
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Unity Point Community Consolidated School District 140 Board met Dec. 19

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Aerial view of Unity Point Community Consolidated School District 140 | Unity Point Community Consolidated School District 140

Aerial view of Unity Point Community Consolidated School District 140 | Unity Point Community Consolidated School District 140

Unity Point Community Consolidated School District 140 Board met Dec. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Unity Point Board of Education was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by the President, Amanda Pangrazio, with the following members present: Morteza Daneshdoost, Elizabeth Mackenbach, Lisa DiBiase, Amanda Pangrazio, Courtney O’Dell, Sylvia Thoms and Robin Warne. Others present were: Dr. Lori James-Gross, Michelle Brown, Leslie Varble and Mary Beth Goff.

Morteza Daneshdoost made the motion, seconded by Lisa DiBiase to approve the Agenda as modified to table the Technology Director Job Description and move Public Comments prior to Executive Session (see below). Motion carried 7-0 with all voting yea.

Elizabeth Mackenbach made the motion, seconded by Sylvia Thoms to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented, copy attached. Motion carried 7-0 with all voting yea.

Courtney O’Dell made the motion, seconded by Lisa DiBiase to move Public Comments to before Executive Session. Motion carried 7-0 with all voting yea.

Morteza Daneshdoost made the motion, seconded by Lisa DiBiase to approve the following Consent Agenda items:

- Approval of Bills

- Presentation of Financial Reports

- Jackson County SFST December Distribution

- Updated Technology Director Job Description - TABLED

- Correspondence

- Resignation, Robin Warne, Board of Education Member

- Letter from ISBE, Appointment of Dr. James-Gross to Teacher Performance Assessment Task Force

- Letter from SIU Bowling Alley

Motion carried 7-0 with all voting yea.

Amanda Pangrazio recognized Robin Warne for his service to the Board of Education. Robin Warne exited the meeting at 6:39 p.m.

Amanda Pangrazio recognized guests and visitors that were present.

Public Comments:

Courtney O’Dell – there is a lack of discipline and prevalent bullying happening at Unity Point. She discussed an incident that happened with her child on the bus.

Lisa DiBiase – requested bus safety and discipline procedures be added to next month’s agenda.

Becky Borowitz – bus issues/discipline on the bus are an issue. Drivers are not able to supervise kids while driving. Union/Aides are having significant issues with student discipline. We need a Behavior Interventionist. Former teachers have not received the exit interviews.

Jennifer Musoiu – still working on the stay survey. The exit survey was not in a format that was easily readable.

Morteza Daneshdoost made the motion, seconded by Sylvia Thoms to enter into Executive Session at 6:40 p.m. to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; matters of pending litigation, student discipline, and selection of a person to fill a public office. Motion carried 6-0 with all voting yea.

Courtney O’Dell made the motion, seconded by Elizabeth Mackenbach to enter back into Regular Session at 9:10 p.m. Motion carried 6-0 with all voting yea.

Morteza Daneshdoost made the motion, seconded by Sylvia Thoms to approve the minutes of the December 19th Executive Session. Motion carried 6-0 with all voting yea.

Amanda Pangrazio made the motion, seconded by Elizabeth Mackenbach to dismiss Leonard Cox – custodian, and Dustin Cox – custodian, effective December 4, 2023. Motion carried 6-0 with all voting yea.

Sylvia Thoms made the motion, seconded by Morteza Daneshdoost to accept the FY23 Audit Report as presented. Motion carried 6-0 with all voting yea.

Morteza Daneshdoost made the motion, seconded by Lisa DiBiase to approve the 2023 Tax Levy and PTELL Resolution as presented. Motion carried 6-0 with all voting yea.

Courtney O’Dell made the motion, seconded by Elizabeth Mackenbach to approve the resolution to abate General Obligation School Bonds for the 2023 levy year. Motion carried 6-0 with all voting yea.

Courtney O’Dell, Amanda Pangrazio, and Dr. James-Gross provided a review of sessions attended during the Triple I Conference.

The following Board committee updates were discussed:

1. Policy (TBD)

2. Curriculum (12/14/23)

3. Finance (12/14/23)

Amanda Pangrazio made the motion, seconded by Sylvia Thoms to approve the PRESS Policy updates as presented. The following policies were discussed:

- 2:20 Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification

- 2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties and Board Officers

- 2:120 Board Member Development

- 2:200 Types of School Board Meetings

- 2:220 School Board Meeting Procedure

- 3:50 Administrative Personnel Other than the Superintendent

- 4:10 Fiscal and Business Management

- 4:30 Revenue and Investments

- 4:60 Purchases and Contracts

- 4:90 Student Activity and Fiduciary Funds

- 4:130 Free and Reduced-Price Food Services

- 4:160 Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds

- 4:170 Safety

- 5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria

- 5:50 Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace

- 5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

- 5:120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest

- 5:150 Personnel Records

- 5:190 Teacher Qualifications

- 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment of Dismissal

- 5:210 Resignations

- 5:220 Substitute Teachers

- 5:250 Leaves of Absence

- 5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays and Leaves

- 6:15 School Accountability

- 6:20 School Year Calendar and Day

- 6:30 Organization of Instruction

- 6:50 School Wellness

- 6:60 Curriculum Content

- 6:65 Student Social and Emotional Development

- 6:230 Library Media Program

- 6:270 Guidance and Counseling Program

- 6:280 Grading and Promotion

- 7:50 School Admissions and Student Transfers to and From Non-District Schools

- 7:60 Residence

- 7:70 Attendance and Truancy

- 7:160 Student Appearance

- 7:165 School Uniforms

- 7:190 Student Behavior

- 7:250 Student Support Services

- 7:270 Administering Medicines to Students

- 7:285 Anaphylaxis Prevention

- 7:290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention

- 7:345 Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security

- 8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

Motion carried 6-0 with all voting yea.

Elizabeth Mackenbach made the motion, seconded by Sylvia Thoms to employ the following: 1. Lucia Amorelli – EOC Aide (effective 12/4/23)

Motion carried 6-0 with all voting yea.

Board discussed creation of a Communication Director per the outcome of the Board Retreat held in 2021. Consensus of the Board was to not create this position at this time.

Dr. Lori James-Gross, Superintendent, Leslie Varble, Principal for Instruction, and Mary Beth Goff, Dean of Students, provided the following Administrative Updates:

1. Current Enrollment/Registration Figures (as of 12/12/23)

2. Monthly Behavior Data

3. CCHS Top Ten Trend Data

4. Inclement Weather Procedures/Use of E-Learning Plan

5. Continuous School Improvement Update

Superintendent’s Evaluation Process will be placed on Executive Session Agenda next month.

NEW BUSINESS: Consider the use of a school climate survey

Board Remarks – Put Board members on Angel Tree list next year.

Administrative Remarks – Holiday Programs were great! Angel Tree served 150 kids.

Dr. James-Gross apologized to Becky Borowitz for her reaction to her Public Comment.

Morteza Daneshdoost made the motion, seconded by Elizabeth Mackenbach to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 p.m. Motion carried 6-0 with all voting yea.
