City of Carbondale Sustainability Commission met Feb. 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Roll Call: By Staff Liaison
2. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the meeting of January 2022
3. Presentations: None
4. Communications: None
5. Old Business:
Monthly Updates/Review of:
o City Composting
o Former Koppers Wood Treatment Site Status Report
o ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability)
Discussion about Green Bonds and Resilient City
Civic Center Catering Clients reduction of waste
o Proposed Sustainability Action Plan Status Report
o Solar Projects
o Sustainability Commission Letter of Support for Southern Illinois University (SIU) to address the SIU application to the Department of Energy (DOE) Communities LEAP (Local Energy Action Plan) technical assistance program
6. New Business:
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability – update regarding remotely conducted “ICLEI in the Year Ahead: Midwest” Zoom meeting held February 2, 2022
7. Citizen Comments and Questions:
8. Commission Comments:
Staff Liaison follow-up
9. Adjournment: