
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met Feb. 23

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met Feb. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 was held on Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 6:00 PM at CES95 Lakeland Center, 925 South Giant City Road, Carbondale, IL 62902.

1. Roll Call:

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Ms. Catherine Field, President

Mr. John Major, Vice President

Ms. Angela Watters, Secretary

Ms. Carlee Coplea

Ms. Markida Roper

Ms. Tarnisha Green

Administrators present:

Ms. Janice Pavelonis, Superintendent

Ms. Janiece Blake, Chief School Business Official

Ms. Michelle Martin, Director of Data Reports and Programs

Dr. La Tonya Mouzon, Director of Student Services


Roll Call:

Ms. Catherine Field, President

Mr. John Major, Vice President

Ms. Angela Watters

Ms. Markida Roper

Ms. Tarnisha Green

Ms. Carlee Coplea

Roper moved, seconded by Coplea to enter Executive Session at 6:01 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation. No decisions were made, and no votes were taken.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

Sine die Executive Session adjourned at 7:01 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Field, Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green

No: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

3. Public Comments - None

4. Approval of Agenda

Roper moved, seconded by Coplea, Recommend approving the Agenda.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

5. Consent Agenda Items

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving Consent Agenda Items, 5.1 Minutes, 5.2-Financial Reports and 5.3-Communications Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea, Green. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

5.1 Minutes

5.11 Regular – January 24, 2023

5.12 Executive – January 24, 2023

5.2 Financial Reports

5.21 Approval of Bills

5.22 Treasurer’s Report

5.23 Revenue Report

5.24 Expenditure Report

5.25 Activity Fund Reports

5.3 Communications

5.31 FOIA - None

5.32 Donations – None

6. Committee Reports

6.1 6.11 Communication Report

President’s Remarks – Catherine Field

Good evening Friends,

Some weeks ago, I attended a meeting of the Carbondale Zoning Board of Appeals. It concerned traffic and congestion around one of our schools, and the matter was worked out by all the parties. I won’t go into details; it’s not that interesting except to nerds like me. But I got to thinking about the idea of neighborhood schools.

People ask me from time to time why we don’t have neighborhood schools in Carbondale. What they mean is why don’t we have a K-8 on the west side, and a K-8 on the east side, one on the north and another on the south? I tell them I don’t know for sure, but I’ve heard that moving to a system of attendance centers, with all the kindergarteners and first graders going to one school, and all the second and third graders to another, and so forth, was the way Carbondale Elementary chose to end racial segregation.

That makes it a worthy endeavor in my opinion. Even now, when the various neighborhoods of Carbondale have also ended racial segregation, our attendance centers serve as a reminder that all our schools belong to all of us. The children belong to all of us. And we shall continue to teach them how to be good neighbors, everywhere they happen to be.

6.2 Committee Reports

6.21 Behavioral Interventions Committee – None

6.22 Building and Transportation Committee – Markida Roper

• The committee met on February 15, 2023 at 5:30pm.

• ABBCO Contract Renewal - Discussed and reviewed the cost for the upcoming year. Staff is still be encouraged to report any issues on the Google Docs form.

• Solar Panel Grant Update - The grant was approved for Thomas and Lewis School to receive roof top mounted solar panels. Janiece Blake will discuss more during her report.

• Robinson Transportation Renewal - Current contract ends June 30, 2023. Discussed the quote provided by Robinson of the cost increase for a two year contract.

• Maintenance Grant Update - Thomas Securities will start the installation of cameras at Lewis School over spring break.

6.23 Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee – Angela Watters

• The Committee met on February 9, 2023.

• Dr. Mouzon spoke about the Family Engagement groups that meet monthly to discuss general topics. Childcare and meals are provided. The meeting attendance ranges from 7 to 20 families. They are looking to expand next year to include the schools more with specific content. This year the district partnered with Centerstone. Next year, the group we will do the meetings on their own to better meet the needs of our families.

• Ms. Martin spoke about state testing. She presented and talked about State assessments that students complete each year. The IAR: Illinois Assessment of Readiness for 3rd-8th Grade assesses Reading and Math and takes place over multiple days. It is Computer-based and happens in the Spring. After IAR, the Science Assessment is 1-2 days for 5th & 8th graders in the Spring. We encourage everyone to always encourage their children to get a good night's sleep, have a good breakfast, and come to school.

• Next Meeting - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 @ 5:30 online.

6.24 Policy Committee – Carlee Coplea

• The committee met Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 5:30pm

• Discussed Press Policies 110 that is on tonights agenda for a 1st Reading.

• Next meeting is TBA.

