
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met February 28

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Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met Feb. 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Roll Call:

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Mr. John Major, President

Mr. Carlton Smith, Vice President

Ms. Catherine Field

Ms. Michelle Connet

Ms. Natasha Zaretsky

Ms. Erinn Murphy

Administrators present:

Mr. Daniel Booth, Superintendent

Mr. Justin M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent

Ms. Janice Pavelonis, Director of Curriculum and Instruction


Roll Call:

Mr. John Major, President

Mr. Carlton Smith, Vice President

Ms. Catherine Field

Ms. Michelle Connet

Ms. Natasha Zaretsky

Ms. Erinn Murphy

Murphy moved, seconded by Connet, to enter Executive Session at 6:02 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

Executive Session adjourned at 7:06 PM.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

3. Public Comments - None

4. Approval of Agenda

Smith moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the Agenda:

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

5. Consent Agenda Items

Smith moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving Consent Agenda Items, 5.1-Minutes, 5.2-Financial Reports and 5.3-Communications

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Zaretsky, Murphy

No votes: None

Abstain: Connet

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried

5.1 5.11 Regular – January 24, 2019

5.12 Executive – January 24, 2019

5.2 Financial Reports

5.21 Approval of Bills

5.22 Treasurer’s Report

5.23 Monthly Budget Report

5.24 School Activity Fund ReportsFINANCIAL REPORTS

5.3 Communications

5.31 FOIA Requests – None

5.32 Donations – Garden Bros Circus donated free circus tickets for every student at Parrish School to attend a show on February 19, 2019.

6. Committee Reports

6.1 President’s Remarks – John Major

6.11 Communication Report

•Shawnee Division Meeting is March 20, 2019 at Crab Orchard CUSD 3 in Marion, IL. The program topic is on ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act). Please let Jerri know if you would like to attend.

•Mr. Major thanked the Principals and Schools for the School Board Recognition last month.

6.2 Committee Reports

6.21 Public Relations Committee – Stephanie Esters

•Website Review

o The Public Relations Committee recommended School Messenger as the new website vendor. School Messenger is also the website of choice at Carbondale Community High School.

o The overall cost is $26,969.70 which includes a CustomApp.

o Set-up/Transfer takes about 12 weeks – The goal is to be completed by August 2, 2019

o Free redesign every three years (after the 3rd year)

o Accessibility Monitoring Tool is an extra $3,650 per year

• Phone System

o The tri-lingual phone message for the Central Office phone line is completed. Currently working on updating scripts that will be sent to the principals for approval.

6.22 Personnel Committee – None

6.23 Policy Committee – Justin Miller

•First Readings of the following IASB policies are on tonight’s agenda:

o Revised IASB Policies

o IASB Policies Under 5-Year Review

o New Draft Update of New IASB Policies

6.24 Building and Transportation Committee – None

6.3 District Reports

6.31 Director of Pupil Services, Zeppelyn Brewer - None

6.32 Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessments, Janice Pavelonis

• Illinois Assessment of Readiness Update

o District window 3/25 – 4/18.

o School letters will go out 3/18/19 translated in Spanish and Arabic.

o School testing schedules are set.

o Computer inventories for testing are currently being performed.

o Teachers talking to individual students about the importance of a growth mindset during testing.

• Pacing and Mapping Update

o ELA and Math is completed for all grades except 1st.

o 1st grade Math will be done on Saturday, March 2nd.

o Teacher feedback has been positive.

o The next step is evaluating and building assessments

o Used the SIP day at Lewis to start the process of Lewis Assessment Development for the beginning of the year.

o Working on a plan now for the other grades.

• K-8 Reading Needs: Determined through cadres and mapping and pacing

o On level text is needed across the district.

o Met with Faculty Council: Great discussion, collaboration and problem solving.

o K-5 Reading Committee: Purpose is to problem solve best method to rectify the reading/text/materials problems. The K-5 Committee is ½ Faculty Council Teachers and ½ other. The goal is to have a recommendation by May 15th.

