
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Herrin City Council met Dec. 27

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Ms. Shelly Huggins - City Clerk, City of Herrin | City of Herrin Website

Ms. Shelly Huggins - City Clerk, City of Herrin | City of Herrin Website

City of Herrin City Council met Dec. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Steve Frattini called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Mayor led us in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Shelly Huggins, City Clerk called the roll and the following were present:





SHEILA AHLGREN absent Alderman Ward I


RANDY CROMPTON absent Alderman Ward II

PAUL YORK Alderman Ward II


SCOTT KINLEY absent Alderman Ward III




MINUTES OF DECEMBER 11, 2023 Motion made by Alderman Shoemake, seconded by Alderman York to approve the minutes of December 11, 2023 Council Meeting. Alderman Shoemake, York, Miller, Sizemore and Ruppel voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

TREASURER'S REPORT Treasurer Carl Goodwin had nothing to report.

BUDGET OFFICE REPORT Carrie Cravens, Budget Director had nothing to report.

CODES Bret Childers Codes Administrator stated complaints addressed for the year was 572 grass, 114 trash/debris, 55 inoperable vehicles, 49 unsafe/unfit structures and 185 other complaints. Total complaints 975 addressed.

PUBLIC WORKS Bill Sizemore, Chairman of the Public Works had nothing to report.

Tom Somers, Public Works Director was absent from the meeting.

PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT Marilyn Ruppel, Chairman of the Public Improvement Committee had nothing to report.

PUBLIC SAFETY David Dorris, Police Chief stated last week they had donations and did traffic stops and gave out gift cards to the community residents.

Shawn Priddy, Fire Chief was absent from the meeting.

David Shoemake, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee had nothing to report.

FINANCE Motion was made by Alderman York, seconded by Alderman Shoemake to authorize bills to be paid before the Council. Alderman York, Miller, Sizemore, Ruppel and Shoemake voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

INSURANCE Sheila Ahlgren, Chairman of the Insurance Committee was absent from the meeting.

HERRIN LIBRARY LIAISON Marilyn Ruppel, Liaison for the Herrin City Library had nothing to report.

HERRIN CIVIC CENTER LIAISON Scott Kinley, Liaison for the Herrin Civic Center was absent from the meeting.


APPOINTMENTS WCJETS, CIVIC CENTER BOARD, LIBRARY BOARD & ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Motion made by Alderman Shoemake, seconded by Alderman Sizemore to appoint Steve Miller to the Williamson County Joint Emergency Telephone Systems Board for a term ending January 1, 2027; appoint Sue Hamilton, JC Waddell & Scott Kinley to the Herrin Civic Center Board for a term ending December 31, 2026; appoint Ray Kaup to the Board of Fire & Police Commissioners for term ending December 31, 2026; appoint Jennifer Sarver, Barbara Guebert & Kathleen Jones to the Herrin Library Board for term ending December 31, 2026; appoint Ashley Watson to the Herrin City Library Board for unexpired term ending December 31, 2025 and appoint Howard Grant to the Zoning Board Of appeals for term ending December 31, 2028. Alderman Sizemore, Ruppel, Shoemake and York Voted "Yea". None voted "Nay". Alderman Kinley "Abstained".

ORDINANCE 38- 2023 ADDING CHAPTER 29, ARTICLE IX TO THE HERRIN REVISED CODE OF ORDINANCES Motion made by Alderman Ruppel, seconded by Alderman Sizemore to table Ordinance 38-2023 Adding Chapter 29, Article IX to the Herrin Revised Code of Ordinances. Alderman Sizemore, Ruppel, Shoemake, York and Miller voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

ORDINANCE 39-2023 GRANTING VARIANCE FOR GLENVALE SUBDIVISION Motion made by Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman York to pass Ordinance 39-2023 Granting a Variance for Glenvale Subdivision. Alderman Ruppel, Shoemake, York, Miller and Sizemore voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

ORDINANCE 40-2023 TIF ORDINANCE & AGREEMENT FARMER'S STATE BANK Motion made by Alderman Sizemore, seconded by Alderman Shoemake to pass Ordinance 40-2023 Execution of a Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Herrin & Farmer's State Bank Utilizing TIF and other actions related thereto. Alderman Shoemake, York, Miller, Sizemore and Ruppel voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

ORDINANCE 41- 2023 TIF ORD- INANCE & AGREEMENT SOUTHSIDE LUMBER Motion made by Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman York to pass Ordinance 41-2023 Execution of a Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Herrin & Southside Lumber Utilizing TIF and other actions related thereto. Alderman York, Miller, Sizemore, Ruppel and Shoemake voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

BARGAINING AGREEMENT W/ FOP-PATROLMEN Motion made by Alderman Shoemake, seconded by Alderman Miller to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Illinois FOP Labor Council-Police Officers, Sergeant and below and the City of Herrin for May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2028. Alderman York, Miller, Sizemore, Ruppel and Shoemake voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

MAYOR Mayor thanked everyone for all of their support in our endeavors.

COUNCIL Alderman Miller, Sizemore and Ruppel all commended everyone's hard work and all the great things we have going on in our community.

Alderman Shoemake thanked Alderman Miller and Carrie and the FOP for contract negotiations.

ADJOURN Motion made by Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Sizemore to adjourn. Alderman Miller, Sizemore, Ruppel, Shoemake and York voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".
