
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Anne West Lindsey Library District Board met Oct. 24

Anne West Lindsey Library District Board met Oct. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The monthly meeting of the Anne West Lindsey District Library of October 24, 2023 was called to order by President Heather Abell Castleberry and a quorum was established. In attendance were Elaine Miskell, Sheri Hunter, Jim Koonce, Paula Buritsch and Nancy Schmidt. Bill Slider was not present. Library director, Mary Stoner; staff member, Pam Alstat; and financial secretary, Jennifer Sigler attended as well. Marilyn Kaufman, librarians’ assistant, was also present.

A motion to accept the agenda was made by Jim Koonce and seconded by Elaine Miskell. The motion carried.

Minutes from the September 26, 2023 meeting were read and approved with a motion from Jim Koonce which was seconded by Elaine Miskell. The motion carried.

Under Public Comments, Marilyn Kaufman, who is the new part-time librarians’ assistant, was introduced. She will be working at the library nineteen hours per week.

The Financial Secretary’s Report was presented by financial secretary Jennifer Sigler. She reported on the library’s assets, profit and loss, and operating budget vs. actual, September 2023; deposit detail and check detail for the month of September 2023. A motion was made by Jim Koonce and seconded by Elaine Miskell to accept this report per audit. The motion carried.

In the Library Director’s Report, Mary Stoner reported the following:

(1) Mary Stoner worked on Sara Pilger’s memorial of over $5,000.

(2) The Friends of the Library have joined the Southern Illinois Community Foundation and are preparing for the day of giving on November 27th and 28th. They netted almost $550 on their book sale.

(3) Work on the Lawyer in the Library program was finalized. A stipend check of $400 for this program was received and deposited.

(4) Mary Stoner continued working on accessing information about the library receiving Personal Property Replacement Tax from the City of Carterville.

(5) Interviewed and hired Marilyn Kaufman as a part-time librarians’ assistant.

(6) Paperwork has been finalized for the Ameren grant for libraries. We should receive a check for $2,000 in the next couple of weeks.

(7) Jane Robertson, former library director, will be covering story hour as a replacement is being interviewed.

(8) Mary Stoner submitted the Illinois Public Library Internet Survey for the Secretary of State’s office.

(9) During the month of October, library staff processed 161 items and 29 new library cards were issued.

(10) GiveSI Day of Giving starts Monday, November 27 at 5 p.m. and ends Tuesday, November 28 at 10:35 p.m.

(11) The combined book sale and craft fair brought over 750 visitors to the library over a three-day period.

(12) Programming total for the month of October 2023 was 915 patrons.

Along with her customary Director’s report, Mary Stoner presented reports from the other librarians. The Director’s and Librarian’s reports were accepted with a motion from Sheri Hunter and seconded by Jim Koonce. The motion carried.

Financial Secretary, Jennifer Sigler, requested money be moved into the operating account in the amount of $50,000 to the special reserve account at First Southern Bank. Jim Koonce made a motion to move $50,000 into the special reserve account at First Southern Bank. Sheri Hunter seconded the motion and the motion carried.

In Unfinished Business, the Personal Property Replacement Tax was discussed. The library’s attorney will be contacted regarding this matter.

The Anne West Lindsey District Library Board of Trustees received training concerning the Per Capita Grant Checklist. All trustees reviewed the checklists and are aware of the standards set forth in the checklist.

In Other Business, Allison Owen has been removed from bank accounts at Banterra Bank and Paula Buritsch has been added. This will need to be done for other accounts as well and all current board members will be added.

Quotes from multiple security camera surveillance systems were discussed. It was decided to table this till the November board meeting.

The Intergovernmental Agreement with LIMRiCC was discussed. Jim Koonce made a motion to sign the resolution and approve the ballot. Nancy Schmidt seconded the motion and the motion carried.

The next Anne West Lindsey District Library Board Meeting will be held on November 28th at 6:30 p.m.

A motion to adjourn was made by Elaine Miskell and seconded by Sheri Hunter at 7:35 p.m.
