
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Herrin Community Unit School District 4 Board met September 19

Webp meeting 05

Herrin Community Unit School District 4 Board met Sept. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Mr. Dave Loucks, President - Presiding Officer 


A Legal Notice, as prescribed by law, was published and the Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020) has been available for public inspection since 9:00 a.m. August 16, 2019. The School Code of Illinois requires that a Public Hearing be conducted prior to formal adoption of the budget by the Board of Education. The Superintendent presented a summary of the budget and responded to questions by those attending the Hearing as well as members of the Board of Education. All those who wish to be heard on the budget were invited to make their comments after the formal presentation. The public hearing adjourned at 5:07 p.m.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mr. Loucks led the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Those answering roll call were Mrs. Woodcock, Mrs. Etherton, Mr. Loucks, Mr. Kay, Mrs. Green, and Mr. Young, and Mr. Collins


1. Resolution to Adopt the Budget - Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Woodcock to adopt the budget for Herrin Community Unit School District No. 4 for Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020). All members present voted yea.

2. Resolution Directing Treasurer - It was the recommendation of the Superintendent to:

a. Deposit General State Aid into the Education Fund and Transportation Fund; 

b. Deposit all Mobile Home Tax money into the Education Fund; 

c. Deposit Corporate Personal Property Tax Replacement money into the Education Fund, IMRF Fund, and Transportation Fund; and, 

d. Transfer interest earned by the Operation, Building and Maintenance Fund; the Transportation Fund; and Working Cash Fund into the Education Fund. 

Mrs. Etherton made a motion, seconded by Mr. Loucks to adopt the Resolution Directing Treasurer, as presented. All members present voted yea.

VISITOR PARTICIPATION: Mrs. Susan Hawkinson addressed the Board on behalf of the teachers at North Side Primary Center, to show their support for Matt Viernow.


1. Open Minutes - Approval was needed for the open minutes from the meetings held August 15 and August 30, 2019.

2. Payment of Bills, Herrin Unit #4 – No questions heard.

3. Treasurer’s Report for August 2019 – No questions heard.

4. Resolution to Transfer Funds from Education Fund to Debt Service Fund to Cover Lease Payments ($3,814.65) for August 2019 – The Board was requested to adopt this resolution which will authorize the Treasurer to transfer funds as needed for August 2019 lease payments.

5. Resolution to Authorize Repayment of Interfund Loan from Working Cash to Tort Fund (92,571.79) The Board was requested to adopt this resolution authorizing the District Treasurer to transfer funds from the Tort Fund to Working Cash Fund. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Green to accept and approve the items listed, and not extracted, on the Consent Agenda, September 19, 2019. All members present voted yea.


1. Discuss Utility Energy Savings Agreement – This item was tabled at the June Board Meeting. Dr. Ryker provided information and answered any questions. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Collins to approve the Utility Energy Savings Agreement. All members present voted yea.

2. Other Old Business - None at this time.


1. Student/Faculty Accomplishments – We are very proud to recognize the accomplishments of all students/faculty in Herrin Unit #4. Letters on behalf of the Board were sent to those recognized.

2. 2019 Sixth Day Enrollment Report – This was an informational item only. No votes or actions were required.

NEW BUSINESS: (Re-Visit Extracted Items)

1. Approve District Policies –The Board was requested to approve the following policies for the District. Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kay to approve the District Policies, as presented. All members present voted yea.

2. Approve Agreement between ROE and Herrin CUSD #4 – Dr. Ryker provided information and answered any questions. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Loucks to approve the agreement between ROE and Herrin CUSD #4. All members present voted yea.

3. Discuss School Safety Busing Agreement –Dr. Ryker provided information and answered any questions. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Collins to submit additional Serious Safety Hazard Findings to the Illinois Department of Transportation. All members present voted yea.

4. Discuss Project Graduation – The Board was requested to accept the recommendation of Mr. Andrew Anderson to remove Project Graduation from the Activity Account at the High School. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Woodcock to remove Project Gradation from the Activity Account at the High School. All members present voted yea.

5. Discuss New Basketball Uniforms – The Board was requested to approve the request to purchase alternate uniforms for the High School Boys Basketball Team. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Etherton to approve the purchase of alternate uniform option three or four for the High School Boys Basketball Team. All members present voted yea.

6. EIS Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report – Annually, the Board must review and approve the EIS Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report. The information was posted on the district website. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mr. Collins to approve the EIS Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report and Position Detail Roster Report as presented for the 2019-2020 school year. All members present voted yea.

