
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Genoa Economic Development Commission met June 13

City of Genoa Economic Development Commission met June 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Carolyn Tobinson called the June 13, 2023 City of Genoa Economic Development Commission Meeting to order at 9:07 A.M.

On roll call, members Dealynn Stone, Carolyn Tobinson, Josh Kubiak and Matt Hoffman were present; Mayor Jonathon Brust and Alyssa Seguss, City of Genoa and Katelyn Landcaster of Opportunity Bound were also present.

The Economic Development Commission moved on to Old Business. Mr. Kubiak moved and Ms. Tobinson seconded to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2023 meeting. Upon voice vote, all members present said aye.

New Business:

A. Discuss Opportunity Unbound Goals: Katelyn Landcaster of Opportunity Unbound reviewed the goals and action items of Opportunity Unbound. The purpose of this was to evaluate how the City of Genoa and Opportunity Unbound can work together on goals that benefit both the City and the County. The E.D.C. established multiple goals relating to preserving Genoa’s small town feel while improving the quality of life and attracting tourism/visitors, through enhancing recreational activities and attracting new businesses (commercial and industrial). The E.D.C. discussed the need to establish action items to work towards completion of the goals.

B. Updates from the Chair: None at this time.

C. Next Meeting Agenda: The E.D.C. said that it would be helpful to conduct a “SMART Goals” / Action Items exercise with the goals created during the June 13th meeting. This will be placed on the agenda for July 11, 2023.

There being no further business, Mr. Kubiak made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 AM, seconded by Ms. Tobinson. Upon voice vote, all members present said aye.
