City of Murphysboro City Council met July 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Public Hearing: Public hearing was opened at 5:35 p.m. for public comment on the consideration of Downtown TIF District. Mayor Stephens called the public hearing to order. He stated Keith Moran is present to speak on the consideration of a Downtown TIF District. Approximately 30 members of the public were present. Mr. Moran stated he was present to talk about the city’s potential newest economic development tool – TIF, which stand for tax increment financing. A TIF helps create and retain jobs, among other benefits. It is a tool to help with revenue stream. There is redevelopment potential. It has nothing to do with zoning or how you use your property. There is no eminent domain, cannot change the laws. A TIF changes where the money goes, there is no increase. An area has to qualify under the Illinois TIF Act. Some issues we face are: dilapidated buildings, economic obsolescence, UAV decreases, forms of deterioration, vacant properties, utility issues, stagnant/declining property values. This is designed to correct these issues. The plan identifies goals and improvements, the money will help to revitalize historic buildings, façade improvements. Mayor Stephens stated it is a pool of money that can be accessed by property owners for improvements. May provide incentives so historic and other buildings can be revived. Public – stated that property taxes will go up. He tries to keep his property value down. Where is the money going to come from? Would like to see the buildings revitalized. Mr. Moran responded that Capital improvements – very targeted in how TIF monies get spent. TIF money comes from an increase in the EAV due to improvement to a property and the additional tax monies will go into the TIF fund. Mr. Chris Grissom asked if the money will go to the public or private individuals? Both. Who administers the fund? City council. Joanie asked if there is a rebate in the form of a check and would it help residential? Mostly businesses. Alderman Bratton asked if the additional tax funds will go to the city? Yes. Does it supersede the Enterprise Zone? Yes. Alderman Campos asked that in a TIF, if a residence is turned into a B&B, can it use TIF? Yes, fill out an application. Mayor Stephens stated there are communities that TIF all over. The old Curwood property can help with the revitalization of downtown. Mr. Grissom stated it is better for the school district, in the long run. Mr. Chris Grode stated if the school district has a building in the TIF district, can apply for funds. The school district will not see a decline in income. He supports this TIF. It is a great opportunity to attract more people to our community, to better our community. Public – where does the seed money come from? City funds. Smysor Trust helped to fund. How much did it cost? $30,000 – 35,000.Public – How much is projected with and without the TIF? Without a TIF, will see a decrease. Alderman Erbes stated the fund gets started when people start investing. Alderman Pittman stated the city will not realize any extra income until after the second year. Public – There are no funds available if you are not in the TIF district? No. What is the downside? If you TIF too large an area, if you TIF an area that is already developing. Public – If you have a home within 750 feet, why did we receive a letter? Mayor Stephens answered the nature of the area could change, due to the TIF. This is to be informative. Public – North 19th Street, the old lumberyard? Remediation of the soil. Solar Alliance has bought the property and is putting in solar panels. Public – If you have rental property in a TIF, does it qualify? It depends on the policy, most likely it will be just for commercial. What about an apartment building? Maybe if it is mixed use. Public – Can the city enter into loans for this for a big company? Highly doubt it, doesn’t have the budgetary wherewithal. Public – What is the projection of money to be generated? Can email the projections to you. Mr. Moran stated have done a lot to become more business friendly. Joanie stated she appreciates the city looking into this. People won’t live here if it doesn’t look good. Public – will property owners be able to vote on this? Mayor Stephens stated we are hearing property owners now, not hearing anything negative. Mayor Stephens closed the public hearing at 6:37 p.m.
Motion: To close the Public Hearing.
Motion by Alderman McComb
Second by Alderman Campos
Mayor called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
The Murphysboro, Illinois, City Council met in regular session, pursuant to its ordinances, on the 9th day of July, 2019. Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. and led the council in prayer. Following the invocation, Mayor Stephens led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Mayor Stephens then directed City Clerk Hunziker to call the roll. The roll was called with the following:
Present:Barb Hughes, William Pierson, Gary McComb, John Erbes, Dan Bratton, Gloria Campos, W.J. Pittman
Absent:Jance Curry-Witzman, Russell Brown, Mike Bastien
The council then reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting.
Motion: To approve the minutes of the June 25, 2019, council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting.
Motion by Alderman McCombSecond by Alderman Bratton
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
Motion: To approve the accounts payable, register #787 & #788 through July 9, 2019, accounts receivable through June, 2019, and payroll through June, 2019. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll for their review, prior to the meeting.
Motion by Alderman McCombSecond by Alderman Pierson
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
Alderman Pittman opened discussion for Budget & Finance related items.
Old Business: Nothing at this time.
New Business: Nothing at this time.
Public comment: Budget Officer Scott Evans stated that the effect of the increase of 19 cents gas tax could be as much as $12.58 per capita, which could be approximately $100,000 per year for the city. He will continue to monitor the situation.
Alderman McComb opened discussion for Building & Grounds related items.
Old Business: Nothing at this time.