6.25 Public Relations Committee - None

6.26 Fundraising Development Committee - None

6.3 Administrative Staff Reports

6.31 Director’s Report

• La Tonya Mouzon, Director of Student Services reported on the following:

In past reports I have shared the work we are doing that directly relates to after school programming, MTSS, Social Emotional Learning, the Universal Screener, Discipline Equity, parent engagement groups, and the EdRedesign work we are doing with Harvard University. You also receive the monthly reports on attendance and discipline throughout the District. This month I would like to share some of the things happening around community engagement and involvement. This school year has brought some new and renewed partnerships with community-based organizations.

Storytime with Saluki takes place at Parrish. A group of volunteers go on a weekly basis to read with our youngest students. The Office of Vice Chancellor of Diversity Equity and Inclusion purchased some books this year to the readers choose from those books to read with classes.

Thomas School participates in the Future Salukis program. This community outreach program helps foster interest in STEM projects for elementary aged students. Projects have been designed by current SIU students who will provide guided instruction to Thomas “after school program” students throughout the 2022-2023 school year. Thomas students will have the opportunity to pick a project from Architecture, Chemistry Club, Medical Preparation, and Robotics.

Last week under Mrs. Ross’ leadership, Lewis School held its Breakfast with a Loved one event. They were able to host over 280 family members and loved ones. Students were proud to show their loved one around the school as well

as have breakfast with them in the school cafeteria. Some students didn’t have a loved one attend, they received a special treat. Those students were able to have breakfast with the SIU Football Team who joined Lewis School that morning. The ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Gamma Kappa Omega Chapter are partnering with the staff at Lewis School through their Childhood Hunger Initiative Power Pack (CHIPP). The program is designed to offer a supply of meals and snacks, for students enrolled at the school over the weekends and/or extended breaks. Each week there will be a bag of food available for distribution to each student enrolled in the program to be used over the weekend or holiday break. Permission slips were sent home and parent/guardian consent was provided before students could participate.

This week at CMS, the Vice Chancellor of Diversity Equity and Inclusion, The Head Track Coach, and the Gentlemen of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated Beta Eta and Mu Kappa Lambda chapters, partnered with Mr. Estes to bring Tie into Greatness to students at the middle school. A group of students are being mentored and part of that process was this opportunity to talk about the importance of dressing for success. Each of the students received a tie and learned to properly tie it. The students were very excited about the opportunity to learn as well as the chance to meet with community based mentors. Sixth grade students were chosen based on parent request or student need. The goal is to continue a focus on the 3 C’s communication, community, and conflict resolution. This group of students will continue to be mentored throughout their time at CMS. The community continues to reach out. Just today I met with University’s honors Program. The Chancellor’s Scholars and Honors Program Scholars are looking forward to working with our students in the after-school tutoring program this fall.

Finally, in just a moment Michelle will share the District’s Score Card data with you. I would like to say that the progress made in the areas of discipline and attendance are a joint effort and could in no way happen without the building principals taking the vision that was cast and successfully implementing it. They have worked with me, their staff, students, and families to problem solve, provide supports and celebrate student successes. Together, we are thriving.

• Brooke Kensler, Director of Special Education

In the department of Special Education, I want to share some of the training that we have recently had and that are being planned for.

On our last SIP day, a training was held for all of our building administrators to go over legal updates relating to suspension of students with disabilities. We reviewed the legal requirements and timelines when a student is suspended as well as the process of determining if the behavior is related to their disability. During this time, we also discussed the importance of increasing positive supports such as counseling/social work, Behavior intervention plans and IEP revisions to address the deficit area that they are struggling with.

I am currently planning a training on our next SIP day for all of our Special education teachers. We will be previewing the IEP Quality Project. IEPQ is a research grant through U Of I and Dept of Education that provides an online platform to support the creation of high quality IEP’s. This training will help case managers in planning and implementing instruction and creating and prioritizing annual goals in relation to state standards and general education curriculum. The expected outcome is an increase in students’ standards based achievement.

In addition to a preview of the IEPQ platform we will be discussing planning for next year specific to student placements and supports and those transitioning between buildings. It gives the teachers an opportunity to discuss and share more in depth details of their students to help plan for a smooth transition.

One last training coming up is parent training. Jennifer Bunton and a team of special educators received funding from the Foundation Grant to hold a parent training on the IEP Basics for Parents and students. The event is scheduled for March 30th from 5-7 at Thomas school. The goal is to give parents more information about the IEP process so that they feel comfortable being active participants and advocates for their child during IEP meetings. They will be providing childcare, a meal and attendance prizes to encourage participation. Looking forward to that as a great way to get parents involved and comfortable participating in their students' IEP meetings.

