
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Herrin Community Unit School District 4 Board met January 16

Webp meeting240

Herrin Community Unit School District 4 Board met Jan. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mr. Loucks led the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Those answering roll call were: Mrs. Woodcock, Mrs. Etherton, Mrs. Green, Mr. Young, Mr. Loucks, Mr. Collins, and Mr. Kay


Eric Ewell wanted to thank the Board of Education for allowing him the opportunity to coach within the District.


1. Open Minutes - Approval was requested for the open minutes from the meeting held December 19, 2019.

2. Payment of Bills, Herrin Unit #4 – No questions heard

3. Treasurer’s Report - December 2019 – No questions heard.

4. Adopt Resolution to Transfer $3,814.65 from the Education Fund to the Debt Service Fund for December 2019 Lease Payments. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kay to accept and approve items listed and not extracted from the Consent Agenda presented January 16, 2020. All members present voted yea.


1. Approve Maintenance Grant – The Board was requested to approve the Maintenance Grant presented by Dr. Ryker. Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kay to approve the Maintenance Grant. All members present voted yea.

2. Approve Board Committees - The Board was requested to discuss and approve Board Committees and appointments. 

Building & Grounds Committee (meeting Thursday AM) 

Finance Committee (meet Tuesday AM) 

Board Administration Relations (meet Wednesday AM) 

Sick Bank 

Facilities Usage 

Governing Board for Special Education

Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Green to approve Board Committees and appointments. All members present voted yea.

3. Other Old Business - None at this time.


1. Student-Faculty Recognition - Letters were sent on behalf of the Board congratulating students and faculty for their accomplishments.

NEW BUSINESS: (Extracted Items)

1. Approve High Course Handbook –The Board was requested to approve the High School Course Handbook. Mrs. Etherton made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kay to approve the High School Course Handbook. All members present voted yea.

2. Approve Account – The Board was requested to authorize the Jr. High School Bookkeeper to establish a Newspaper Club (The Paw Print) account within the Jr. High School Activity ledger. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Etherton to establish a Newspaper Club account within the Jr. High School Activity ledger. All members present voted yea.

3. Other New Business – None at this time.


Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Green to close the meeting in accordance with Section 120/2 (a) of the Open Meetings Act, citing the following exceptions as contained in Section 120/2(c):

a. Discuss Student Disciplinary Case(s) 

b. Adopt Closed Minutes for December 19, 2019 

c. Discuss Evaluation, Resignation, Retirement, Compensation, and Employment of Specific Employee(s)

RE-CONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Green to reconvene to Open Session. All members present voted yea.


1. Student Disciplinary Case(s) – None at this time.


1. Adopt Closed Minutes - December 19, 2019 –Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kay to adopt the closed minutes of the meeting held December 19, 2019. All members present voted yea.


1. Discuss Resignation –. The Board was requested to accept the resignation of Tammy Sizemore from the Nurse position at North Side Primary Center. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Young to accept the resignation of Tammy Sizemore from the Nurse position at North Side Primary Center. All members present voted yea.

2. Discuss Resignation –The Board was requested to accept the resignation of Eric Ewell from the position of Golf Coach for the High School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy for Golf Coach at the High School. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Collins to accept the resignation Eric Ewell from the position of Golf Coach for the High School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy for the Golf Coach at the High School. All members present voted yea.

3. Discuss Resignation – The Board was requested to accept the resignation of Travis Richardson from the position of $Track Coach for the High School. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Young to accept the resignation Travis Richardson from the position of $Track Coach for the High School. All members present voted yea.

4. Discuss Resignation –The Board was requested to accept the resignation of Brooke Hutson (Arnold) from the position of Assistant Softball Coach for the High School. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Etherton accept the resignation Brooke Hutson (Arnold) from the position of Assistant Softball Coach for the High School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy for the Assistant Softball Coach for the High School. All members present voted yea.

5. Discuss Transfer –The Board was requested to approve the transferring of Nick Baskin to Math position at the High School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy for a Math Teacher at the Jr. High School. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Loucks to approve the transferring of Nick Baskin to Math position at the High School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy for a Math Teacher at the Jr. High School. All members present voted yea.

6. Discuss Hiring –The Board was requested to approve hiring Alexandria Barton as the Nurse for the North Side Primary Center. Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mr. Collins to hire Alexandria Barton as the Nurse for the North Side Primary Center. All members present voted yea.

7. Discuss Vacancy – The Board was requested to approve the Superintendent to post vacancy for an Elementary Teacher. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Collins to allow the Superintendent to post a vacancy for an Elementary Teacher. All members present voted yea.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Green to adjourn until the next regular meeting of the Board of Education scheduled for Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the Unit Office Conference Room, 500 North Tenth Street, Herrin, Illinois, 62948. All members present voted yea.
