
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Johnston City Community Unit School District 1 Board met Sept. 19

Johnston City Community Unit School District 1 Board met Sept. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of the Johnston City Community Unit School District No. 1 met at a regular Board meeting held with Closed Session beginning at 6:40 p.m. and the FY23 Budget Hearing beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Unit Office, 200 E. 12th Street, Johnston City, IL. Vice President Keven Stroud called the meeting to order and asked the clerk for the attendance roll call.


Present: Chad Barras, Chris Cullum (via phone), Jimmy Dean, Patti Martin, Randy McIntosh, Greg Smiley, and Keven Stroud

Absent: Patti Martin

Motion made by Chad Barras and seconded by Greg Smiley to conduct the FY23 Budget Hearing at 7:01 p.m.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Motion Carried.

No comments from the audience.

Motion made by Chris Cullum and seconded by Randy McIntosh to adjourn the FY23 Budget Hearing at 7:03 p.m.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Motion Carried.

Vice President Keven Stroud called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. and asked the clerk for the attendance roll call.

Present: Chad Barras, Jimmy Dean, Patti Martin, Randy McIntosh, Greg Smiley, Keven Stroud, and Chris Cullum (via phone)

Absent: Patti Martin

Motion made by Chris Cullum and seconded by Randy McIntosh to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following:

A. Approval of Regular and Closed Session Minutes of the 8/18/22 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Treasurer’s Report

9/19/22 MINUTES -2-

D. Approval of the Following Financial Reports: FY22 Administrative

Compensation Report, FY22 Administrator and Teacher Salary Reports, FY22 IMRF Compensation Report, FY22 School Contracts over $25,000.00

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Chad Barras and seconded by Chris Cullum to approve the bills for payment.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Abstaining: Dean

Motion Carried.

Jim Siefert, Hurst-Rosche, provided construction project updates to the Board. The Lincoln Canopy Project should start demolition next week after a meeting to move the freezer. The roofers should be returning to the High School no later than Thursday, September 22nd to put the ladder on the roof. Door Doctor has fixed the doors at the High School. We are currently waiting for Marion Concrete to fix the Washington parking lot.

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by Randy McIntosh to approve the Health Life Safety Statements of Completion for the High School Amendment 2, Washington Middle School Amendment 7, and Lincoln School Amendment 7.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Chris Cullum and seconded by Greg Smiley to approve the FY23 Budget as presented.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Chris Cullum and seconded by Greg Smiley to approve the resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $7,144,000 General Obligation Limited Tax School Bonds, Series 2022, for the purpose of increasing the working cash fund of the District, altering and reconstructing school buildings and purchasing and installing equipment therein for fire prevention and safety purposes, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Randy McIntosh and seconded by Chris Cullum to approve the JALC Clinical Agreement.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by Keven Stroud to approve the overnight and out of state trip for the FFA to the FFA National Convention in Indianapolis, IN on October 27th-28th, 2022 and the overnight trip for Educators Rising to attend the Educators Conference in Bloomington, IL on October 20th-21st, 2022.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Motion Carried.

Mrs. Clark informed the Board that the District received a FOIA request from SmartProcure.

Mrs. Clark briefed the Board regarding the ISBE/IDEA Determination. The District received a better rating than it had last year.

Motion made by Chad Barras and seconded by Randy McIntosh to approve the employee technology loan as presented.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Chris Cullum and seconded by Keven Stroud to approve the following actions regarding personnel: approve the medical leave of absence for Mitchell Rushing, to accept the resignations of Ashley Weber as a Kindergarten Aide and Rhonda McPhail as Homecoming Coordinator, Student Council Sponsor, and National Honor Society Sponsor, to employ Cheryl Harris as a 5th-8th Grade Student Support Teacher, Amanda Stanley as Freshman Class Sponsor, and Brandy Davis as a Kindergarten Aide, to approve Kam Shick as a Volunteer Educators Rising Co-Sponsor, Saeward Mattox as a Volunteer Assistant High School Cross Country Coach, and Josh Colson as a Volunteer Assistant High School Scholar Bowl Coach, and to post the National Honor Society Sponsor (volunteer), High School Student Council Sponsor, and Homecoming Coordinator positions.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, and Stroud

Abstaining: Smiley

Motion Carried.

Motion made Greg Smiley and seconded by Randy McIntosh to adjourn the meeting at 7:36p.m.

Voting Aye: Barras, Cullum, Dean, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Motion Carried.