• CMS Draft Schedule

o Created a list/order of priorities.

o Collaborated with Dr. Bonds.

o Shared with team leaders in January.

o Gathered feedback

6.33 Assistant Superintendent, Justin Miller - None

6.34 Superintendent, Daniel Booth

• Memorandum of Understanding with Shawnee Health Service – Working on establishing community partnerships that can help service our kids the best way possible.

• The SIH Board is taking a vote to have Mr. Booth join their SIH Foundation Board.

• Education Advisory Board – Consulting firm that assist with best practice research. Mr. Booth attended a meeting in Washington, DC with other Superintendents from all around the world, They discussed the best practice and research/strageties in dealing with (2) main areas: closing the 3rd grade reading gap and addressing behaviors at the younger grade levels. Those (2) issues are not just Carbondale problems, they are national problems!

• April 5th is the next S.I.P Day that will be a district in-service held at CMS to recap with the faculty where we have been, where we are at, and where we are going.

Erinn Murphy asked if there is district discussion of more student supports in social workers and counselors? Mr. Booth replied, with the amount of trauma that we have in our district, there is no doubt that it is needed. The biggest thing is having a plan so that we are doing things towards a purpose.

Carlton Smith asked about the (16) In-school suspension at Carbondale Middle School and how are the behaviors being addressed? Mr. Booth replied that he is having conversations with Dr. Bonds, she is working on giving him a report on how discipline is going at the middle school and how we can be proactive rather than reactive to support our students. Dr. Bonds and Mrs. Kensler attended a conference in Fairview Heights regarding a program that will be implemented next year to help our students and teachers have better relationships. There are more In-School Suspension vs. Out of School due to the State of Illinois efforts to reduce suspensions. We are legally required to have a progression of discipline in our schools. We are also addressing the social/emotional because discipline does not always change behaviors.

Carlton Smith asked do we use restorative practice/restorative justice in the district? Mr. Booth said no, but added restorative practice/justice are not bad things if when they are implemented correctly.

6.4 Faculty Council – Jennifer Hartlieb

The Faculty Council was asked to explore ideas for retention and remediation policies. They had difficulty locating policies from other districts so they decided to talk about what it is that they want. Each grade level submitted ideas of what they would like to see implemented. An overall list was complied and given to Mr. Booth.

Mr. Booth added that he received a (6) page list. He will review it and take those suggestions into consideration when developing a policy for our district and for our kids in making sure there are standards of progression throughout our discipline. The policy will be part of the student handbook and district policy for the next school year.

7. Old Business - None

8. New Business

8.1 First Reading of Revised IASB Policies

2.80 Board Member Oath and Conduct

2:120 Board Member Development

2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure

4.20 Fund Balances

4:40 Incurring Debt

4:45 Insufficient Fund Checks and Debt Recovery

4:130 Free and Reduced–Price Food Services

4:170 Safety

5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited

5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria

5:60 Expenses

5:100 Staff Development Program

5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal

5:220 Substitute Teachers

6:20 School Year Calendar and Day

6:240 Field Trips

6:250 Community Resources Persons and Volunteers

7:50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools

7:75 Attendance and Truancy

7:100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students

7:190 Student Behavior

7:250 Student Support Services

7:260 Exemption from Physical Education

7:270 Administering Medicines to Students

7:290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention

7:305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

No Action Required

8.2 First Reading of IASB Policies Under 5-Year Review

2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban

2:170 Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services

4:140 Waiver of Student Fees

6:10 Educational Philosophy and Objectives

6:30 Organization of Instruction

6:120 Education of Children with Disabilities

6:190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities

6.230 Library Media Program

8.25 Advertising and Distributing Materials in Schools Provided by Non-School Related Entities

No Action Required

8.3 First Reading of New Draft Update New of IASB Policies

6:135 Accelerated Placement Program

No Action Required

8.4 Action on Classified Personnel

8.41 Employment of Bookkeeper

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of Sarah Lipe as a Bookkeeper at Carbondale Elementary School District 95, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.42 Employment of Student Supervisor Aides

