
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Anne West Lindsey Public Library District Board met March 28

Anne West Lindsey Public Library District Board met March 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting of the Anne West Lindsey District Library Board of Trustees, on March 28, 2023, was called to order at 6:37 pm by President Allison Owen and a quorum was established. In attendance were Elaine Miskell, Sheri Hunter, Allison Owen, Heather Abell Castlebery, and Nancy Schmidt. Bill Slider and Jim Koonce were not present. Library Director, Mary Stoner; Library Staff, Pam Alstat; and Financial Secretary, Jennifer Sigler, were present as well.

The approval of the agenda, a motion by Elaine Miskell, was seconded by Heather Abell Castlebery. Motion carried.

A motion to approve the minutes from the February 28, 2023 meeting was made by Heather Abell Castlebery and seconded by Elaine Miskell. Motion carried.

There were no Public Comments.

From the agenda item, Communications:

(1) Amanda Barnes, Williamson County IL Clerk and Recorder, sent out official ballots for the April 4, 2023 upcoming election with the electric aggregate option missing. New ballots were reprinted.

(2) Taxes totaling $1,318.56 from mobile homes were received from the Williamson County Treasurer.

The Anne West Lindsey District Library Financial Secretary, Jennifer Sigler, reported on the Anne West Lindsey District Library’s assets, profit and loss, and profit and loss budget vs. actual, July 2022 through February 2023; deposit detail, and check detail for the month of February 2023. She reported interest for the special reserve account is considerably higher since we moved the account to First Southern Bank of Carterville.

A motion to approve the Financial Secretary’s Report, per audit, was made by Elaine Miskell and seconded by Sheri Hunter. Motion carried.

In the Library Director’s Report, Mary Stoner reported the following:

(1) The Adult Services program had a total of 36 patrons attending programming, Teen Programming had 164 patrons, and Children’s Programming had 74 patrons in the month of March 2023.

(2) Mary Stoner worked on the memorial for Bill Ramsey and finalized the memorial for J.P. Barrington.

(3) Mary Stoner attended the Carterville Chamber’s General Membership Luncheon and promoted the library.

(4) Children’s books for the March holidays and office supplies were purchased.

(5) Mary Stoner was able to gain access to Clearwave’s portal to input days the library is closed.

(6) Madisyn Ahne was hired for a 10-week part time summer position.

(7) Pictures of Anne West Lindsey were picked out to display in the Reading Room.

(8) Mary Stoner was accepted into the Director’s University 2.0, for a three-day conference for Library Directors with more than five years of experience.

(9) The fire department and alarm company was contacted for assistance on temporarily silencing the fire alarm. Electronic Architects fixed the issue.

(10) Jim Koonce donated lawn seed for the back hill and will be worked on by Dr. John.

(11) During the month of February, library staff processed 185 items and 22 new library cards were issued.

(12) Debra Johnson will have a book signing, The Marshall Crain Story, on April 29th at 1 pm.

(13) STEAM Crafternoons have scheduled some extra dates throughout the months as interest continues to grow.

(14) With the help of Will and Trinity, Saint Patrick’s Day themed take and make craft bags featuring Leprechaun key chains were assembled for Teen Services.

(15) The Among Us program has been a fun favorite for the children who continue to play every week.

(16) Saint Patrick’s Day sugar scrubs were assembled for the Tween/Teen craft in March.

Elaine Miskell made a motion to accept the Library Director’s Report, and the motion was seconded by Sheri Hunter. Motion carried.

Under Financial Secretary’s Requests, Jennifer Sigler requested $50,000 be moved from the tax account to the operating account. Nancy Schmidt made a motion to approve the moving of funds from the tax account to the operating account. Heather Abell Castlebery seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Under Library Director’s Requests, Mary Stoner reported three candidates accepted the position of Children’s Librarian, but declined due to the library position not including health insurance. She requested the board to consider providing health insurance to employees in order to fill this position, including future employee positions, and to provide health insurance to all staff if requested. Health insurance would be provided by LIMRiCC, which is the Library Insurance

Management and Risk Control Combination. Each employee will pay approximately $104.00 each month and the library would cover the remaining balance. The cost to the library would be $706.00 per employee per month, for an expected yearly total of $33,792.00 per calendar year and not to exceed $40,000.00 per calendar year with contingency fund monies covering the expense if needed. If rates increase, the insured staff member’s contribution may rise. This plan will be offered to all employees immediately. Mary Stoner will provide contracts to all full time employees with the option of accepting or opting out of library provided health insurance. Nancy Schmidt made a motion to task Mary Stoner for securing health insurance for all full time library staff employees, not to exceed $40,000.00 per calendar year with staff contributions possibly rising if/when rates increase. Elaine Miskell seconded with the motion passing.

Under Committee Reports and Requests, Policy Manual, Mary Stoner distributed copies which were revised March 15, 2023 by Anne West Lindsey District Library Board of Trustees. Heather Abell Castlebery made a motion to accept the updated Policy Manual and was seconded by Elaine Miskell. Motion passed.

In Other Business, Mary Stoner distributed copies of the contract with AEP which would reduce the library’s electric usage from 12 cents per kWh down to 7.489 cents per kWh. It was decided to table the agreement untill the April library board meeting, unless the offer expires before then; a special meeting would be held.

Under Trustee Training and Comments, Mary Stoner distributed the Illinois General Assembly packet Governor Pritzker signed on June 10, 2022 which required all Illinois local governments that impose a tax to convene a committee to study and report on local government efficiency. A committee to study local efficiencies must meet for the first time no later than June 10, 2023, with the committee meeting at least three times. A written report, with recommendations on efficiencies and increased accountability, must be filed with the county where the local government is located.

Several large sinkholes have developed behind the library causing great concern. Mary Stoner reported IDNR will provide the resources to address this problem in the near future at no expense to the library.

The next Anne West Lindsey District Library Board Meeting will be held on April 25, 2023.

A motion to adjourn was made by Heather Abell Castlebery and seconded by Elaine Miskell. The Anne West Lindsey District Library Meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.

These minutes were submitted by Nancy Schmidt, Secretary of the Anne West Lindsey District Library Board.
