
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Herrin City Council met April 24

City of Herrin City Council met April 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Steve Frattini called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led us in prayer. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Shelly Huggins, City Clerk called the roll and the following were present:



PATTY DEATON Deputy City Clerk





PAUL YORK Alderman Ward II





PRESENTATION TO JOHN BREWSTER CITY ATTORNEY John Brewster has been our legal counsel since May 2010. Mayor presented him with a plaque for his years of service with the City.

PUBLIC Ibbie Jean Boren stated that there was an incident that happened at the intersection of Brewster Rd & Park Avenue on her way here this evening. In the turn lane there was a car there from both directions and cars on both sides of the side roads. The traffic did not move in any direction. That intersection has been studied by IDOT for a stop light and it does not meet the warrants at this time. There will be a new opportunity to approach IDOT again when the bank opens. It is an IDOT call.

Kathy Zinn asked if there is any update on S. 17th & S. 18th Streets. Activity within the police department is addressing the situation.

MINUTES OF APRIL 10, 2023 Motion made by Alderman Shoemake, seconded by Alderman York to approve the minutes of April 10, 2023 Council Meeting. Alderman Ahlgren, York, Crompton, Kinley, Miller, Ruppel Sizemore and Shoemake voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

TREASURER'S REPORT Treasurer Carl Goodwin stated he reconciled admin tow fees.

BUDGET OFFICE REPORT Carrie Cravens, Budget Director stated she got the budget implemented in the system.

CODES Bret Childers Codes Administrator stated he has posted 83 yards since last meeting.

PUBLIC WORKS Bill Sizemore, Chairman of the Public Works Committee had nothing to report.

Tom Somers, Public Works Director stated today was the first day of clean up week, numbers forthcoming next meeting. We will not take tires or electronics.

PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT Marilyn Ruppel, Chairman of the Public Improvement Committee had nothing to report.

PUBLIC SAFETY David Dorris, Police Chief recommends to make sure everyone secures their vehicles.

Shawn Priddy, Fire Chief was absent from the meeting.

David Shoemake, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee reminded everyone that golf cart/UTV stickers are due April 30.

FINANCE Motion was made by Alderman York, seconded by Alderman Shoemake to authorize bills to be paid before the Council. Alderman York, Crompton, Kinley, Miller, Ruppel, Sizemore, Shoemake and Ahlgren voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

INSURANCE Sheila Ahlgren, Chairman of the Insurance Committee stated they met earlier and have item later in the agenda.

HERRIN LIBRARY LIAISON Marilyn Ruppel, Liaison for the Herrin City Library stated that OPAC was used 1,272 times, 1,940 website page views. Friends of Library Open House, Sunday, April 30 at 1:30 p.m.

HERRIN CIVIC CENTER LIAISON Scott Kinley, Liaison for the Herrin Civic Center stated Queen of Hearts tomorrow night for $16,304. Wing It Wednesdays still going on Wednesday evening.


PROCLAMATION MUNICIPAL CLERK'S WEEK Motion made by Alderman Kinley, seconded by Alderman Crompton to proclaim April 30-May 6 as Professional Municipal Clerk's Week. Alderman Crompton, York, Kinley, Miller, Ruppel, Sizemore, Shoemake, Ahlgren and York voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

AWARD BID 23-00000-00-GMMotion made by Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Shoemake to award bid for 23-00000-00-GM to Dorris Trucking, Inc for $60,548.00. Alderman Kinley, Miller, Ruppel, Sizemore, Shoemake, Ahlgren, York and Crompton voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

HEALTH INSURANCE Motion made by Alderman Ahlgren, seconded by Alderman York to renew Health Insurance with Blue Cross Blue Shield for June 1, 2023-May 31, 2024. Alderman Miller, Ruppel, Sizemore, Shoemake, Ahlgren, York, Crompton and Kinley voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

REVIEW TIF V REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Mayor asked if there were any questions regarding the TIF V redevelopment plan. There was no discussion.