New Business:
Alderman Hughes asked if anyone had looked at the sign in front of the Police Department? It looks awful. Chief Ellermeyer stated he has been working on that, he has a picture of the new sign that was sent to him on his phone.
No public comment.
Alderman Erbes opened discussion for Community Relations Committee related items.
Old Business:
Discussion regarding Noise Ordinance: Alderman Erbes asked who is on the committee? Mayor Stephens stated there is a copy of the code included in your packet, it is already pretty stringent. Alderman Pierson stated for the street closure requests, if the code is 10:00 pm, no more variances. Alderman Pittman asked if someone requests a street closure, is it a request for a variance on the noise ordinance? Not usually what is requested. Resident: Regarding the noise, last time they were still playing at 11:11 pm, still being noisy, did call the police. Mayor Stephens stated River Rats had a variance. Alderman Erbes stated he was given a variance the first time, did not think so the second time. Chief Ellermeyer stated if an extension is given, he needs a copy.
New Business:
Consideration of Request for Street Closure on Chestnut Street from 11th to 12th Street on Friday, August 9th from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm: Alderman Erbes stated need to make it clear, the noise ordinance is not past 10:00 pm, not a variance for the noise ordinance, just for the street closure. Alderman Bratton asked to put it on the next agenda, that it is not past 10:00 pm? Alderman Pierson stated it is already an ordinance. SIT Representative stated it will be a family friendly event, will have a band and will have lots of dogs. They train service dogs, are located in Ava. Alderman Bratton asked what time is the band? 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
Motion: To approve the request for street closure on Chestnut Street from 11th to 12th street on Friday, August 9th from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
Motion by Alderman PittmanSecond by Alderman Campos
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
Alderman Erbes stated need to let people know that a street closure does not alter the noise ordinance.
No public comment.
Mayor Stephens opened discussion for Public Improvement related items.
Old business:
Discussion regarding the condition of various properties:
1.Old Depot: Alderman Bratton stated no action.
2.North 17th Street: Mr. Kennedy stated still hauling stuff out.
3.South 14th Street: Alderman Bratton stated the trash people say still too muddy to pull dumpster out, left message for Mr. Schaldemose to have Tweedy’s pull it out so the dumpster can be hauled away. If this is not done, can start writing tickets.
4.North 19th Street: Mr. Kennedy stated the owner was in last week and has ordered screening. Told him to start hauling stuff out, has had his last chance.
5.Jack’s Meat Market & Deli: Mr. Kennedy stated it has been razed to the ground. Alderman Erbes asked if they are going to rebuild? Yes, they hope to be open by October.
Alderman McComb stated can remove Jack’s Meat Market from the list. Alderman Campos asked if the Police Department sign can be added to the next meeting’s agenda? Yes.
New business: Nothing at this time.
No public comment.
Alderman Bratton opened discussion for Public Works related items.
Old business:
Discussion regarding Truck Usage on South 20th Street: Alderman McComb stated keep out the 10+ wheelers. Garbage trucks are going around the sign and they do not have any pick-ups on the street. Alderman Bratton stated the garbage trucks are tearing up the street until we pass only allowing small trucks. Alderman Pierson stated sending around to Shomaker, sign stated maximum of 10,000 pounds. Attorney Heller stated poor base underneath it, couldn’t handle the weight. Mr. Sheffer stated there has been some work done. Alderman Bratton asked if we write a ticket for over the weight limit, how do we prove that? Attorney Heller stated escort them to Bost trucking and use their scale. Alderman Pittman stated we will be forcing them to break one or the other. Mr. Sheffer stated will have to do something with the radius so trucks can get around the corner. Alderman Pierson stated some cities only allow big trucks on state highways, that would affect Bost and others. Alderman Pitman stated could exempt some. Alderman Bratton asked if need to form a committee? Mayor Stephens asked to table it for now.
New business:
Consideration of Bids received for the Overlay Project on South 20th street: Mr. Sheffer stated have received but is rather high. Handicap accessibility are mostly at Division Street, maybe stop right before that. Negotiating to get the price down. Alderman Bratton stated put on the agenda for next time.
Alderman Campos stated there is a sinkhole right behind 1109 N. 16th Street, need to check the sewer line. Mr. Lee stated he will check it out.
No public comment.
Mayor Stephens opened discussion for Public Safety related items.
Old business: Nothing at this time.
New business: Nothing at this time.
No public comment.
Alderman Hughes opened discussion for Personnel related items.
Old business: Nothing at this time.
New business:
Discussion regarding the position of Grant Writer: Alderman Hughes stated has included a copy of the Grant Writer job description in the packet. Alderman Pittman stated the job description is pretty straight forward. It is budgeted but have not moved forward. Alderman Bratton stated he would like to see any resumes. Mayor Stephens asked Mr. Evans his thoughts. Mr. Evans stated that most of the project money is not General Fund money. On paper should be able to afford it. Alderman Pittman stated if someone is hired, we are committing to having it in the budget. Alderman Campos asked about SIU having someone who could help out. Mayor Stephens stated that Interim Chancellor Dunn had said he could do that, have reached out twice but not seen anything yet. Greater Egypt has been a huge help – they have helped with the grants the city has received so far. Thinks we should access this available resource more readily, take advantage of it. Alderman Pittman suggested holding off for now and revisit at budget time.
