
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Carterville City Council met May 14

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Carterville City Mayor Bradley Robinson | Carterville Chamber of Commerce / Facebook

Carterville City Mayor Bradley Robinson | Carterville Chamber of Commerce / Facebook

City of Carterville City Council met May 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was held in the Council Chambers with Mayor Bradley M. Robinson presiding. He called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.


Bradley M. Robinson Mayor Present

Khristina Hollister City Clerk Present

Michele A. Edwards Deputy City Clerk Present

Mark Carney City Treasurer Present

Devin Miller Alderman/Ward 2 Present

Phyllis Emery Alderman/Ward 4 Present

Teri Ingram Alderman/Ward 3 Present

John Allsopp Alderman/Ward 3 Present

Curt Oetjen Alderman/Ward 2 Present

Cindy Claunch Alderman/Ward 4 Present

Rod Sievers Alderman/Ward 1 Present

Bud Edwards Alderman/Ward 1 Present

The Mayor declared a quorum present.

Present at the meeting were: Mike and Nancy Nilson, Citizens; Christie Mitchell, The Courier; Mike Flaningam, Police Chief; Jake Pendley, Police Officer; Bailey Schimpf, Police Officer; Marvin Oetjen, Kamper Supply; Stever Johnson, Citizen Advisory Member; Jason Sheraden, Fire Chief (and son Lucas); Ralph Graul, Building Inspector; Amy Baker, J & J Gaming; and Morgan Lentz, City Office Clerk.

Motion 1: Edwards moved and Allsopp seconded to approve the minutes of the City Council Regular Meeting of April 9, 2024. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Mark Carney, City Treasurer, presented the Treasurer's Report for Apil 2024 with a total cash and investments of $6,509,479.65.

Motion 2: Emery moved and Sievers seconded to approve the April 2024 Treasurer's Report as presented. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Recognition of Guests (No Comments)

Motion 3: Emery moved and Ingram seconded to approve payment of the monthly bills as presented by the City Clerk. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Engineering Report

Donnie Smoot, PSC Engineering, was unavailable tonight. The Mayor introduced the Eagle Pass Road Resurface Estimate. The Street Committee agreed that this should be completed with RBI funds. The approval of this estimate will cause the engineer to initiate the paperwork for this project and prepare a resolution.

Motion 4: Ingram moved and Emery seconded to approve the resurfacing of Eagle Pass Road at a cost of $77,216.60 (from RBI funds). A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Alderman Claunch mentioned there are some missing street signs in this area.


Cannon Park (Community Building) and James Street Park - Comments

Street/Maintenance Department

Motion 5: Oetjen moved and Edwards seconded to table the appointment of Steven Dunham as a temporary full-time summer laborer for further discussion with the employee. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


The Mayor asked that the FOP Labor Contract be discussed later in the meeting.

Chief Flaningam presented the April Police Report:

There were 200 Officer Calls for Service in April (case number generated)

There were 35 Officer Calls assisting other departments/jurisdictions in April

9 Misdemeanors Committed /5 Arrests

9 Felonies/1 Arrest

1 Drug Case/4 Closed Cases

1 Code Enforcement Cases/1 Warrant

8 Citations (Warnings: 26 written/4 Verbal) April 1-C1 & C13 John A. Logan Class

April 4 - C1 to Grand Jury

April 5-C1 Pension Board Meeting

April 10-C1 to Major Case Squad

April 18-19-C8 Mandated De-escalation.

April 22-Departmental Range Certification

April 25-C1 to S.I.E.G. Meeting

Motion 6: Edwards moved and Miller seconded to confirm the Mayor's appointments of Joshua Hargrave (EMA), Gavin Thompson (EMA), and Cleta Darlene Harris (Administrative Assistant). All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


Jason Sheraden, Fire Chief, presented the April monthly report for the Fire Department: 152 EMS Calls (Carterville/94; Cambria/32; Crainville/21; Colp/4; Hurst/Other/1); 27 Fire Calls; Total calls for 2024 are 629 as of 5/14/24.

Chief Sheraden explained the Vector Solutions renewal notice for annual training in the amount of $3,490.10 which covers 30 firefighters. Sheraden will review this list of firefighters and cover only those individuals needed.

