reunion, Chestnut Street from 11th to 12th on Saturday, September 21, 2024:

Motion: To approve the Street Closure Request for MHS Class of 2004 Reunion, Chestnut Street from 11th to 12th Streets on Saturday, September 21, 2024.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of Street Closure Request for Big Muddy Monster Festival, Chestnut Street from 11th to 12th on Saturday, June 22, 2024:

Motion: To approve the Street Closure Request for Big Muddy Monster Festival, Chestnut Street from 11th to 12th Streets on Saturday, June 22, 2024.

Motion by Alderman Strack Second by Alderman Hughes

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Gladden opened discussion for Public Improvement related items.

Old business:

Discussion regarding Condition of Properties in the 900 Block of Locust Street: Mr. Eisert stated Mitch Murphy called, other two buildings are in the family, has them, going to pay back taxes and install windows this summer. Mayor Stephens stated trust but verify. Alderman Gladden asked if the roof needs fixed? Mr. Eisert stated he flew a drone over, did not see any issues. Mayor Stephens stated bricks bowing out, should be gutter on front and there is not. Mr. Eisert stated he will keep an eye on it. Alderman Austin asked if taxes paid and windows in, is the building safe? Mr. Eisert stated have not seen the inside, would have to ask. Mayor Stephens stated think would be good to check.

New business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment.

Alderman McComb opened discussion for Public Works related items.

Old business:

Discussion regarding Drainage Issues at 307 North 22nd Street: Table, waiting on contractor.

Discussion regarding Curb Cuts and Sidewalk Replacements: Table, working on new ordinance.

Update regarding condition of North 7th Street from old railroad tracks to Illinois Ave.: Alderman McComb stated Mr. Mills needs equipment to fix. Mr. Shaffer stated is scheduled for oil and chip, that will help. Mr. Mills stated will work on it before oil and chip.

Discussion regarding Purchase of Skid Steer/BobCat for the Street Department: Alderman McComb stated has been to bobcat, Mr. Mills likes John Deere, talked to Mr. Mills and decided should stick with John Deere. Cash in $100,000 CD, better than paying interest. Alderman Hughes stated but not right now, WJ? Alderman Pittman stated right now it is about a wash. Mayor Stephens asked finance something and budget for it next year? Alderman Pittman stated could do interest only payment, flat payment, balloon payment, best option rate wise is sixty month amortization then pay it off. We do have a line of credit. Mr. Evans stated can look at rates, get prices, look at financial decision on back end. Alderman Gladden asked cost? $105,145.00.

Motion: To approve purchasing the skid steer from John Deere for $105,145.00.

Motion by Alderman Erbes Second by Alderman Austin

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

New business:

Discussion regarding Squatter’s Rights: Alderman McComb stated house on 16th Street, squatter moved in, owner could not get insurance but squatter did. Attorney Blake stated we already have laws, owner needs to treat it as trespasser right away. Can’t enact ordinance to circumvent the law. Alderman Hughes asked time limit on trespassing? Attorney Blake stated individual circumstances vary. Chief McBride stated for this one, there was a verbal contract for deed and they defaulted.

No public comment.

Alderman Erbes opened discussion for Public Safety related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business:

Consideration of Support for new Animal Control Shelter: Alderman Erbes stated approached by county board President, Murphysboro, Carbondale and county run an animal control shelter instead of humane shelter. Murphysboro’s contributions are $42,000 per year. Bought building across from Murdale Water District office. Mayor Stephens stated have had issues when we have taken animals. Chief Ellermeyer stated they do not want to take our bite dogs, have to go to vet first. Raised Carbondale annual amount and they are all in. Alderman Hughes asked Humane Shelter euthanizes? Yes. Chief Ellermeyer stated they indicated our cost would stay the same, county would run it and take care of it. Mayor Stephens stated requesting a resolution of support. Asked if we would like to draft a letter to the county stating we are interested in entering into an agreement regarding this? Alderman Hughes stated would like that better. Attorney Blake stated he agrees with the Mayor’s suggestion.

