
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Marion Park District Board of Commissioners met April 26

Marion Park District Board of Commissioners met April 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

Vice President McReynolds called the Regular Meeting of the Marion Park District to order at 6:07 p.m. with the following Commissioners present:

Commissioner Gardiner

Commissioner Sheffler

Commissioner McReynolds

Commissioner Welch

Commissioner Gott was absent from the meeting

2. Open Forum

There are no public attendees at the Regular meeting, at this time.

3. Approval of April 26, 2022, Agenda

Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 6:08 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve the April 26, 2022. agenda. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

4. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes: March 22, 2022.

Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 6:08 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2022. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

5. Approval of March 2022 Financial Report

Director Reed states that everything looks good on the financial reports. Expenses to date are at 60.4% and we are three quarters of the way through the fiscal year, we are under the projected percentage of 75%. We are consistent on a yearly comparison from last fiscal year on expenses. We have done good on our income from the budget figures, and we are 107% on general income and 109% on playground / rec income. We may have $40 – 45K more next fiscal year.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 6:13 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve the March 2022 Financial Report. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

6. Department Reports

a. Administration

b. Park Services

Director Reed went over the reports highlighting the projects that Park Service employees have completed during the month and pictures were shown to the Commissioners of all the projects completed.

7. Commissioners Reports

Commissioner McReynolds asked if any Commissioners had anything to report, Commissioner Gott, Commissioner Sheffler, Commissioner McReynolds had nothing to report. Commissioner Welch talked about the lighting situation in Pyramid Park and the future plans to add more adequate lighting are still in the works. Commissioner Gardiner stated that the flag at the Pool needs changed out.

8. Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (if requested):

a. Executive / Closed Minutes – Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under Illinois Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes.

b. Personnel – To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony or complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

c. Real Estate – the acquisition or lease of real property or the selling or rental price of real estate.

Executive Session was not visited during the meeting.

9. Reconvene to Open Session (possible actions following Executive Session)

Executive Session was not visited during the meeting.

10. New Business

a. Discuss / Approve purchase and install for upgrades to existing security camera systems in Ray Fosse and Ashley Park from ProTek Communications in the amount of $18,910.00.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 6:55 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve purchase and install for upgrades to existing security camera systems in Ray Fosse and Ashley Park from ProTek Communications in the amount of $18,910.00. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

b. Discuss / Approve purchase and installation, and hosting services to new security camera systems in Pyramid, Jones, Harrison – Bruce Parks and the Soccer Complex from ProTek Communications in the amount of $13,225.00.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 6:56 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve purchase, installation, and hosting services for new security camera systems in Pyramid, Jones, Harrison – Bruce Parks and the Soccer Complex from ProTek Communications in the amount of $13,225.00. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

c. Discuss / Approve Ordinance 22-01, Land Gift Ordinance.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 6:58 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to Ordinance 22-01, Land Gift Ordinance. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

d. Discuss / Approve General Obligation Bond interest payment to BOK Financial in the amount of $9,654.00.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 6:59 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve General Obligation Bond interest payment to BOK Financial in the amount of $9,654.00. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

11. Next Meeting Date: May 24, 2022

12. Adjournment

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 7:00 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.