ORDINANCE 9- 2023 SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR TIF V PLAN & PROJECT Motion made by Alderman Kinley, seconded by Alderman Sizemore to pass Ordinance 9-2023 Set Date for Public Hearing for TIF V Plan & Project. Alderman Ruppel, Sizemore, Shoemake, Ahlgren, York, Crompton, Kinley and Miller voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

ORDINANCE 10- 2023 REZONE FROM R-4 TO A-1 701 E. HOUCK ST. Motion made by Alderman Kinley, seconded by Alderman Crompton to pass Ordinance 10-2023 Rezone 701 E. Houck St. from R-4 to A-1. Alderman Sizemore, Ahlgren, Crompton, Kinley Miller and Ruppel voted "Yea". Alderman Shoemake and York voted "Nay".

ORDINANCE 11- 2023 SPECIAL USE FOR 317 SMITH ST. Motion made by Alderman Crompton, seconded by Alderman York to pass Ordinance 11-2023 Special Use for 317 Smith St. for Woodworking Business. Alderman Shoemake, Ahlgren, York, Crompton, Kinley, Miller and Sizemore voted "Yea". Alderman Ruppel voted "Nay".

PLAT OF SUBDIVISION ROBBIN'S LANDING Motion made by Alderman Sizemore, seconded by Alderman Crompton to approve plat of subdivision for Robbin's Landing. Alderman Ahlgren, York, Crompton, Miller, Ruppel, Sizemore and Shoemake voted "Yea". None voted "Nay". Alderman Kinley "Abstained".

ORDINANCE 12- 2023 AMEND CHAPTER 38 (WATER RATES) Motion made by Alderman York, seconded by Alderman Miller to pass Ordinance 12-2023 Amend Chapter 38 (Water Rates). Rates have not increased since 2019 and Rend Lake increases have not been passed on. Alderman York, Crompton, Kinley, Miller, Ruppel, Sizemore, Shoemake and Ahlgren voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

ORDINANCE 13- 2023 AMEND CHAPTER 38 (SEWER RATES) Motion made by Alderman York, seconded by Alderman Shoemake to pass Ordinance 13-2023 Amend Chapter 38 (Sewer Rates). Alderman Crompton, Kinley, Miller, Ruppel, Sizemore, Shoemake, Ahlgren and York voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".


Motion made by Alderman Kinley, seconded by Alderman Miller to pass Ordinance 14-2023 Add Chapter 38 (Fire Connections). Alderman Kinley, Miller, Ruppel, Sizemore, Shoemake, Ahlgren, York and Crompton voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

MAYOR Tomorrow is the Herrinfesta Italiana Chamber Luncheon. Friday morning the CAC will be having a bocce ball fundraiser. There will be a ribbon cutting at SIH cancer institute on Friday as well. Mayor was in Springfield last week for Lobby Days. He attended a presentation regarding LGDF. We get income tax strictly through the state. We used to get 10% and we dipped to the 5% mark and has risen to 6.18%. We have yet to reach that 10% yet. There is much lobbying to restore this back to 10%. We are missing out on almost $1,000,000 since we are not back to the 10%.


Alderman Crompton asked to meet with Tom regarding traffic control at Weaver & Smith. 113 N. 35th needs looked at regarding a ditch.

Alderman Ruppel thanked the mayor for going to Springfield and working for our community. The fiber companies tore her yard up pretty bad and they came out and fixed the problem. It ended up being Frontier and they took right care of it. They have someone going around and you can be put on the list to get your yard repaired. There is a problem at 42 Blackberry Lane and they need their yard mowed.

Alderman Kinley stated at 17th & Hemlock there is a sink hole again as well as one down the street.

Alderman Miller stated they are going to meet with neighbors near the new fire department property.

ADJOURN Motion made by Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Kinley to adjourn. Alderman Miller, Ruppel, Sizemore, Shoemake, Ahlgren, York, Crompton and Kinley voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".