
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Galena Unit School District #120 Board of Education Met July 21

Webp meeting240

Galena Unit School District #120 Board of Education met July 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Livestream recording may be found on the meeting agenda page via BoardDocs.

1. Welcome

1.1 Call to Order - The Board of Education of Galena Unit School District #120 held their regular meeting in the Galena Middle School Commons on July 21, 2020. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m.

1.2 Roll Call - Roll call was taken, and a quorum was established. The following members were present: Member Einsweiler, Member Frank, Member Hyland, President Long, Member Rosenthal and Member Stodden. Member McIntyre was absent.

1.3 Approval of Agenda - Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Voice vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

2. Executive Session

2.1 Executive Session For.

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to move to Executive Session at 5:18 p.m. for the purpose of discussing:

1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with [the Open Meetings Act]. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), amended by P.A. 101-459, and 11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

3. Reconvene to Open Session

3.1 Motion to Reconvene to Open Session - Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to return to Open Session at 6:00 p.m. Voice vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

There was no action coming out of Executive Session.

4. Public Comments

4.1 Public Comments – none.

5. Board Business/Committee Meeting Reports

5.1 Business/Committee Meeting Reports:

The Business Meeting was held on July 7, 2020, at which time the Board discussed/acted upon the following:

● Discussion of Facility Needs Not Included in the 10-Year Health, Life Safety Plan

● Facility Committee Update

● Update on Reintegration to School and COVID-19 Implications

● First Reading of PRESS Policies

● Approval of Amended 2020-2021 School Calendar

● Acceptance of Resignation: Michael Suau,.5 Time Instrumental Music Instructor

The Facilities Committee met on June 29, 2020 to continue their discussions regarding a “campus plan.”

6. Consent Agenda

6.1 Approval of Consent Agenda - Member Rosenthal moved and Member McIntyre seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 6.1 through 6.14. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

6.2 Approval of Board Minutes - The Board approved the following Minutes:

June 16, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

June 29, 2020 Facility Committee Meeting Minutes

July 7, 2020 Business Meeting Minutes

July 7, 2020 Executive Session Minutes

6.3 Approval of Bills – The Board approved the July Board bills as presented.

6.4 Approval of Financial Reports –The Board approved the June Financial Reports as presented.

6.5 Approval of Treasurer's Monthly Statement - The Board approved the June Treasurer’s Report as presented.

6.6 Approval of Activity Fund Reports, Scholarship Fund Report and Revolving Fund Report – The Board approved the June Activity Fund Reports, Scholarship Fund Report and Revolving Fund Report, as presented.

6.7 Approval of Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings from October, 2018 – The Board approved the destruction of closed session audio recordings from October, 2018 in accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2.06(c).

6.8 Approval of Discipline/Suspension Reports - There were no Discipline Reports for the month of July.

6.9 Approval of Monthly Enrollment Report -– There was no monthly enrollment report for the month of July.

6.10 Approval of FOIA log: 2020-2021 - The Board reviewed and approved the monthly FOIA log, as presented.

6.11 Appointment of Superintendent to Prepare a Tentative Budget and Place it on File 30 Days Prior to Approval – The Board appointed Superintendent Vincent to prepare the Tentative Budget for the school district and to place it on file for 30 days prior to final approval.

6.12 Appointment of Audit Reviewer – The Board appointed Superintendent Vincent as the Audit Reviewer for Galena USD #120.

6.13 Approval of Open Meetings Act (OMA) Compliance Officers and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officers

– The Board approved the appointment of Superintendent Vincent and Patti Murphy as the District's Open Meetings Act (OMA) Compliance Officers and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officers for the 2020-2021 school year.

6.14 Approval of Personnel – The Board approved the following personnel hires for the 2020-2021 school year:


Ashley Phillips GHS Assistant Volleyball Coach 2020-2021 SY

Darien Kaiser GHS Assistant Volleyball Coach 2020-2021 SY

GHS Class-Activity Sponsors GHS Class-Activity Sponsors set forth in attachment 2020-2021 SY

GMS Sponsors-Coaches GMS Sponsors-Coaches set forth in attachment 2020-2021 SY

7. Old Business

7.1 Consideration and Possible Approval of Fees for the 2020-2021 school year – This was brought to the Board for a first reading at their June 16th meeting at which time it was recommended the Board not increase fees for the FY21 school year due to the financial impact from the pandemic. Superintendent Vincent recommended the Board approve the fees for the 2020-2021 school year, as presented, with no increase.