7. Approve Activity Account – The Board was requested to authorize the Jr. High School bookkeeper to establish a Class of 2024 account within the Jr. High School Activity ledger. Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Etherton to establish a Class of 2024 Account within the Jr. High School Activity Ledger. All members present voted yea.

8. Other New Business – None at this time.


Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded Mrs. Green to close the meeting in accordance with Section 120/2(a) of the Open Meetings Act, citing the following exceptions as contained in Section 120/2(c):

a. Discuss Student Disciplinary Case(s) 

b. Consider Approval of Closed Minutes – August 15, and August 30, 2019 

c. Discuss Retirement, Resignation, Compensation and Employment of Specific Employee(s) 

d. Consideration and action upon Resolution concerning the Proposed Reclassification of an administrative employee. All members present voted yea.

RE-CONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mr. Kay made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Green to reconvene to Open Session. All members present voted yea.


1. Student Disciplinary Case(s) – None at this time.


1. Closed Minutes – August 15 and August 30, 2019. Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mr. Young to adopt the closed minutes from the meetings held August 15 and August 30, 2019. All members present voted yea.


1. Approve Maternity Leave –The Board was requested to accept the maternity leave request as presented by Amber Vaughn. Mr. Collins made motion, seconded Mrs. Etherton to approve the maternity leave request as presented by Amber Vaughn. All members present voted yea.

2. Accept Retirement Letter –The Board was requested to accept the intent to retire letter as presented by Stacy Linton. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Woodcock to accept the intent to retire letter as presented by Stacy Linton. All members present voted yea.

3. Accept Retirement Letter –The Board was requested to accept the intent to retire letter as presented by Elizabeth Noone. Mrs. Etherton made a motion, seconded by Mr. Loucks to accept the intent to retire letter as presented by Elizabeth Noone. All members present voted yea.

4. Discuss Hiring –The Board was requested to accept the recommendation of Mr. Brad Heuring to hire Charsi Kane as the Student Service Coordinator at the Jr. High School. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mr. Young to hire Charsi Kane as the Student Service Coordinator at the Jr. High School. Mrs. Woodcock abstained. All other members present voted yea.

5. Discuss Compensation- The Board was requested to approve the recommendation of Mr. Brad Heuring to split the Jr. High School Newspaper stipend between Carie Furlow and Ramsay Millkin. Mr. Collins made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Woodcock to split the Jr. High School Newspaper stipend between Carie Furlow and Ramsay Millkin. All members present voted yea.

6. Discuss Hiring – The Board was requested to approve the recommendation of Dr. Ryker to hire Alicia Smith as the Associate Head Nurse for the District. Mrs. Woodcock made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Etherton to hire Alicia Smith as the Associate Head Nurse for the District. All members present voted yea.

7. Approve FY20 Salaries –The Board was requested to approve FY20 salaries for Administrative and Non-Union Support Staff, as presented. Mrs. Green made a motion, seconded by Mr. Loucks to approve FY20 salaries for Administrative and Non-Union Support Staff, as presented. All members present voted yea.

8. Discuss Coaches – The Board was requested to accept the resignation from the following coaches:

Dwayne Summers – HHS Assistant Varsity Football Coach 

Dylan Chrostoski – HJHS 7th Grade Basketball Coach 

Mr. Collins made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Woodcock to accept the coaching resignation as presented. All members present voted yea.

9. Discuss Coaches – The Board was requested to approve the recommendation of Mr. Andrew Anderson to hire the following coaches:

Dave Miliani – HHS Assistant Varsity Football Coach 

Dwayne Summers – HHS Football $ Coach 

Steven Anderson – HHS JV Baseball Coach 

Bill Rosado – Swimming $ Coach 

David Stacy – HJHS Boys Basketball Coach 

Dalton Bush – HJHS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach 

Bronson Nesler – HJHS Boys Basketball $ Coach 

Ken Hill – HJHS Girls 7th Grade Basketball Coach 

Cody Ward – HJHS Girls Basketball $ Coach 

Mr. Loucks made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Woodcock to approve the hiring of coaches as presented. All members present voted yea.


1. Adopt Resolution – The Board is requested to adopt the Resolution Reference the Proposed Reclassification and Dismissal of Matt Viernow.

ADJOURNMENT: Having completed items on the agenda, motion, 2nd, and roll call vote to adjourn until the next meeting of the Board of Education, scheduled for Thursday, October 19, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. in the Unit Office Conference Room, 500 North Tenth Street, Herrin, IL 62948. NOTE: If you have not already done so, please plan to stay a few minutes after the meeting to sign the budget. Thank you!
