
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met May 25

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met May 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 was held on Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 6:00 PM at CES95 Lakeland Center, 925 South Giant City Road, Carbondale, IL 62902.

1. Roll Call:

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Ms. Catherine Field, President

Ms. Markida Roper, Vice President

Ms. Corey Cawthon, Secretary

Mr. Tarnisha Green

Ms. Imani McHenry

Ms. Stacye Saunders

Ms. Aimee Wigfall

Administrators present:

Ms. Janice Pavelonis, Superintendent

Ms. Janiece Blake, Chief School Business Official

Ms. Michelle Martin, Director of Data Reports and Programs

Dr. La Tonya Mouzon, Director of Student Services


Roll Call:

Ms. Catherine Field, President

Ms. Markida Roper, Vice President

Ms. Corey Cawthon, Secretary

Mr. Tarnisha Green

Ms. Imani McHenry

Ms. Stacye Saunders

Ms. Aimee Wigfall

Green moved, seconded by Saunders to enter Executive Session at 6:05 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation. No decisions were made, and no votes were taken.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, McHenry. Wigfall, Roper, Green, Cawthon

No votes: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Executive Session adjourned at 7:08 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Saunders, Field, McHenry. Wigfall, Roper, Green, Cawthon

No: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

3. Public Comments

Rachel Robinson a Carbondale Middle School parent spoke regarding school safety and the installation of bullet proof glass at the entry doors of all the schools for safety against gun violence.

4. Approval of Agenda

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the Agenda.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon. Wigfall, Roper, Green, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

5. Consent Agenda Items

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving Consent Agenda Items, 5.1 Minutes, 5.2-Financial Reports and 5.3-Communications

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon, Green. Wigfall, Roper, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

5.1 Minutes

5.11 Regular – April 20, 2023

5.12 Executive – April 20, 2023

5.13 Special - May 9, 2023

5.14 Executive - May 9, 2023

5.15 Special - May 15, 2023

5.16 Executive - May 15, 2023

5.2 Financial Reports

5.21 Approval of Bills

5.22 Treasurer’s Report

5.23 Revenue Report

5.24 Expenditure Report

5.25 Activity Fund Reports

5.3 Communications

5.31 FOIA - None

5.32 Donations – None

6. Committee Reports

6.1 6.11 Communication Report

President’s Remarks – Catherine Field

As the school year wines to a close, I would like to say “Thank You” to everybody that has worked so hard this year, teachers, staff, admin, kids, parents, and community members, we are very grateful. I especially want to thank teachers and staff that are doing extra these final weeks. Graduation last week was marvelous, and it was pure pleasure to watch the kids, the proud parents and the school so well represented.

President Field recognized the retirees present at the board meeting and Superintendent Pavelonis presented plaques to Cecile McCarron (32 years) and Suzy Snider (30 years). Also recognized was Laura Heatherly Jinks (27 years), Regina Hill (26 years), and Stephanie Rushing (22 years with the district and 26 years total).

6.2 Committee Reports

6.21 Behavioral Interventions Committee – No Report

6.22 Building and Transportation Committee – Markida Roper

• The committee met on May 10th at 5:30pm.

• Solar Panel Update - Finances have been received to start the project. Waiting on the timeline from GRP to begin the project.

• July 6th and 7th Lewis School will experience a power outage to update transformers.

• Maintenance Grant Update - The State has paid its portion of the grant. Lewis School cameras are installed. Parrish School installation is scheduled for June 5th and Thomas School on June 12th.

• ABBCO Contract Extensions - Increase in price due to minimal wage increase. A (1) year extension is being recommended on tonight’s agenda.

• Robinson Transport Extension - Action item on tonight’s agenda for a (2) year extension.

6.23 Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee – No Report

6.24 Policy Committee – No Report

6.25 Public Relations Committee - No Report

6.26 Fundraising Development Committee - No Report

6.3 Administrative Staff Reports

6.31 Director’s Report

• La Tonya Mouzon, Director of Student Services

As the school year ends many aspects of the Students Services Department’s work are being wrapped up. For the past two years the district has worked with ISBE, Loyola University, and the University of Illinois Springfield in the area of discipline equity. That work included participating in Loyola University’s School Discipline Reform Certificate program where there was an emphasis on antiracism, implicit bias, restorative practices, and alternatives to suspension. Leah Hooper, Robyn Davis, and I were able to complete the two year certificate program this Spring. Staff participated in Empathic instruction professional development where staff mindset toward discipline was the focus.

