Village of De Soto Board of Trustees met May 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Acting President Eric Schuler called the first regular monthly meeting of the De Soto Village Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 P.M. Village Clerk Paula Parks was present to record the minutes.
Present :
Tony Rushing Brian Gleason
Paulette Johnson Eric Schuler
Jennifer Morgan Cristy Desormeaux
Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Cristy Desormeaux, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and to approve them. Motion carried.
Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Jennifer Morgan, to approve the April expense report. Motion carried
Village Clerk Paula Parks reported the official results of the Consolidated Election held April 4, 2023.
Eric Schuler, Village President, two-year unexpired term Republican 95
Tony Rushing, Village Trustee, four-year term Republican 79
Jose Mendoza, Jr, Village Trustee, four-year term Republican 36
Howard (Kelly) Kellett, Village Trustee, four-year term Republican 27
Rachel Alstat, Village Trustee, four-year term Democrat 77
Brian Gleason, Village Trustee, four-year term Independent 66
Eric Schuler was elected as Village President. Tony Rushing, Rachel Alstat, and Brian Gleason were elected as Village Trustees.
Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to adjourn this board sine die. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux - Yes. Motion carried.
Village Clerk Paula Parks administered the oaths of office to the newly elected officials.
President Eric Schuler called the meeting of the new Board to order at 7:08 PM.
Tony Rushing Bian Gleason
Paulette Johnson Eric Schuler
Jennifer Morgan Cristy Desormeaux
Rachel Alstat
Motion made by Brian Gleason, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to pay the list of bills. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.
Motion made by Paulette Johnson, seconded by Tony Rushing, to approve a two-year contract with Robert Kelley for mosquito control, effective May 1 until October 30, 2023/2024, at a cost of $4,500.00 per year. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.
Members of Scout Troops 7004G and 7004B from Murphysboro, Pinckneyville Pack 47 and Pack 112 were present to observe the meeting and ask questions at the end. They were in attendance to earn their Citizenship in the Community Badges.
At the last meeting the Village Board had approved the agreement with the De Soto Little League as presented by the Village, pending the Little League Board’s approval. In response to discussion at the previous meeting regarding the De Soto Little League’s concerns and questions about the agreement as presented, Trustee Paulette Johnson reorganized the agreement and made it more specific as to what was expected of the Little League and the Village and submitted copies to the De Soto Little League Board.
Clare Smith addressed the agreement on behalf of the De Soto Little League Board. She said they appreciated the work done on the agreement but there were a few things the Little League Board wanted amended and added into the agreement. The changes they wanted were as follows.
4.4j The Little League will be responsible for umpire fees only. Diamond preparation would be done by the Village. The Village would drag the fields once a week during the practice part of the season and twice a week once games started. The De Soto Little League will pay a fee of $600 to help offset the cost of dragging and weeding the fields.
4.4k The De Soto Little League will never drag fields. The De Soto Little League will only perform minor weeding (at its discretion), raking, lining, and relining as needed.
XX.x De Soto Little League will have priority for all its activities during the period of the agreement. All other users of the fields and concessions stands will vacate the area immediately upon request by any coach or officer of De Soto Little League.
(Trustee Paulette Johnson explained that according to the Village ordinance, Little League has priority for scheduling both ball diamonds until a certain date. After that date, other De Soto teams may schedule through a certain date, and out of town teams will be able to schedule after that. When not scheduled, the diamonds may be used on a first come/first served basis.)
5A.2 Needs to be worded bilaterally to read “The Little League organization, the Village Board, the Village Park Committee, and affected village departments will work cooperatively in maintaining the concessions stands and baseball diamonds covered by this agreement.”
16. Indemnification – They have a problem with the wording. They felt the wording was too open and inclusive of everybody. The Little League wanted to make sure the agreement is stated for Little League.
Ms. Smith stated that the Little League wants some clarification on the agreement. They want to continue discussion with the Park Committee because they feel the agreement is not right nor is it written correctly. They want to work with the Village but they want it right.
President Schuler said the Village Board is willing to work with the Little League.
An agreement needed to be reached by the time the Little League season officially begins on May 15.
Trustee Jennifer Morgan, who is also president of the De Soto Little League, suggested asking the Little League Board to sign the current agreement and then to work toward next year’s agreement. Mrs. Morgan said she had talked with an attorney who said there are some foggy things and some grammar errors, but the way the agreement is written the Little League Board members would not be personally liable. She said she would explain what the attorney said to the Little League Board.
The agreement will be sent to the village attorney for her review.
Motion made Paulette Johnson, seconded by Tony Rushing, to rescind the motion made at the April 17 board meeting to approve the last agreement with the De Soto Little League. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.
