Carbondale Public Library Board of Trustees met June 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Call to order.
Called to order at 4:30 p.m.
Roll call
Introductions, audience and visitors. Visitors are asked to introduce themselves at this time and present any issues they wish to discuss. Visitors wishing to address specific agenda items will be granted two to five minutes at the discretion of the President, not to exceed a total of twenty minutes. The Library Board may cut short any comments that are irrelevant, repetitious, or disruptive. (Id. at 1425-26)
Barbara Levine, President
Susan Tulis, Vice President
Joyce Hayes, Secretary
Philip Brown
Don Prosser
Julian Pei, Treasurer (2; 1 excused)
Roland Person (1)
Harriet Simon (1)
The number following the Trustee’s name indicates the number of absences this fiscal year. One seat is currently vacant.
Staff present.
Diana Brawley Sussman, Library Director; Gwen Hall Grosshenrich, Finance Manager
Visitors present.
President’s report.
1. Election of Trustee officers (Treasurer and Secretary) to begin service July, 2019. Susan Tulis made a motion to elect Julian Pei for a second term as Treasurer, and Roland Person for a first term as Secretary. Don Prosser seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
Secretary’s report.
1. Approval of May 8, 2019 minutes. Susan Tulis made a motion to approve the minutes. Joyce Hayes seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
Correspondence and communications.
Financial report.
1. Approval of bills payable up to and including bills due June 16, 2019 to July 15, 2019. Some of the larger bills include Baker & Taylor and Cox subscriptions. Don Prosser made a motion to pay the bills. Philip Brown seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
2. Acceptance of the financial report for May 2019. Hoopla’s pricing model was discussed. End of the fiscal year financials have been submitted to the city for the annual audit. Philip Brown moved to accept the financial report. Joyce Hayes seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
Librarian’s report.
1. Building and grounds maintenance. We have new restroom doors. Our Maintenance Manager Josh Fenton did all of the labor, finishing and hanging the doors, and installing the hardware. The project cost roughly $800 for the two solid wood doors, hardware, signage, and finishing materials. There are new tables and chairs in the children’s area. The board asked the Director to ask the city attorney to write a letter to Harmon Concrete, explaining that the company has defaulted on their contract, demanding that they return the $400 payment for supplies to the library, or face litigation.
2. Vote to appoint FOIA/OMA officer(s). Joyce Hayes made a motion to continue with our existing FOIA and OMA officers. FOIA officers are Diana Brawley Sussman, Library Director, and Gwen Hall Grosshenrich, Finance Manager. OMA officers are Barbara Levine, Board President, and Diana Brawley Sussman, Library Director. Susan Tulis seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
3. Review and approval of minutes from closed sessions. Don Prosser moved that we approve the November 14, 2018 executive session minutes, the corrected list of closed session minutes, and to keep all minutes on the list closed for another 6 months. Susan Tulis seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
4. Adopt prevailing wage ordinance. Don Prosser made a motion to adopt the prevailing wage ordinance.
Philip Brown seconded. Roll call was taken. 5 yes. 0 no. 0 abstentions. MOTION passed unanimously.
5. Neighborhood crime; parking lot cameras. The board discussed ways to reduce crime and encourage safety in the neighborhood. There have been some violent incidents occurring between neighbors, and some concern expressed by a community member. The Director has spoken with the City Manager about the possibility of installing the city-owned camera system in the library’s parking lot and/or outdoor areas. Don Prosser moved that we pursue cameras with the city, as many as they’ll put on library property, such as parking lot, Brush building, etc. and Susan Tulis seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
6. Other. Discussed the Rotary Club grant to create a documentary about Nonviolent Carbondale. The Director has been asked to serve on a panel about Free Speech at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago.
The program will be broadcast locally to a live audience at Morris Library on October 1st. Barbara Levine stated that the Director is to be commended for bringing notoriety to the library. The Director thanked the board for their vision and understanding of the larger purpose of libraries.
Committee reports.
Unfinished business.
New business.
1. Patron behavior. None.
Adjourned at 5:20 p.m.