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Act also guides a portion of Student Services work. This year we have been able to assist families in several ways. Those ways include providing cleaning products, referrals to community resources, transportation assistance, temporary housing assistance, clothing, and most recently we were able to take over 100 of our students to Shoe Carnival to shop for new shoes. We continue to hold high expectations for behavior and attendance, which can be challenging at this time of the school year. As we end the year, each school is having celebrations to acknowledge the hard work and efforts of their students in both areas.

At Parrish School they had bubbles and beach balls this past Friday. They will have their big play day to include structured play games (potato sack races, ring toss, and limbo, just to name a few) and a Star kiss MTSS celebrations tomorrow. They will serve Dairy Queen Star Kiss ice cream from 1:50-2:10 if you would like to join them for a treat. Pre-K will have their play day/structured games and Star Kiss celebration and there will be a school awards assembly celebration where they will acknowledge attendance on Tuesday to round out the school year.

Thomas School will have a water day on Tuesday. The day will be filled with indoor and outdoor activities. Those activities will include a slip and slide, obstacle course, hoops/shoot, and many more. They will also have delicious ice cream treats from the ice truck! Student attendance and behavior accomplishments will be acknowledged through a special awards edition of Tiger Talk. The students will also receive certificates for their efforts.

Lewis school completed its SEL REACH training. They had two community members and one parent serve on their school-based team. Through this work an action plan for addressing SEL was completed that will be implemented next school year. Community engagement activities included a Dinosaur Island event within the school and a poetry slam at Campus Lake. Lewis school hosted an 8th grade celebration day where they acknowledged the rising 9th graders. Just today Mr. Patrick, a retired teacher came in to continue the tradition of hosting a pancake breakfast. Attendance and behavior will also be acknowledged with certificates. Lewis School has celebrated school spirit all week. They had pajama day, twin day, future day, mismatch day, and school spirit day will be tomorrow. Next Tuesday they will have an end of the year MTSS inflatable fun day.

At CMS, last week the 8th graders participated in several activities including a barbeque, an adventure at Giant City Park, and roller skating in Marion. Tomorrow the 6th and 7th grade students will have a day of celebrating as they will hold their school carnival tomorrow. Also Zero Hero Tardy tickets will be provided to all students who were on time to every class, every day. They will receive a soda and a candy bar during the school carnival.

The City of Carbondale has also partnered with each of the schools by donating various snacks and sweet treats for the students to enjoy during their end of the year activities. Finally, as you know, I have been working with the District’s Staff Engagement committee to celebrate and recognize staff. Next Wednesday we will have our first staff fun day celebration.

• Brooke Kensler, Director of Special Education

In the Special Education department over the last month, we have focused on transitions for our students that are changing buildings and that graduated and are moving on to CCHS. We had transition meetings for all of our 8th graders in which the high school attended as well as the students and parents to ensure that they had all the support for them as they start as freshman.

We also had meetings and discussions for our students transitioning to a new building to discuss any special support and to give the new case manager ideas and tips to best support them.

At Parrish one of the identified needs has been supporting students with the skills to regulate their emotions and regulate their behaviors so we have a team that is meeting and working on a Calming/Refocusing room. This team is currently working on setting up a room that will provide a calm environment and is equipped with the space and materials to work on those self regulation skills.

Health Services

I spoke last time regarding our partnership with Shawnee and since then we have been able to have them attend our Kindergarten registration days and were able to schedule appointments on the spot for the physicals and immunizations.

I also shared that we will have mobile health clinics available for our staff and students. The current plan is to have the mobile clinic one day at CMS next year and one day at Thomas. We will then continue to expand to full 5 days the following school year. We will use the mobile clinic for the first time on June 1st at Parrish school. They will focus that day on completing physicals for the Kindergartners that signed up as well as any sports physicals that may be needed.

• Michelle Martin, Director of Data Reporting and Programs

Ms. Martin gave an overview of the following items on the agenda for Board approval:

Consolidated District Plan - The Illinois State Board of Education requires all districts to complete a set of planning questions to meet the requirements for all twelve of the federal formula grants for the fiscal year 2024. This is the fifth year for these new requirements for grant planning. A copy of the plan was enclosed in the board member packet to review prior to approval.

K-5 Science - The curriculum office, in collaboration with the K-5 Science Curriculum Team, performed an extensive curriculum review during the school year. The curriculum team reviewed materials from a variety of publishers. The team selected three science curriculums for further review. The team then met with a representative from the companies to further review these curriculums. After this extensive review, the K-5 science curriculum team made the decision to select HMH Into Science curriculum. The district will be working with HMH to provide professional development on this new curriculum. Mrs. Martin shared this selection with the Faculty Council during a meeting held on Thursday, May 18, 2023. This purchase includes the print and digital resources for both teacher and students for six years. It also includes hands-on material kits.

