
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jackson County Executive Committee Met June 10

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Jackson County Executive Committee Met June 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Sang Capone-video, Colleen Parks (chair)-video, Ruth Robinson-video, Kacie Terranova-video, Dr. Wade – video, Brett Williams -phone

ABSENT: David Bannon, Dave Carlson

STAFF: Nicole S. Weathersby-Coordinator (phone)

GUESTS: Mary Peterson -Robert Young Mental Health Center (video)

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Human Rights Authority, Northwest Region was called to order at 4:05pm by the chair Colleen Parks. A quorum was determined to be present after attendance was taken, via participants WebEx list and call-ins, appropriate business could be finalized. The DRM read the confidentiality statement.


Minutes from March 2, 2021 were reviewed and accepted as presented by Ruth and seconded by Kacie , motion carried by unanimous call of “ayes’ of present members.


Case Ratifications:

21-080-9006 –The complainant went to a local community health center for an appointment in December 2020 and was harassed and mistreated by the staff and security. Complainant was advised to file a complaint while at the facility and stated would do that , but also wanted to file a complaint through the HRA. Dr. Wade moved to open, accept complaint ( received consent and complainant verbalized wanting to pursue) and seconded by Brett, motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members

21-080-9007 – The complainant stated going to the emergency room for heart related issues. After arriving at the ED, once checked in, was told to wait (although stated in pain) and had difficulty staying seated. Complainant stated tried to see what was taking so long with the front desk and was repeatedly told by security to have a seat. Eventually, decided to leave the ED, without being seen. Complainant contacted patient services and filed a complaint with them (not sure of status). Kacie moved to close due to not receiving signed consent, seconded by Sang and motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members

21-080-9008 – The complainant requests a review of policy and procedures of CILA provider, specifically targeting transferring medical and treatment records. A ward was approved a transfer to a higher level of care facility and when OSG requested medical and treatment records, was instructed to contact each outside provider separately for needed records. CILA stated not able to transfer records that were not generated by their facility, to outside agency. Complaint was withdrawn by complainant. Ruth moved to close due to complaint being withdrawn, no consent and complainant did not want to pursue, seconded by Dr. Wade and motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.

21-080-9009 – The complainant believed that hospital staff was gaslighting and taunting him(believed a nurse was wearing an abundance of perfume, which irritated), received the wrong medication had verbal disagreements and believed was being assisted ( no one touched the patient). Disability Rights Manager (DRM) asked was there an issue with his medication, discharge request or being restrained and stated medication seems to be different than what is taken at home. DRM stated what are considered HRA complaints and that the issues that he brought forward were not HRA issues and directed him to reach out to the patient advocate ( provided the name and phone number). Ruth moved to close and not accept, due to being addressed informally, seconded by Kacie and motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.

New Complaint:

21-080-9010- The complainant believed that the current provider is not following the agreed upon service plan. Ruth moved to open, pending receipt of consent, seconded by Kacie and motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.

21-080-9011- The complaint is that the patient was admitted to the ED and transferred to another hospital without ever notifying the guardian. Also stated was forcibly given psychotropic medication. Ruth moved to open, pending receipt of consent, seconded by Brett and motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.

21-080-9012- The complainant brought various issues to the HRA which wanted to review and investigate. DRM with the assistance of the Special Education Coordinator flushed out the following issues/complaints: the student had goals that were inappropriate or goals that he was failing to meet, and no one reviewed the IEP to address the deficits, the district/program did not meet the student’s transitional objectives and placement of student took two weeks after initial placement was dissolved. Dr. Wade moved to open and accept, seconded by Brett and motion carried by roll call of five present members, with one vote in opposition of pursuing complaint.

21-080-9013- The complainant stated internalist refused to give medication/treatment for issues of impotency without reason (provided background that there is a pending lawsuit). DRM is not sure if background information is accurate, reviewed with supervisor and based on information provided there is not any direction the HRA can pursue. Ruth moved to not accept nor open, due to not falling within the scope of the HRA, seconded by Dr. Wade and motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.

21-080-9014- The complaint is that the patient was admitted to the hospital improperly and provided services (which included not confirming medication) without adhering to the guardian records on file ( hospital stated that guardian paperwork on file is just for basic medical needs) never notified the guardian. Dr. Wade moved to open and accept, seconded by Ruth and motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.

21-080-9015- The complaint is while incarcerated, requested mental health services upon admission/intake and an assessment was not completed until a week before transferred to another facility (in the facility for two months). Dr. Wade moved to open and accept, pending receipt of signed consent, seconded by Ruth and motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.

Case Progress

21-080-9004- (SwedishAmerican Hospital )- Dr. Wade motioned moving forward with case, based on the verbal response from complainant seconded by Brett and motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.

21-080-9005 –(MercyHealth/Javon Bea Hospital) - Dr. Wade motion moving forward with case, based on the verbal response from complainant seconded by Brett and motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.


Closed Session

Pursuant to the Guardianship and Advocacy Act (20 ILCS 3955/21) and the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2), Dr. Wade motioned to enter into close session at 4:16pm and seconded by Brett, the motion was carried by unanimous roll call of present members. The purpose of the closed session is to discuss any case assignments, case progress, report responses and case closures (20-9007, 20- 9008, 20-9009, 20-9016,20-9024,20-9025, 20-9028, 21-9003, 21-9004, 21-9005, 21-9010, 21-9011, 21-9011, 21-9013, 21-9014,21-9015). The HRA paused close session to excuse guest at 4:30pm, returned at 4:51pm. The HRA returned to open session at 5:09pm.

Return to Open Session

Draft Reports for Acceptance:

20-080-9008 (Robert Young Mental Health Center) – Dr. Wade moved to accept the report and send to the facility for a response, seconded by Brett, motion carried by unanimous roll call of present members.

20-9011 ( SwedishAmerican Hospital ) – Report not ready for review at this time

20-9011 (OSF Hospital) – Report not ready for review at this time.

20-080-9024 (Dr. Fields – MHRC)- Brett moved to accept the report and send to the facility for a response, seconded by Ruth, motion carried by unanimous roll call of present members.

Accept Responses, Close and Publish:

20-080-9016 (DeKalb County Jail)- No violations identified, and a response was not needed. The facility decided not to provide a response or to have anything published. Ruth moved to accept that the facility does not want to respond, close case, and publish report, seconded by Dr. Wade, motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.

20-080-9025 (Zeke Giorgi Center)- There were no violations identified and a response was not needed. Ruth moved to accept that the facility did not provide a response( which a response was not needed),close case, and publish report, seconded by Dr. Wade, motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members.

Other Unfinished Business, Announcements and Comments:

HRA committee Kacie shared that currently there is no snow in the Belvidere area

Discussed the upcoming HRA/LAS WebEx training set for May 5, 2021 from 1:00pm-5:00pm. If interested, please let DRM know no later than April 30th and was informed that the training will be videoed for training opportunities later.

Also discussed that Managing Administrator of the Northern Regions would like to attend an HRA meeting soon ( especially if it is in person). DRM will email and poll members to see what the interest is in having an in-person HRA meeting over the summer months.


Dr. Wade moved to adjourn meeting at 5:25pm, Ruth seconded, motioned motion carried by unanimous roll call of “ayes” of present members and the meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, and location to be confirmed ( via in person or teleconference) due to current pandemic.