Update on Contract Negotiations: Alderman Hughes stated they have met with the Public Works Clerical. Proposal will be ready in a couple of weeks. Reminded everyone of the minimum wage increase to $15.00, in increments. Mayor Stephens stated he has received notice of request to negotiate from the firefighters. Alderman Hughes stated their contract is up December 31.
No public comment.
Consideration of Ordinance annexing the Wastewater Treatment Plant Property: Attorney Heller stated this is to annex the property that has been acquired. Mayor Stephens stated will be tabled until the next meeting as a quorum is not present.
Consideration of Ordinance amending the offense of discharge of firearms within City Limits: Mayor Stephens stated will also table this as a quorum is not present.
Consideration of site plan for the Murphysboro Holdings project: Present was Bryan Donze, representing Kaskaskia Engineering Group. He handed out copies of the sketch plat and the subdivision plat. He requested the city’s approval so they can be filed. They have IDOT approval to bid out the new entrance. Mr. Kennedy stated the sketch shows where the hotel will be.
Motion: To approve the site plan for the Murphysboro Holdings project.
Motion by Alderman Bratton
Second by Alderman Hughes
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
Mayor Stephens asked if he had a timeline. Mr. Donze stated the construction of the entrance will be put out for bid this week, then when they get that back, earliest will be mid-August. Alderman Pittman asked if maintenance of the subdivision road will be the responsibility of the city? Mayor Stephens stated it will be dedicated to the city.
Discussion regarding Liquor Licenses/Video Gaming: Mayor Stephens stated he has some people present who would like to comment on this topic. Liquor licenses come across his desk. Vape Escape has applied for a liquor license so a video parlor can be put in. Does it matter to the council how much video gaming we have? He would like some guidance on this issue. Alderman Campos asked if it is too near the Middle School? Alderman Bratton stated he doesn’t want any. Alderman Pittman stated he has no issue with gaming. His issue is the intent of the state is so liquor places could do video gaming, not the other way around. Can’t pick and choose. Alderman Erbes stated the difference is that Huck’s sells gas. Attorney Heller stated you can’t have anyone under 21 in there, if Vape shop gets a liquor license to have gaming. Huck’s was denied due to kids being in there. This does not apply to Vape – they are not selling gas and no kids are there. Mr. Lee stated the Vape shop is moving, he is taking over the building to have gaming only. Is Whiffle Boys getting gaming? Mayor Stephens stated they are getting a liquor license. Alderman Bratton stated approve or deny but make it fair. Look at Jackson Square. Mayor Stephens stated we do not have a reason to deny it. The ongoing proliferation of gaming is not good for the community. He thinks we should issue the license. But it may place a larger burden on social services. Thinks should limit the number. Alderman Hughes stated she thinks should have a maximum number. She is not an advocate of gaming but people are going to do gaming somewhere, would lose the revenue. Alderman McComb stated the state has a limit of five machines, will soon be six. He doesn’t see a problem with it. Alderman Pierson stated he thinks we are headed in the wrong direction. Thinks should limit the number of liquor and gaming licenses. Alderman Pittman asked if we could get a list of the liquor licenses? Attorney Heller stated under state statute can limit the number of licenses. Alderman Bratton told Mr. Lee that he appreciated him bringing it before the council. Alderman McComb stated back in the 70’s Murphysboro had a lot of bars. Alderman Campos stated with the TIF district, may have restaurants that want a license.
Barb Hughes Nothing
Jance Curry-Witzman Absent
Russell Brown Absent
William Pierson Nothing
Gary McComb Nothing
John Erbes Asked if the Mayor had contacted the stated regarding resurfacing Walnut Street? Mayor Stephens stated they are planning on resurfacing from 5th Street to 22nd Street next year.
Dan Bratton Nothing
Mike Bastien Absent
Gloria Campos Nothing
W. J. PittmanThere is a large pothole on the corner of N. 6th Street and Illinois Avenue, it is filled with large rocks that come out of it every time it rains. Mr. Lee stated he will let Mr. Mills know.
Ed HellerFriday have a pm meeting with Mr. Ruble, Stephen Bost will be there. Will look at S. 23rd Street to try to figure out how to work it so do not have to build street. Looked at the licensing fees, Coin-operated pool table $100, Pinball $100, Video Game $25. Alderman Hughes stated that the state caps what can be charged.
Sandra Ripley Nothing
Harold Sheffer Approval of ROW acquisition on 7th Street, Corp of Engineers received for the road, $10 fee due.
Steve McBride Nothing
Jamie Ellermeye rNothing
Scott Evans Nothing
Eric Kennedy Nothing
Tim LeeKincaid water main is now in service, back to normal.
Jim Stewart Nothing
Katharine Volle Updating the handhelds and program.
Motion: To adjourn
Motion by Alderman Bratton
Second by Alderman Campos
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.