
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Herrin Community Unit School District 4 Board met November 21

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Herrin Community Unit School District 4 Board met Nov. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mr. Loucks led the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Those answering roll call were Mrs. Etherton, Mr. Loucks, Mr. Kay, Mrs. Green, and Mr. Young, Mr. Collins and Mrs. Woodcock.


Jason Karnes wanted to thank the Board of Education for allowing him the opportunity to coach within the District.


1. Open Minutes - Approval was requested for the open minutes from the meetings held October 17 and October 23, 2019.

2. Payment of Bills, Herrin Unit #4 – No questions heard.

3. Treasurer’s Report for October 2019 – No questions heard.

4. Emergency Closing Procedure – No questions heard.

5. Adopt Resolution Regarding Estimates for 2019 Tax Levy – Extracted

6. Adopt Resolution to Transfer Funds from Education Fund to Debt Service Fund to Cover Lease Payments for October 2019.

7. Approve the Report or Shared Services and Outsourcing. No questions heard.

Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Collins to accept and approve items listed on the Consent Agenda (not extracted), for Thursday, November 21, 2019.


1. Other Old Business – None at this time.


1. Student/Faculty Accomplishments – We are very proud to recognize the accomplishments of all students/faculty in Herrin Unit #4. Letters on behalf of the Board were sent to those recognized.

2. 2019 State Assessment Tests and Illinois School Report Card – Dr. Ryker provided information and answered any questions.


1. Adopt Audit Report and Findings for fiscal year 2019. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kay to adopt the Audit Report and Findings for fiscal year 2019. All members present voted yea.

2. Approve 2nd Semester Driver Education Program – The Board was requested to approve the 2nd Semester Driver Education program, as presented by Mr. Johnson. Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kay to approve the 2nd Semester Driver Education Program, as presented. All members present voted yea.

3. Conduct First Reading of School Board Policies – The Board was requested to conduct the first reading of policies presented. (No votes or actions required, a vote will be taken in December.)

4. Discuss New CD Rates – The Board was requested to approve the recommendation of Dr. Ryker to divide the CD evenly between Banterra Bank and Southern Illinois Bank. Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mr. Loucks to approve the recommendation of Dr. Ryker, as presented. All members present voted yea.

5. Other New Business - (Extracted Items) –Adopt Resolution Regarding Estimate for 2019 Tax Levy. Dr. Ryker provided information and answered any questions. Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mr. Loucks to adopt the Resolution Regarding Estimates for 2019 Tax Levy. All members present voted yea.

REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kay to close the meeting in accordance with Section 120/2(a) of the Open Meetings Act, citing the following exceptions as contained in Section 120/2(c):

a. Discuss Student Disciplinary Case(s) 

b. Consider Approval of Closed Minutes 

c. Discuss Retirement, Resignation, Compensation and Employment of Specific Employee(s) 

d. Discuss Pending Litigation

RE-CONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kay to reconvene to Open Session. All members present voted yea.


1. Student Disciplinary Case(s) – None at this time.


1. Discuss Approval of Closed Minutes – Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mr.

Kay to adopt the closed minutes from the meeting held October 17 and October 23, 2019. All members present voted yea.


1. Discuss Resignation – The Board was requested to accept the resignation of Jason Karnes from the position of Varsity Football Coach at the High School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy, as needed. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Young to accept the resignation of Jason Karnes from the position of Varsity Football Coach at the High School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy, as needed. All members present voted yea.

2. Discuss Resignation – The Board was requested to accept the resignation of Elizabeth Forquer from the position of Assistant Flag Coach at the High School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy, as needed. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Woodcock to accept the resignation of Elizabeth Forquer from the position of Assistant Flag Coach at the High School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy, as needed. All members present voted yea.

3. Discuss Resignation – The Board was requested to accept the resignation of Amanda Hahn from the Nurse position at the Elementary School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy, as needed. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kay to accept the resignation of Amanda Hahn from the Nurse position at the Elementary School and to allow the Superintendent to post vacancy, as needed. All members present voted yea.

4. Discuss Hiring – The Board was requested to accept the recommendation to hire Sayler Shurtz for the position of Physical Education Department Chair. Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Green to approve the hiring of Sayler Shurtz for the position of Physical Education Department Chair. All members present voted yea.

5. Discuss Hiring – The Board was requested to accept the recommendation to hire Leslie Fuch and McKenzie Hatfield as Title 1 Reading Aides for the Elementary School. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Green to approve the hiring of Leslie Fuch and McKenzie Hatfield as Title 1 Reading Aides for the Elementary School. All members present voted yea.

6. Discuss Hiring – The Board was requested to accept the recommendation to hire Aubrey Khachikian as the Special Programs Interventionist for the Elementary School. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded Mrs. Woodcock to approve the hiring of Aubrey Khachikian as the Special Programs Interventionist for the Elementary School. All members present voted yea.

7. Discuss Hiring – The Board was requested to accept the recommendation to hire Jene Workman as 1st Grade Team Leader for North Side Primary Center. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded Mr. Kay to hire Jene Workman as 1st Grade Team Leader for North Side Primary Center. All members presented voted yea.

8. Discuss Hiring – The Board was requested to accept the recommendation to hire Stephanie Allen as the Softball Coach for the High School. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Woodcock to hire Stephanie Allen as the Softball Coach for the High School. All members present voted yea.

9. Discuss Vacancies – The Board was requested to allow the Superintendent to post the following vacancies;

Math Teacher Social Studies Teacher Business/Marketing & Computer Ed Teacher Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Collins to allow the Superintendent to post vacancies as presented. All members present voted yea.

10. Approve Maternity Leave – The Board was requested to accept the Maternity Leave letter, as presented by Tomara Wells. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Woodcock to accept the Maternity Leave request as presented by Tomara Wells. All members present voted yea.


1. Discuss Pending Litigation – Dr. Ryker provided information and answer any questions.

ADJOURNMENT: Having completed the items on the agenda, Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Etherton to adjourn until the next meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the Unit Office Conference Room, 500 North Tenth Street, Herrin, IL 62948. A Public Hearing will be held at 5:00 p.m. regarding the 2019 Tax Levy, with the regular meeting immediately following. All members present voted yea.
