
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education met Jan. 18

Webp meeting41

Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education met Jan. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Rick Runge at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room at McElvain School, 593 Ava Road, Murphysboro, Illinois.

Board Members present: Mr. Bame (zoom), Mr. Beavers, Mrs. Brasel (zoom), Mr. Green, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Eovaldi, Mr. Runge

Board Members absent: None

Administrators Present: Dr. Evers, Mr. Ellermeyer, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Sunny, Mrs. Finke Administrators Absent: Mr. Hernan

Others present: Steve Carrington, Michelle Asa, Georgia Marshall, Maddie Dallas The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Brown

Mr. Beavers made the motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the agenda as presented.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent - None The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made the motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:

District #186 regular board meeting minutes dated December 21, 2021

Tri-County regular board meeting minutes dated December 8, 2021

Tri-County special board meeting minutes dated December 14, 2021

Tri-County bills for January 2022



A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent - None The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Green made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the bills for January 2022 as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Green – Aye

Mr. Brown – Aye

Mr. Runge - Aye

Mr. Beavers – Aye

Mrs. Eovaldi - Aye

Mrs. Brasel – Aye

Mr. Bame - Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Under Communications, Mr. Brown made a motion and Mrs. Eovaldi gave the second to approve credit hours be applied to the salary schedule of Emilie Collier once completed.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent - None The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the resignation of Morgan Smith, MMS cheerleading coach, effective immediately.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None The president declared the motion carried.

There was one fish bowl item read.

There were two Freedom of information requests, the information was provided in a timely manner.

There were no comments made under recognition of audience.

Under Old Business, Mr. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the 2021-2022 seniority list as presented.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the PRESS Policy #108 update as presented.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None The president declared the motion carried.

Under New Business, each administrator gave a short presentation showing data on how covid has affected student achievement in each grade level.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Beavers gave a second to approve the K-5 Math curriculum as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye

Mr. Green – Aye

Mr. Runge - Aye

Mr. Beavers – Aye

Mr. Brown - Aye

Mrs. Brasel – Aye

Mr. Bame – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the Resolution Abating the Taxes Heretofore Levied for the Year 2021 to Pay Debt Service on the General Obligation School Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2017, General Obligation School Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2019 and General Obligation School Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2020 of the District. When the Board of Education approved the sale of the 2017, 2019 and 2020 Series General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) to fund District construction projects (MHS Auditorium Project, MMS HVAC Project – Phase I, MHS Sports Complex, GJAL Playground Project and MMS HVAC Project – Phase III), it was the Board’s intent to repay the bond debt using County Facility Sales Tax Revenue. The approval of this resolution will allow the District to use County Facility Sales Tax revenue to pay the principal and interest on the bonds, rather than the bonds being paid with property taxes levied and assessed to District taxpayers.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye

Mr. Runge - Aye

Mr. Brown – Aye

Mr. Bame - Aye

Mr. Green – Aye

Mrs. Brasel – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the Resolution (i) Transferring Funds from the School Facility Occupation Tax

Fund of CUSD 186, Jackson County, Illinois, to the Bond and Interest Fund of said School District and (ii) abating the Taxes heretofore Levied for the year 2021 to pay debt service on the Taxable General Obligation Limited School Bonds, Series 2009A, of the district. Now that the 2021 Tax Levy has been approved by the board, the board can consider passing a resolution to abate the bond and interest payments for the bonds issued in 2009 with revenues from County Facility Sales Tax revenue. For the 2020 levy year, the Board of Education did not abate the taxes levied on the Series 2009A bonds, and $481,172.83 in bond debt was paid by District #186 taxpayers, instead of being abated using County Facility Sales Tax revenue. Murphysboro CUSD 186 received $1,715,777.11 in County Facility Sales Tax revenue During calendar year 2021, and the administration’s recommendation is to abate the full amount of the bond and interest portion of the 2021 tax levy for the Series 2009A bonds in the amount of $161,649.50. This will be the last opportunity to abate the taxes associated with this debt issue, since the bond will be paid off during FY 2022-2023.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye

Mr. Bame - Aye

Mr. Runge - Aye

Mr. Brown– Aye

Mrs. Brasel - Aye

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye

Mr. Green – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Dr. Evers states that Mrs. Brasel and Mr. Brown will be working with the MEA representatives to develop the 2022-2023 school calendar.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Brasel gave the second to set Graduation for May 28, 2022 @ 7:30 p.m. with Baccalaureate being held May 28, 2022 @ 11:00 a.m.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None The president declared the motion carried.

Number 7, approval of Carruthers HVAC Project bid was tabled until February.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Eovaldi gave the second to move into closed session pursuant to Section 2 of the Open Meetings Act, 5 Illinois Compiled Statutes 120/2(C), to review:

1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the district including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity.

2. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

3. Student disciplinary case

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye

Mrs. Brasel – Absent

Mr. Runge - Aye

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye

Mr. Green - Aye

Mr. Bame – Aye

Mr. Brown - Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

The board moved into closed session at 7:07 p.m. The board returned to open session at 7:39 p.m.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mrs. Eovaldi gave the second to approve the closed session minutes from the regular meeting dated December 21, 2021.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the salary schedule for non-certified highly qualified subs, sub pay and LPN pay as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye

Mrs. Brasel – Aye

Mr. Runge - Aye

Mr. Green – Aye

Mr. Brown - Aye

Mr. Beavers – Aye

Mr. Bame - Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to approve the posting for an Educator Pathway/English Teacher as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye

Mr. Green – Aye

Mr. Runge - Aye

Mr. Brown – Aye

Mrs. Eovaldi - Aye

Mrs. Brasel – Aye

Mr. Bame - Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to employ Ryan Edwards as an MHS volunteer wrestling coach and to dismiss a cook at McElvain school as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye

Mr. Bame – Aye

Mr. Runge - Aye

Mr. Brown – Aye

Mr. Beavers - Aye

Mr. Green – Aye

Mrs. Brasel – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the stay of expulsion for a high school student as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Beavers – Aye

Mrs. Eovaldi – Aye

Mr. Runge - Aye

Mr. Green – Aye

Mr. Bame - Aye

Mr. Brown – Aye

Mrs. Brasel – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Eovaldi made a motion and Mr. Brown gave the second to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – None The president declared the motion carried.