6-8 Science - The curriculum office, in collaboration with middle school science teachers, performed an extensive curriculum review during the school year. The team reviewed materials from a variety of publishers. After this extensive review, the science teachers made the decision to stay with McGraw-Hill Inspire Science which is currently being used in 6th grade science. The district will be working with McGraw-Hill to provide professional development on this curriculum. Mrs. Martin shared this selection with the Faculty Council during a meeting held on Thursday, May 18, 2023. This purchase includes the print and digital resources for both teacher and students. McGraw-Hill does offer science kits that will be reviewed by the middle school science teachers for possible purchase at a later date.

Renaissance Learning - CES #95 has used STAR 360 as an assessment tool in the district for many years. The cost of the tool is always paid through the Title I grant. This cost is above the $25,000 threshold, therefore requires board approval. Again, this year, the company has combined multiple Renaissance products with our STAR 360 subscription to allow for the district to apply a discount. I am requesting that the board approve the combined quote for all four products of Star 360, Lalilo, Freckle, Schoolzilla. These subscriptions have been bundled to allow the district to take advantage of a discount.

Summer Learning

Summer Learning K-5 will focus on reading & math. Summer learning at CMS will focus on credit recovery.

Parrish Enrollment - 55

Thomas Enrollment - 42

Lewis Enrollment - 25

Still working on a list of students that need to attend credit recovery at CMS.

Star Assessment Update

Students have completed the Star Assessment Spring Benchmark testing and a summary of these results are included in your packet. I will share these scores in greater detail during the June board meeting.

6.32 Chief School Business Official – Janiece Blake

Tonight’s meeting includes a few items for your consideration related to contracts and some that are statutorily required.

The first item that I am going to discuss is the Robinson Transport contract extension. Robinson presented a two-year extension that includes rate increases of almost 20% over 2 years for regular routes, and 23.4% for special routes. Also included are increases in the per hour charge for monitors and mileage for extracurricular trips. These rate increases are similar to those seen by other districts who also use Robinson for transportation services. The effect of this rate increase will result in approximately $575,000 in additional expenditures over the next couple of years. Currently the district only sees around a 65% reimbursement from the state for transportation services. Some of the transportation is currently being paid for with ESSER funding, however it’s set to expire in September of ’24. The recommendation is to approve the contract extension for the two-year period.

Similarly, the district’s cleaning service agreement with ABBCO has been on one-year extension for several years now. This one-year proposal includes an increase of 8.6% at a monthly cost of $47,388. The increase is a reflection of the Illinois incremental minimum wage increase. Next fiscal year, I will be asking the board to approve going out for bid for cleaning services. I just think with the number of years since the original contract, and the needs of the buildings having changed over the years, its time to open a bid process to better align expectations for cleaning services.

Also, included in tonight’s board agenda is an item to repay an interfund loan that was approved last August. Working cash loaned the Education Fund $2m, and it must be repaid by the end of the fiscal year.

The district’s amended budget has been included in tonight’s board packet as well due to state statute requiring the amended budget to be on display for 30 days prior to its adoption. Generally, there isn’t a need to amend a budget unless actual expenditures are going to exceed adopted budget expenditures. Presently there are 3 funds whose expenditures have exceeded the original budgeted amount.

The transportation fund budgeted costs were lower than what has been incurred this year. Also contributing to this is an increase in fuel costs.

The capital projects fund has additional expense due to the security camera installations at Parrish, Thomas, and Lewis, as well as the solar panel project. We did close on the funding issue May 3rd, so we have received the funds to begin the solar project. We’ve made essentially what’s considered the down payment to get the project going, and those dollars must be accounted for in this fiscal year’s budget.

The tort fund expenditures increased as a result of legal fees over the year. As some of the board is aware, we spent a significant amount of time on collective bargaining this year, and as a result, incurred additional costs for those services.

The amended budget approval is tentatively set for the June board meeting.

6.33 Superintendent – Janice Pavelonis

• Joint Annual Conference (Triple I) November 17-19, 2023 for Superintendents, Board members, CSBOs, etc.

• Registration opens June 5th in Chicago, Keynote speakers, sessions based on interests.

• Transportation - Train reservations fill up fast.

• The school district pays for the conference email me and Jerri if you are interested.