• Michelle Martin, Director of Data Reporting and Programs reported on the following Curriculum Department Updates:

Strategic Plan Score Card

Goal 1 & 2 have measurements that are updated after our winter benchmark testing.

Goal 2 focuses on Dr. Mouzon’s area of work and looks at attendance and behavior data. Review Goal 2 Data

Goal 1 focuses on my area of work and currently looks at reading and math growth. Review Goal 1 Data

When looking at the percent of students making typical growth by grade level - 2nd grade had almost 72% of students make typical growth on Star Early Lit. Several grade levels had above 70% of students make typical growth on Star Reading which included 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 8th grade. In Star Math, 2nd and 5th grade had 74% of students make typical growth.

Making growth in reading and math is the first step to achieving academic growth. However, we are looking at students that made typical growth but in order to impact achievement of our student below proficiency they will have to have above average growth. This is an area of data we are starting to review at the district and school level.

Star Winter Benchmark

In your board packet you have a report showing Star proficiency data by grade level. This is the same report you have seen in the past but now winter benchmark data has been added. If you look at the Reading Benchmark Summary you will see the percent of students at each proficiency level. The final column includes a summary of the growth in proficiency levels for that grade. A few high points are the meet/exceed increase at Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th, and 8th grade. Any change of 3% or high is considered good progress. The next page is the Math Benchmark Summary report which shows the same information for our Star math assessment. High points include the increase of meet/exceed at 2nd, 5th, and 8th grade.

One of the ways I look at the data is to compare these winter benchmark scores over a few years. In reviewing the data in this way, I have found that although many of our students are making typical growth and we are seeing growth from fall to winter our scores on the winter benchmark are similar to winter benchmark scores in previous years. We are not seeing much progress is being made to impact the percentage of students at each proficiency level. We have put actions in place to impact reading and math achievement which include LETRS training, an ELA curriculum adopted for CMS, and a reinvestment into our K-5 math curriculum. However, these efforts will take time to impact student achievement.

6.32 Chief School Business Official – Janiece Blake

• Solar Panel Project - The district was approved a grant to install solar panels at Thomas and Lewis School. The estimated payback period is under 2 years. The district will fund the cost upfront for the panels and over time the cost will be recouped from various rates, incentives, and tax credits. Once funding is secured for the project, the installation of the panels can begin. The amount of the project is $1.67 million.

• There will be a building committee and finance committee meeting to have further discussion before bringing a final recommendation to the board.

• The business office is still working on grants, making amendments, and submitting expenditure reports to the state.

6.33 Superintendent – Janice Pavelonis

• Black History Program - February 28, 2023 at 6pm at Carbondale Middle School.

• Planning for 2023-2024 - Working on overall staff plans, student numbers, looking at the programs we offer and how they impact students, focusing on academic achievement growth and social emotional growth, and articulating with CCHS with a deep focus on middle school students transitioning to the high school.

• CMS Focus - Working on how we continue making improvements and progress.

• Diverse Male Teacher Initiative - This is a collaboration with SIU for men of color to participate in the grow your own program. Next meeting is Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 5:30 -6:30pm at CMS.

• CMS Promotion Ceremony - The date will be announced at the March board meeting.

• April Board Meeting - The Board agreed to change the meeting date to April 20, 2023.

6.4 Faculty Council - Dawn Seward

Hello, I am Dawn Seward, the newly appointed Faculty Council President. I started in the district in 2012 as a substitute teacher. From 2012-2014, I taught fourth grade at Lewis through the SIU Teaching Fellowship program. I returned to the district in 2017 as a Special Education teacher at Lewis, and in 2018 I was asked to move over to the middle school, where I currently teach a 6th grade self-contained special education class, as well as a 6th grade co taught science class. I also serve on the MTSS Committee, Staff Recognition Committee, I do after-school tutoring and host lunch detention daily. I give you my background and current commitments as just one of the many examples of the dedication of our District 95 teachers. I have experience in many capacities, which has shaped who I am as a teacher, person, and citizen in this community. I am grateful for the opportunity to represent my fellow colleagues and to serve Carbondale 95 in a continued effort to give our students a promising future.

I had the opportunity to meet with Michelle Martin on Tuesday, February 14.

