
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Johnston City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met April 18

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Johnston City CUSD #1 Board Members | Johnston City Community Unit School District #1

Johnston City CUSD #1 Board Members | Johnston City Community Unit School District #1

Johnston City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met April 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:



April 18, 2024

The Board of Education of the Johnston City Community Unit School District No. 1 met at a regular Board meeting held on April 18, 2024 with the Closed Session beginning at 6:30 p.m. and Regular Session beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Unit Office, 1113 Grand Avenue, Johnston

City, IL. President Chris Cullum called the meeting to order and asked the clerk for the attendance roll call.


Present: Chad Barras, Jimmy Dean, John Etherton, Patti Martin, Randy McIntosh, John Van, and Chris Cullum

Absent: None

Motion made by Chad Barras and seconded by John Van to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following:

A. Approval the Regular and Closed Session and Minutes of the 3/18/24 Special Meeting, the Regular and Closed Session and Minutes of the 3/19/24 Special Meeting, the Regular and Closed Session Minutes of the 3/21/24 Regular Meeting, the Regular and Closed Session and Minutes of the 3/26/24 Special Meeting, and the Regular Session Minutes of the 4/4/24 Special Meeting

B. Approval of Treasurer’s Report

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Motion made by John Van and seconded by Randy McIntosh to approve the bills for payment.

Voting Aye: Barras, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Cullum

Abstaining: Dean

Motion Carried.

The greenhouse construction is completed. Water will be installed at the greenhouse on April 19th.

The first reading of the PRESS Policy Updates was held.

Steve Sims, Architechniques, Inc., presented the bids for the Jefferson School Phase 3 and Phase 4/A and B Project and an Alternate A-1. The Alternate A-1 bid was for fencing at the school.

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by Randy McIntosh to award the bid for the Jefferson School Phase 3 and Phase 4/A and B Project to Evrard Construction in the amount of $4,388,000.00 to include Alternate A-1 in the amount of $66,425.00.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Cullum Motion Carried.

The awarding of the bids for the District Maintenance Grant Window Security Project was tabled due to the change of the scope of the project and to rebid the project with the changes.

The awarding of the Food Service Management Contract was tabled due to not receiving approval from ISBE prior to the meeting.

Motion made by Patti Martin and seconded by Randy McIntosh to set the June Board meeting Date and set the Amended Budget Hearing date for June 27, 2024.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Motion made by Chad Barras and seconded by Patti Martin to approve the out of state trips for the High School Seniors to Six Flags in St. Louis, MO on May 4, 2024, the Middle School Student Council to Busch Stadium in St. Louis, MO on May 8, 2024, and the High School Band, High School Chorus, and Middle School Band to Holiday World in Santa Claus, IN on May 24, 2024.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Motion made by Randy McIntosh and seconded by John Van to approve the following actions regarding personnel: approve the medical leave of absence for Kira Fietsam, to accept the resignation of Josh Pietrantoni as IHSA Athletic Director, to employ Laura Borger, Amanda Stanley, Trevor Stanley, Carl Harris, John Reeder, McKinley Carver, Melanie Emery, Chanda McCoy, Jodi Tanner, Caitlyn Boyd, Kristy Cheers, Holli Clark, Toni Lawrence, Robbie Rosenbery, and Sarah Smith as Summer School Teachers, Kailee Grant, Olivia Hoxworth, Rosa Moulton, Valerie Turner, Brandy Davis, Courtney Garner, Chelsa Moore, and Kendra Reed as Summer School Aides, Scott Burzynski, Saeward Mattox, and Mitchell Rushing as Summer Driver’s Education Teachers, Seth Rice, Joe Palmer, Jerry Tate, Andre Bradley, and Jordan Norris as Summer Student Workers, Rebecca Vancil as the Director of Transportation, and Kristi Schell as High School Principal, and to post the High School Assistant Principal, District Social Worker, and IHSA Athletic Director positions.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Mrs. Clark informed the Board that the High School Scholar Bowl Team placed 3rd in the IHSA 1A State Scholastic Bowl Competition. The High School Math Team placed 2nd in the IHSA 1A State Tournament and was the top public school in the IHSA Class 1A.

Mrs. Clark provided the Board with the dates of upcoming activities in the District. • Mike Dean Memorial Blood Drive is Monday, April 22nd from 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm • Scholarship Night is Monday, April 29th at 6:30 pm at JCHS

• Baccalaureate will is Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 pm at Johnston City United Pentecostal Church

Motion made by Randy McIntosh and seconded by John Etherton to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 p.m.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Etherton, Martin, McIntosh, Van, and Cullum Motion Carried.