End of the Year in Schools

• Progress-Student growth, all areas of our strategic plan

• This month all schools have been celebrating big:

Parrish: Dietz Farm Field Trip, Snowball Dance Party,

Thomas: Math Bees and Spelling Bees, STREAM Night, Water day, and Field day.

Lewis: Future Day–What they look like in the future!, basketball game in the CMS gym where our own Cassandra McGhee sang the national anthem, Fire safety house visits.

CMS: Orchestra, Band and Choir concerts, athletics is kicking off for next year, Field day, and more.

• All Schools:

Visits to other schools for transition support! Parade of CMS 8th graders through Lewis!

Teacher appreciation week this month

Tons of field trips

Music Concerts

Singing with the Stars event

• District Resource Officer Vision


Staff training

Tonight’s action is the agreement with the city to post the position and start developing a pool of applicants.

Chief of Police Stan Reno addressed the board regarding the process of selecting an officer for the position and was open for questions from the board.

6.4 Faculty Council - Amber Ragsdale

The end of the school year is here, and we are all more than ready to move on to summer!

I want to begin on a positive note with a message from a Faculty Council Member: The 8th grade field trips went well. We took the students to Giant City for a picnic and outdoor games and a trip to the skating rink. The team would like to thank Mrs. Ross and her staff for the warm reception her building gave the promoting 8th grade students, and we would also like to thank

Sherry Wyatt and her awesome cafeteria staff for preparing the lunches for our trips.

The Faculty Council met with Michelle Martin last week to discuss the curriculum decisions made by the Science, Math, and Health teams. The council agreed that the selections were appropriate and provided a foundation for student success in these content areas. Hopefully with the decisions being made now, the needed materials will be delivered prior to the start of the school year for teacher review.

7. Old Business

8. New Business

8.1 Action on Classified Personnel

8.11 Action on Resignations

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend accepting the resignation of Andre Dupre-Grant, Student Supervisory Aide effective April 21, 2023, Debbie Mighell, part-time Cook’s Helper at Parrish School effective May 15, 2023 and Elicia Chapin, EOC Aide at Carbondale Middle School effective the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon, Green. McHenry, Wigfall, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.12 Employment of Paraprofessionals - None

8.13 Employment of Summer Maintenance Assistants

Green moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend approving the following workers for the summer maintenance assistant positions:

Brent Jackson

Tneesha Jefro

Korey Blythe_

Adriana Stewart

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, McHenry. Wigfall, Roper, Green, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.14 Employment of Summer Technology Workers

Wigfall moved, seconded by McHenry, Recommend approving the following summer workers to work in the Technology Department.

Monecia Allen

Brynn Rogers

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, McHenry. Wigfall, Roper, Green, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.15 Employment of Classified Summer School Staff

Green moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend the employment of the following Classified Staff for the 2023 Summer School Session:

Parrish School

Angela Jones, Lindsey Shelton, Olivia Jones-Martin, Karen Humphreys, Courtney Adams, Raushanah Davis, Tracey Locke, Jesus Hernandez, Joyce Shepard and Saundra Cawthon.

Thomas School

Rana Skaf, Brittany Allen, Kristen Dunlap-Berg, Callie Ivy-James, Maxine Lewis, Brynn Rogers, and Jazmyne James.

Lewis School

Monecia Allen, Angela Blain, Harold Thomas, Gwen Shaw, and Ghada Naser.

Carbondale Middle School

Alana Joines, Kathryn Rhoads, Jessica Broderick, Jonathan Gaston, Caleb Cobb and Betty Covington.


Clarissa Poole, Sharon Rawls, Kelly Stevens, Isabel Gonzales, April Elliot, and Sharon Keene

Substitute Cook - Sabrina Gordon

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Wigfall, Roper, Green, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: Cawthon

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.2 Action on Certified Personnel

8.21 Action on Resignation

Saunders moved, seconded by Roper, Recommend accepting the resignation of Lisa Engle, ELA Teacher at Carbondale Middle School effective the end of the 2022-2023 school year, Carla Vaca Diez, ESL Teacher at Parrish School effective the end of the 2022- 2023 school year and Joshua Calloni, Special Education Teacher at Parrish School effective the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon. McHenry, Wigfall, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.22 Employment of CES95 Faculty

Green moved, seconded by Wigfall, Recommend approving the employment of the following CES95 Faculty for the 2023-2024 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Ashley Whitehead - 1st Grade Teacher at Parrish School

Jakirria Cokley___ - Social Worker at Carbondale Middle School

Hannah Grace Hornbeck - Special Education Teacher at Carbondale Middle School

Holly Judd_____ - 4th Grade Teacher at Lewis School

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon. McHenry, Wigfall, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.23 Employment of Assistant Principal

Roper moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend the employment of Christopher Rutledge as an Assistant Principal at Carbondale Middle School effective July 1, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon. Wigfall, Roper, Green, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.24 Employment of Certified Summer School Staff

Wigfall moved, seconded by Green, Recommend the employment of the following Certified Staff for the 2023 Summer School Session:

Parrish School

Sarah Richardson, Jennifer Burke, Tonya Kates, Valerie Potmas, Taylor Gray, Courtney Johns, and Anne Kaszubski.