Due to time constraints, it was suggested that the Village Board approve the revised agreement to be presented as is to the De Soto Little League Board.
Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Cristy Desormeaux, to approve the revised agreement with the De Soto Little League effective May 1, 2023 and ending July 15, 2023, pending Little League’s approval. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Abstain; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.
Tony Rushing reported that the Water Committee had met with Harold Sheffer and Lori Reiman of J. T. Blankinship to discuss increasing the water rates due to Kinkaid’s increase of $.35 per 1,000 gallons and payments on the Phase IV Watermain Replacement Project. Ms. Reiman had some break-even calculations for increasing the rates by the amount of Kinkaid’s increase and the debt service. The committee members also discussed reducing the rate for the rural water customers. Ms. Reiman and Mr. Sheffer will get some calculations for increasing the rates by a certain percentage or break-even rates. They will also get some figures for the cost of reducing the rural water rates and factoring that into the water rate increase. Another committee meeting will be held when Mr. Sheffer has the calculations.
The Village is still waiting on the State to release the funds for the Phase IV Watermain Replacement Project. The project start date depends on when the funds are released.
Trustee Paulette Johnson reported that she had asked Jason McKee to come and demonstrate how to drag and prepare the ball diamond. Trustee Johnson, John Johnson, Jennifer Morgan and Tony Graham attended the demonstration. The demonstration was very informative and helpful.
Nathaniel White and Daxton Rushing removed the lights at the park that were not working, and Director of Public Works Danny Vancil found replacement bulbs that were put back in. Mr. White would not charge for his services.
The volunteer services of Jason McKee, Nathaniel White and Daxton Rushing are greatly appreciated.
Danny Vancil had received an estimate dated April 28 from A-1 Hot Oil & Chip for repairing the roof on the city maintenance garage. The cost for a new roof would be $32,000.00. Resealing the roof would give it another 20 years of life. The cost to reseal the roof within 30 days of April 28 would be $3,200.00. After the 30 days, the cost would be $5,000.00.
Jeff Baine of Baine Roofing is supposed to look at the roofs of the village hall and the fire department to determine what is needed and to give estimates.
Trustee Johnson and Jana Fann are going to look at flooring for the village hall this coming Thursday.
Trustee Johnson had met with the plumbing/sewer inspector for this area about the repairs on the two restrooms in the east hall and building a new restroom at the Seniors Park. They discussed rules and laws about existing restrooms and new ones. He told Trustee Johnson to go ahead and build the restroom at the Seniors Park.
It is time to renew the franchise agreement with Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association. The agreement is good for 25 years.
Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Brian Gleason, to pass Ordinance 2023-1 renewing the franchise agreement with the Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association granting the right, permission and authority to Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association, a not for profit electric cooperative corporation of the State of Illinois, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate in part of the Village of De Soto, County of Jackson, State of Illinois, a system for the distribution and sale of electric energy for lighting, heating and power purposes. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried. Ordinance incorporated by reference.
Trustee Jennifer Morgan had discussed the fact that the Little League has been unable to find a person for field preparation. She said Daniel Kocher, Nathaniel White, Tony Graham and herself are willing to drag and prepare the fields.
Motion made by Cristy Desormeaux, seconded by Tony Rushing, to approve Daniel Kocher, Jennifer Morgan, Nathaniel White and Tony Graham to drag and prepare the ball fields. Motion carried.
President Schuler assigned newly elected Trustee Rachel Alstat as chair of the Sewer Committee.
Trustee Rachel Alstat reported that Julie Moore would like to hold a 5K run fundraiser in honor of Darren Snyder, using the same route as the Little League. All proceeds would go to the Coach Kill Cancer Fund. Ms. Moore plans to attend the May 15 board meeting to discuss it more.
Director of Public Works Danny Vancil reported that the motor on the tractor has more than likely been blown up. He said the Village will need to make a decision to either get a new motor or trade the tractor in and purchase a new one. The tractor is essential for the operation the Public Works Department.
Trustee Johnson suggested creating a system for reserving the small pavilions and possibly charging a fee.
President Schuler opened the floor for questions from the scouts to fulfill the requirements for the Citizenship in the Community Badge. They had several good questions.
Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to go into executive session at 8:35 PM to discuss personnel, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.
Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Brian Gleason, to come out of executive session at 9:26 PM. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.
Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Jennifer Morgan, to authorize Director of Public Works Danny Vancil to terminate Todd Duvall, effective May 2, 2023, upon completion of paperwork. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.
Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to advertise the position for city maintenance worker. Motion carried.
The next village board meeting will be held Monday, May 15 at 7:00 PM at the village hall.
Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Rachel Alstat, to adjourn at 9:31 PM.