Motion: To draft a letter to Jackson County stating the City of Murphysboro is interested in entering into an agreement regarding a joint animal control shelter.

Motion by Alderman Gladden Second by Alderman Curry-Witzman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Hughes opened discussion for Personnel related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business:

Consideration of Summer Help for the Water Maintenance Department: Mr. Lee stated regarding part-time this summer help paint fire hydrants, have approximately 600, 400 in city limits. Would like to hire four. At $12/hour for twenty hours per week for eight weeks, four would total $7680 and two would total $3840. Ms. Ripley stated have to keep under thirty hours or treated as full-time employee. Mr. Lee stated would like two for Monday through Thursday and two for Tuesday through Friday. Mayor Stephens asked about the money to pay for it? Mr. Lee stated not budgeted. Alderman Hughes stated concerned will they have a vehicle. Alderman McComb stated have to be eighteen to drive city truck. Alderman Hughes stated Alderman Austin’s church volunteered and painted 50-55. Chief McBride stated City Hope did the same. Mayor Stephens stated thinking two that are the most responsible. Alderman Erbes stated maybe hire one eighteen-year-old and one sixteen-year-old. Mr. Lee stated would not want to put one of my guys out all day with them, that would be a waste, maybe look at this next year. Alderman Pittman stated throw it out to volunteer groups. Mayor Stephens stated table, reach out to some organizations and see, keep on the agenda.

No public comment.


Update on the Bridgewood Court Project: Is complete, Assistant Chancellor Matt Baughman very helpful, redid wording, better spaced.

Update from Lobbyist – Phelps/Barry: Building Fund funds, house and senate, proposal for ten million, submitted to both houses. Representative Gordon-booth reached out to arrange meeting.

Consideration of Request from Logan Dagner for replacement of water heater: Lives on Fiddler Ridge Road, water heater seven years old, damaged due to multiple water breaks, stated city should pay for it. Mr. Dagner asked for it to be put on the agenda and is not here. Cost to replace $725.00 Alderman Pittman stated they don’t last very long. Alderman Gladden asked Mr. Lee if there is any validity to his claim? Yes and no. Can burn up elements but hasn’t presented information to know.


Barb Hughes Concert for a Cause, put together by Ms. Ripley. Wednesdays at lunchtime, music and lunch, thanks Sandra for all you do. Fed the Lady soccer team, thank you to all who helped.

Jance Curry-Witzman Nothing

Rick Runge Absent

Mike Austin Work with Chamber of Commerce, November will have a Glow Golf, would like the city to help support.

Angela Jackson Nothing

W. J. Pittman Nothing

John Erbes START Block party Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on North 13th Street, fundraiser for START.

Gary McComb Who’s going to give Darrin direction on purchase of skid steer?

Alderman Pittman stated last week of the month to get board approval. Ok to tell them we are buying it.

Scott Strack Thank Mr. Gladson and crew for maintaining the trap fields, lots of compliments.

Don Gladden Disaster drill at the High School, high comfort zone after watching, lot of confidence, good experience.


Richard Blake Nothing

Sandra Ripley This Thursday is the luminary ceremony at Carl Lee Park.

Scott Evans Auditors done, preparing their report.

Harold Sheffer Nothing

Steve McBride Last Wednesday storms, limbs down, Darrin and crew quick to respond.

Jamie Ellermeyer Nothing

Charlie Eisert Thank you for feeding the team. This weekend is Southern Illinois

middle school soccer tournament and MBI is also having a


Tim Lee Feed the Team – big success, parents appreciated it.

Brian Manwaring Nothing

Darrin Mills Thanked council for support for skid steer.

Pat Gladson Nothing

Katharine Volle Nothing

Leandra Bryant: Absent

Mayor Stephens adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