Thomas School

Amy Dozier, Alexa Chamberlin, Morgan Harris, Jamie Hertter, Hannah Williams, and Chassity Cawthon.

Lewis School

Heather Vaughn-Patton, Leigh Taylor, and Brianna Scott.

Carbondale Middle School

Spenser Morgan, Webster McGuire, Keith Gregory, Robyn Davis and Melinda Elliott.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, McHenry, McHenry, Green. Wigfall, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.25 Employment of Special Assignments - None

8.3 Action on Interfund Loan from the Education Fund to the Working Cash Fund

Saunders moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the repayment of a Interfund Loan from the Education Fund to the Working Cash Fund in the amount of $2,000,000.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.4 Action to Establish Dates to Review Amended 2022-2023 District Budget and Public Hearing

Roper moved, seconded by Wigfall, Recommend approving the dates and location for reviewing the proposed Carbondale Elementary School District #95 budget are as follows: Beginning May 25, 2023, through June 25, 2023, the budget will be on display at the CES95 Administrative Office, 1150 E. Grand Ave., Suite 2., Carbondale, IL. 62901, and establishing June 29, 2023, to adopt the 2022-2023 amended budget with a Public Hearing set for 7:00 PM.

Voice Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.5 Action on Intergovernmental Agreement between Carbondale Public Library Board of Trustees and Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95.

Saunders moved, seconded by McHenry, Recommend approving the intergovernmental agreement between the Carbondale Public Library Board of Trustees and Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 for the purpose of providing free limited access public library cards to district 95 students effective FY2024-FY2026 school years.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.6 Action on Memorandum of Agreement between Southern Illinois University and Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95

Green moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend approving the Memorandum of Agreement between The Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University and Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 for graduate assistant students to participate in externship programs and perform services in order to facilitate and obtain learning experiences within our district’s facilities August 15, 2023 - August 14, 2024.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.7 Action on District School Resource Officer Agreement

Green moved, seconded by Wigfall, Recommend approving the agreement between the City of Carbondale and Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 for the assignment of a Carbondale Police Officer to serve as a District School Resource Officer within the CES95 school district located within the City of Carbondale at the expense of Carbondale Elementary School District in the amount of $92,188.20.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.8 Action on ABBCO Contract Extension

Wigfall moved, seconded by Roper, Recommend approving the contract extension for ABBCO Janitorial Services during the 2023- 2024 school year for 1 year at a cost of $47,388 per month.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.9 Action on Robinson Transport Contract Extension

Saunders moved, seconded by Roper, Recommend approving the contract extension for Robinson Transportation for 2 years at a cost of $575,000.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.10 Action on Consolidated District Plan

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the Consolidated District Plan as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.10.1 Action on Renaissance Learning Products

Wigfall moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend approving the purchase of the following Renaissance Learning Products: STAR 360, Lalilo, Freckle, and Schoolzilla in the amount of $75,101.60 for the 2023-2024 school year.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.10.2 Action on Curriculum Materials

Saunders moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the purchase of the following curriculum materials for the 2023-2024 school year:

K-5 Science Curriculum: Into Science from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - total cost $163,946.06

6-8 Science Curriculum: Inspire Science from McGraw Hill - total cost $41,083.34

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

8.10.3 Action on CMS Surplus Library Books

Roper moved, seconded by Wigfall, Recommend approving the list CMS Library Books for surplus as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Wigfall, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

9. Next Scheduled Meetings

9.1 Thursday, June 29, 2023

Regular Board Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

CES95 Administrative Center in the John Major Learning Center

1150 E. Grand Avenue, Suite 2

Carbondale, IL 62901

6:00 PM

6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (CLOSED) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

7:00 PM Public Hearing to Adopt the 2022-2023 Amended Budget

7:05 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

10. Public Comments - None PUBLIC COMMENTS

11. Adjournment

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend Adjournment at 8:47 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Saunders, McHenry, Green, Field. Wigfall, Roper, Cawthon

No votes: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.