We discussed how the STAR Winter benchmark would be reported and how the district’s current curriculum plan is to focus on adopting specific content curriculum materials for six years at a time. This year the district Science team is researching their curriculum options, while meeting to collaborate on what is working or what needs to be addressed. The new Science curriculum will be in place at the start of next school year. I also had the privilege of meeting with Brooke Kensler as part of a Special Education Self-Contained team meeting. During this time we were able to go over the different supplemental materials used in our classrooms. Our goal is to ensure a more fluid continuum in our SPED Self-contained classrooms to ensure all of our students are working to their full potential and strengths.

Across the district, teachers have been spending the last few weeks preparing for the Black History Celebration next week. Students are creating different modes of presentations of their research, which should be promising for the audience during this celebration. Between the MTSS teams and the Staff Recognition Committee, there has also been a lot of planning for positive incentives for staff and students as the end of the school year quickly approaches. There are still concerns regarding behavior disrupting the learning environment and impeding the deliverance of the curriculum across the distinct, with a special emphasis on the middle school. The shortage of substitute teachers is also still a concern that causes havoc.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to our work together.

7. Old Business - None OLD BUSINESS 8. New Business NEW BUSINESS

8.1 First Reading of Press Policies 110 Under Review and Monitoring

2:150 Committees

2:250 Access to District Public Records

3:10 Goals and Objectives

4:55 Use of Credit and Procurement Cards

5:170 Copyright

5:190 Teacher Qualifications

5:260 Student Teachers

6:130 Program for the Gifted

6:270 Counseling

No Action Taken

8.2 First Reading of Press Policies 110 Draft Updates

2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest

2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban

2:210 Organizational School Board Meeting

2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure

4:10 Fiscal and Business Management

4:140 Waiver of Student Fees

4:165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors

5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited

5:220 Substitute Teachers

5:250 Leaves of Absence

5:260 Student Teachers

5:280 Duties and Qualifications

5:320 Evaluation

5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves

6:15 School Accountability

6:20 School Year Calendar and Day

6:250 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers

6:255 Assemblies and Ceremonies

6:260 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs

6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program

6:50 School Wellness

6:60 Curriculum Content

6:65 Student Social and Emotional Development

7:100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations: Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students

7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

7:190 Student Behavior

7:250 Student Support Services

7:285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program 7:290 Suicide and Depression Awaremess and Prevention

7:340 Student Records

7:50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non- District Schools

7:70 Attendance and Truancy

5:120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest

No Action Taken

8.3 Action on Classified Personnel

8.31 Action on Resignations - None

8.32 Employment of Paraprofessionals - None

8.33 Employment of Classified Substitute

Roper moved, seconded by Coplea, Recommend approving the employment of Sabrina Gordan as a substitute Cook’s Helper to be used on an as needed basis for the 2022-2023 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

8.4 Action on Certified Personnel

8.41 Action on Resignations

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend accepting the resignation of Madyson Collier, 1st Grade Teacher at Parrish School effective the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

8.42 Employment of CES95 Faculty - None

8.43 Employment of Special Assignments - None

8.44 Action on Girls Basketball Stipend

Coplea moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the unpaid portion of $652.20 of the Assistant Girls Basketball Coach stipend to be evenly divided and paid to Joseph Anderson and Andre Dupre-Grant in the amount of $326.10 each for the 2022-2023 season.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea, Green. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

8.45 Action on Maternity Leave

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the request for maternity leave of Ashton Clutts to start on or around May 1, 2023 and to return in August at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea, Green. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

8.5 Action on Beta Club Field Trip

Coplea moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the overnight field trip for the Beta Club to attend the Beta Club Convention in Springfield, IL

March 20 - March 22, 2023.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green, Major

No votes: Field

Abstain: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

9. Next Scheduled Meetings

9.1 Thursday, March 23, 2023

Foundation Board Meeting

CES95 Lakeland Center

925 S. Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62901

5:30 PM

Thursday, March 23,, 2023

Regular Board Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

CES95 Lakeland Center

6:00 PM

6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (CLOSED) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

7:00 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

10. Public Comments - None PUBLIC COMMENTS 11 EXECUTIVE SESSION 6:00 PM

Roll Call:

Ms. Catherine Field, President

Mr. John Major, Vice President

Ms. Angela Watters

Ms. Markida Roper

Ms. Tarnisha Green

Ms. Carlee Coplea

Green moved, seconded by Roper to re-enter Executive Session at 8:18 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation. No decisions were made, and no votes were taken.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Field, Major, Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

Executive Session adjourned at 9:54 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Field, Coplea. Watters, Roper, Green

No: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.

12. Adjournment

Coplea moved, seconded by Roper, Recommend Adjournment at 9:55 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Coplea, Green, Field. Watters, Roper

No votes: None

Absent: Cawthon

Motion carried.