To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Stodden seconded the motion to approve the fees for the 2020-2021 school year, as presented, with no increase. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

7.2 Discussion/Approval of Return to Learn Plan – Superintendent Vincent provided the Board with a tentative Return to Learn Plan that includes data from the CDC and has been approved by the Jo Daviess County Health Department. He recommended the Board approve the tentative plan, with the understanding that the guidance from the state is constantly shifting, so when that shifts, the plan may need to be adjusted as well.

He stated families will be offered a choice - they can choose to opt-in onsite learning or choose remote learning.

Teachers will be asked to record themselves via google meet or zoom so families can opt-out and do remote instruction from home at same time. The goal is to run identical curriculum, not two different ones. He stated remote learning does not replace actual in school learning, however, families must do what’s best for their children.

The initial survey taken prior to the mask mandate shows that approximately 15% of the students will do remote learning. That number may increase a bit, but he doesn’t believe it will increase much more.

The major components of the plan (which follow ISBE guidelines), are as follows:

For on-site learners:

• Temp checks at the door.

• Parents required to self-certify their child’s temp is normal and are symptom free.

• Masks are required unless students are outside and socially distanced.

• Hallways, lunch, and passing period will be scheduled to adhere to social distance guidelines.

• No more than 50 people in a space.

• Realize in some classrooms or on the buses students will not be able to socially distance six feet; the schools will try to follow the guideline as much as possible.

• Strict sanitation and cleaning protocols will be followed.

• There will be foam hand sanitizer stations and disinfecting wipes in every room.

• There are electrostatic sprayers for each building.

• The District has gloves, extra masks, and gaiters on hand.

• Buses will be cleaned after every route and sprayed periodically.

• Water bottles and masks will be on the school supply lists. Parents should purchase a mask that fits comfortably on their child’s face.

For remote learners:

• Remote learning will mirror on-site as much as possible.

• Flex scheduling with parent contact.

• Stream into classroom via google meet or zoom.

• Grading and academic expectations identical with on-site or create tutorials (teacher choice).

• Expect at least 5 hours per day of academic work.

He stated the e-learning expectations and grading last spring were lax. That will no longer be the case this fall for remote learners, as they will be held to the same standards as those attending in person. In addition, no matter if you choose on-site or remote, families must understand there is going to be substantially more work. Five hours is expected, if not more.

He also stated there is a change in the school calendar. There will no longer be a student attendance day on August 19th, as it will now be a remote planning day for teachers. The first day for students will be August 20th, with early release days on August 20th and 21st (2:00 dismissal). The early release times will allow staff to time to reflect on what’s working or what’s not working and make the necessary tweaks.

He again reminded the Board at any point the District could shift back to remote learning if mandated by the state, or if there were a positive COVID test (temporary), go back to Phase 3, or other unforeseen circumstances. He stated this will be a standing agenda item so the Board is aware of the constant updates and changes. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to approve the Return to Learn Plan, as presented. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

7.3 Consideration and Possible Approval of New York City Band Trip Agreement – Superintendent Vincent recommended the District reimburse all out of pocket expenses to students for the band field trip. He stated the Tri State credit would be used to purchase the next field trip, but future students would be charged the normal price to the District. This would alleviate the substantial accounting of managing travel credit for individual students and do right by the parents. This agreement will not negatively affect the families or the District.

The breakdown of the expenses are as follows:

• The total cost of the trip was $84,043.00.

• *Transferrable payments to be use by the end of the FY22 school year amount to $40,762.00.

• To date Tri-State has received $17,979 in refunds of which $17,234 will be refunded to the District.

• The amount of non-refundable dollars amounts to $8,500.00; the $10,418 from fundraised money will balance out the non-refundable dollars.

*The District fully intends to redeem the transferable payments by the end of the 21-22 school year, however, if any executive order or cancellation due to circumstances out of the District control (shutdown of facilities, extension of state/city closure, etc.), the extension of transferable credit will be extended to a reasonable date for both the District and Tri-State Travel. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Stodden seconded the motion to approve the Band Trip Agreement, as presented. Roll call vote, all present voted aye, with the exception of Member Einsweiler who abstained. Motion carried 5-0-1.