Motion 7: Allsopp moved and Miller seconded to approve the renewal of Vector Solutions training management program at a cost up to $3,490.10. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 8: Oetjen moved and Claunch seconded to approve payment of $681.99 in Pension Contributions for Morgan Gamble (due to a payroll error) to the Fire Pension Fund. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

[On further investigation $515.15 had already been paid to the Pension Fund in October, 2023. Therefore, the City owes only $166.84 for this individual.]

Motion 9: Oetjen moved and Allsopp seconded to approve the installation of an additional Dry Hydrant at John A. Logan Campus (from Crab Orchard Lake) at a cost of up to $1,500.00. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried

(An Intergovernmental Agreement with John A. Logan College will be required for this installation).

The Mayor introduced a request from Hunter Snider, 1215 Shawnee Trail, for a variance to allow a pole barn (which is already constructed) to remain in front of the residence.

Motion 10: Oetjen moved and Sievers seconded to schedule a Variance Hearing for 1215 Shawnee Trail at 6:45 p.m. on June 11, 2024. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor introduced a request from Suzann Starchild Shepard for permission to hold the 4th Annual Art Stroll on Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There is no need for road closures or police coverage.

Motion 11: Emery moved and Allsopp seconded to authorize the use of the downtown area for the 4th Annual Art Stroll on September 28, 2024. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor introduced a request from the Chamber of Commerce for use of Cannon Park and for Police/Fire/EMS coverage for their Twilight 5K on Friday, September 6th:

Motion 12: Oetjen moved and Sievers seconded to approve the request from the Chamber of Commerce for use of Cannon Park and Emergency Services coverage for their Twilight 5K on Friday, September 6, 2024. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 13: Allsopp moved and Sievers seconded to approve a budget of up to $1,000.00 for downtown flowerpots. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


The Mayor introduced a resolution and TIF agreement for Marion L. Stennett for 114, 116, and 118 South Division. The proposal is for a grant of $15,000.00 in 2024, and $5,000.00 in each year 2025, 2026, 2027, and percentage of TIF eligible property tax reimbursement. This will help cover the TIF eligible costs of his renovations.

Motion 14: Oetjen moved and Claunch seconded to approve RESOLUTION NO. 463-24, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH MARION L. STENNETT FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY UTILIZING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING LOCATED AT 114, 116, AND 118 S. DIVISION STREET IN THE CITY OF CARTERVILLE, ILLINOIS. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 15: Edwards moved and Allsopp seconded to approve ORDINANCE NO. 1570-24, AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE A PORTION OF STEARNS STREET BETWEEN FARRIS STREET AND RODD STREET IN THE CITY OF CARTERVILLE. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Curt Oetjen gave the Water and Sewer Board report as follows:

There were 130 delinquent accounts in the amount of $25,435.22 (Shut off 14 today/11 still off)

Water Loss: April Sold 12,164,590 gallons / Purchased 15,373,720 gallons. Loss of 3,209,130 gallons or 19% loss. Rend Lake had their meter calibrated last week.

The Board approved $1,135.00 for a new metal detector

The Board approved Pay Estimate #19 to PSC Engineering in the amount of $40,000.00 Leak Credits: 5 Water Leak Credits $269.09 / 4 Pool Credit $186.21

Motion 17: Oetjen moved and Ingram seconded to move to EXECUTIVE SESSION for the purpose of discussing personnel. All present voted yea, the Mayor declared the motion carried, and the Council members left regular session at 7:34 p.m.

Motion 18: Allsopp moved and Ingram seconded to return to REGULAR SESSION. All present voted yea, the Mayor declared the motion carried, and the Council members returned at 8:17 p.m.

Motion 19: Ingram moved and Allsopp seconded to approve the F.O.P. Contract April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2027 as presented. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 20: Edwards moved and Sievers seconded to approve the increase of the Street Superintendent stipend to $1,500.00 per month. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Spring Cleanup - May 14-15 North and May 21-22 South (this has been advertised on the Website)

Motion 21: Allsopp moved and Miller seconded to adjourn. All present voted yea, the Mayor declared the motion carried and the meeting was dismissed at 8:20 p.m.

Next Ordinance No. 1572-24

Next Resolution No. R464-24