8. New Business

8.1 Recommendation to Approve Stauss Loans - Superintendent Vincent stated the Board received four applications for Stauss loans from the following students: Sophia Heisler, Elisabeth Ludwig, Mackenzie Muehleip, and Samantha Stoffregen. All applicants meet the criteria of being accepted to a fully accredited university. He stated the Board may award any amount to the student up to a maximum of $1,000, however, it must maintain an account balance of $50,000. The current balance in the Stauss loan account is $105,188.73. He recommended the Board approve the $1,000 loan to each of the four students.

To this end the following motion was made:

Member Frank moved and Member Rosenthal seconded the motion approving the Stauss Loans, in the amount of $1,000 each, to the following students: Sophia Heisler, Elisabeth Ludwig, Mackenzie Muehleip, and Samantha Stoffregen. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.2 Recommendation to Accept Milk Bid – An Invitation to Bid for Food Products, Breads & Milk was advertised in the June 17, 2020, issue of the Galena Gazette. At the time of the bid opening there was only one bid received from Prairie Farms Dairy. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion accepting the bid of Prairie Farms Dairy as the District milk provider for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.3 Recommendation to Accept Bread Bid – An Invitation to Bid for Bread products was advertised in the June 17, 2020, issue of the Gazette. At the time of the bid opening there was only one bread bid received from Bimbo Bakeries. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion accepting the bid of Bimbo Bakeries as the District bread provider for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.4 Recommendation to Accept Food Products Bids – An Invitation to Bid for Food Products was advertised in the June 17, 2020, issue of the Gazette; in addition, letters seeking food product bids were sent out to the companies who bid in the past. At the time of the bid opening three bids were received from Kohl Wholesale, Performance Food Service and Sysco-Baraboo. Superintendent Vincent recommended food product bids be awarded to all three companies on a line by item basis. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Stodden seconded the motion approving the food product bids for the 2020-2021 school year from Kohl Wholesale, Performance Food Service and Sysco-Baraboo on a line by item basis, as presented. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.5 Recommendation to Approve the 2020-2021 Student-Parent Handbook – Superintendent Vincent stated there is a service provided by the Illinois Principals Association that has a handbook guide for Illinois that assures the handbook is in line with all PRESS policies. There are four major changes: 1) Pandemic Preparedness; 2) FAFSA; 3) Isolated Time Out and Physical Restraint; and 4) the Questioning of Students Suspected of Committing Criminal Activity. The handbook language has been updated to align with that guide as it relates to those changes in law and COVID-related procedures. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Frank moved and Member Rosenthal seconded the motion approving the 2020-2021 Student-Parent Handbook as presented. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.6 First Reading of Possible Amendment the District's 403B Plan – Superintendent Vincent stated the District would like to amend the District’s current 403B Plan to offer employees the option to participate in a Roth 403B which allows another possibility for investment post tax vs. the current 403B pre-tax. Also, the amended plan would delete the sections that allow for loans and hardship withdrawals. He’s talked to the GFT and they’re in agreement with removing those sections. This will be brought before the Board for a second and final reading at their August 4th Business meeting.

8.7 Consideration and Possible Approval to Enter a Contract with Access Business Systems f/k/a Midwest Business Products – Superintendent Vincent stated the proposal is to have a color copier in each school office instead of servicing and replacing ink cartridges for approximately 45 individual printers throughout the District.

This will save the District approximately $6000 per year (not $8,500 per year as originally stated on BoardDocs). To this end the following motion was made:

Member Frank moved and Member Stodden seconded the motion to enter into a contract with Access Business Systems, as presented. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.8 Consideration and Possible Approval of Amended 2020-2021 School Calendar – Superintendent Vincent stated the 2020-2021 calendar needed to be amended in response to a new election law and remote planning days. We will now be in school on Veteran’s Day (November 11th) and there will be no school on election day (November 3rd). Also, original the first day for students was going to be August 19th. A Remote Learning Planning day has now been scheduled for August 19th, with no student attendance. The first day for students will now be August 20th with early release on both August 20th and 21st. The date for the end of the school year has not changed. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to approve the amended 2020-2021 school calendar, as presented. Voice vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.9 Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution to Secure a Business Credit Card, Setting a Dollar Limit and Granting Permission to Incur Debt – Superintendent Vincent stated when a new superintendent takes over the District must apply for a new credit card that reflects the current superintendent’s name. Since the District no longer does business with Illinois Bank & Trust, he felt it should go through the District’s current bank, which is Apple River State Bank. Their credit card is issued through Bankers' Bank out of Madison, Wisconsin. He stated this does not incur any extra debt. It’s just used as a credit card which, would be paid in full each month, but would enable the District to earn 1% cash back on the charges. Instead of writing checks each month to pay our utility bills, etc. we would use the credit card and earn 1% on the charges, e.g. if you spent $250,000 a year on utility bills, $2500 would come back to the District. The overall limit would be $130,000 with $100,000 for the District and $10,000 for each building (Primary, Middle and High School). To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to approve a Resolution securing a District Credit Card through Bankers’ Bank with a maximum dollar limit set at $130,000 ($100,000 for the District, and $10,000 for each building [Primary, Middle and High School]); and to further grant authority to Superintendent Vincent, and the three principals, to incur debt on behalf of the District on said credit card account for the limits stated. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.10 Consideration and Possible Action on the Status of Closed Session Minutes from January 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020. – Closed session minutes from January 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 were available for the Board’s review, as the Illinois School Code requires that Boards of Education review closed session minutes at least twice a year to determine if the minutes should be kept closed. The Board felt there was no need to go into closed session to review the minutes, and the minutes should remain closed. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to approve the Board’s semi-annual review of unreleased closed meeting minutes from January 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 and to keep said minutes closed. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.11 Consideration and Possible Approval to Hire Nichole Frank as GMS Cheerleading Coach – Mr. Soat and Superintendent Vincent recommended Nichole Frank be hired as the GMS cheerleading coach for the 2020-2021 school year. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Stodden seconded the motion to approve Nichole Frank as GMS Cheerleading Coach for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll call vote, all present voted aye, with the exception of Nichole Frank, who abstained. Motion carried 5-0-1.

8.12 Consideration and Possible Approval of Contract and Compensation for Ben Soat, GMS Principal for the 2020-2021 School Year – Superintendent Vincent recommended the Board renew Ben Soat’s contract for the 2020-2021 school year with a salary increase of 3%. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to renew Ben Soat’s contract for the 2020-2021 school year with a salary increase of 3%. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.13 Consideration and Possible Approval of Contract and Compensation for Mrs. Jill Muehleip, GPS Principal for the 2020-2021 School Year - Superintendent Vincent recommended the Board renew Jill Muehleip’s contract for the 2020-2021 school year with a salary increase of 3%. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to renew Jill Muehleip’s contract for the 2020-2021 school year with a salary increase of 3%. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.

8.14 Consideration and Possible Approval of Contract and Compensation for Dennis Wills, District Transportation Director – Superintendent Vincent recommended the Board employ Dennis Wills as the District Transportation Director for the 2020-2021 school year with a salary increase of 3%. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to employ Dennis Wills as District Transportation Director for the 2020-2021 school year with a salary increase of 3%. Roll call vote, all present voted aye, with the exception of Member Stodden who abstained. Motion carried 5-0-1.

8.15 Consideration and Possible Approval of Compensation for Bus Drivers: Route Wage and Wait-time Wage for the 2020-2021 School Year – Superintendent Vincent stated the Board needed to set the Route and Wait-Time

Compensation for the Bus Drivers for the 2020-2021 school year. He recommended the Route Time Compensation rate be increased as set forth in the attached matrix, which amounted to a 1.7% average increase per route. In addition, he recommended the Wait-Time Compensation be increased by $0.15 cents as set forth in the attached matrix. To this end the following motion was made:

Member Rosenthal moved and Member Frank seconded the motion to increase the Bus Drive route rate for the 2020-2021 school year as set forth in the matrix presented; further approved to increase the Bus Driver wait- time rate for the 2020-2021 school year by $0.15 cents. Roll call vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.


9.1 Closing Comments from Board Members – Member Rosenthal gave a shout out to Tim, Craig and all staff, as they put a lot of work in putting the Return to Learn Plan together and did a great job. He also thanked Member Frank for stepping up to be the GMS Cheerleading Coach.

Member Frank reiterated the behind the scenes work done by the administration and staff putting together the Return to Learn Plan together was tremendous. The plan offers good choices and lets our community know our District is working with them.

Member Hyland appreciated the day-to-day flexibility in the plan and stated flexibility would be impossible without the teachers and paras involved.

10. Adjournment

10.1 Motion to Adjourn - Member Rosenthal moved and Member Einsweiler seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Voice vote, all present voted aye. Motion carried 6-0.



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