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of Brittney Heatherly and Tachina Grace as a Student Supervisor Aides at Thomas School retroactive effective February 7, 2019, pending Licensure and a Clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.43 Action on Resignations

Murphy moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend accepting the resignation of Lateshia Basden as a Math Intervention Aide at Thomas School effective February 27, 2019 and Kayla Roberts as a Cook’s Helper effective April 26, 2019.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.5 Action on Certified Personnel

8.51 Employment of Early Childhood Coordinator

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of Sheila James as the Early Childhood Coordinator at Parrish School effective the 2018-2019 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.52 Action on Resignations

Murphy moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend accepting the resignation of David Myers as the part-time P.E. Teacher at Lewis School effective February 15, 2019, Anita Powers as District Nurse effective March 8, 2019, Sonya Thompson as a 2nd grade teacher at Thomas School effective the end of the 2018-2019 school year and Zeppelyn Brewer as Director of Pupil Services effective June 30, 2019.

Discussion: Erinn Murphy asked, What is the plan for the District Nurse and P.E. position? Mr. Booth replied, we have a posting ready for the district nurse position. The buildings are ok with an LPN at each of them. Mr. Miller added, the only problem we foresee is if we have a new student that needs screenings; we will have to outsource that service. As far as the PE position, there is a substitute working that has a PE certification.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Major, Field, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.53 Action on Notifications of Retirement

Field moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the notification from Tammetra White of her intent to retire at the end of the 2023-2024 school year and that she be placed on the 2018-2019 retirement compensation salary schedule determined by the CES95 and CEA contract and Michelle K. Martin of her intent to retire at the end of the 2023-2024 school year and that she be placed on the 2018-2019 retirement compensation salary schedule determined by the CES95 and CEA contract.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.54 Action on Director of Technology Position

Field moved, seconded by Smith, Recommend approving the job posting for the Director of Technology as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Major, Field, Connet, Smith, Zaretsky, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.6 Action on Inter-agency Working Agreement between Archway Inc. and Carbondale District #95 Pre-K

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving the Inter-agency Working Agreement between Archway Inc. and Carbondale District #95’s Pre-K. The purpose of this agreement is to provide appropriate services based on referral to the citizens of Jackson County.

Discussion: Carlton Smith asked, What are appropriate services? Mr. Booth replied, if a student in Pre-K needs any learning assessments or their family needs assistance with the possibility of their kid having a disability, Archway will give social services to Pre-K students as an early intervention. Mr. Smith asked if that was something that our social workers could do? Mr. Booth replied, they could but sometimes the need goes beyond them. Our social workers focus is more towards kindergarten and 1st grade not necessary towards Pre-K. Mr. Smith asked does this cost the district? Mr. Booth replied, no they are a public aide agency funded by the State.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.7 Action on Memorandum of Agreement between Shawnee Health Service and Carbondale Elementary School District #95

Field moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the Memorandum of Agreement between Shawnee Health Service and Carbondale Elementary School District #95. The purpose of this agreement is to provide medical and behavioral health services to the District’s students, faculty, staff, and their families at the school based health center located at Carbondale Community High School District No. 165.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.8 Action on Work Plans for School Improvement

Murphy moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the Work Plans for School Improvement for Parrish, Thomas, Lewis, and Carbondale Middle School for the 2018-2019 school year.

Discussion: Carlton Smith commented that he did not see any Community Involvement in the proposal. Mr. Booth referred Mr. Smith to page 10 and page 13 to the reference of “Stakeholder” which includes everyone that has an vested interest in our district. Mr. Smith commented that he was looking for the language that would get Parent and Community involvement.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.9 Action on Field Trip Approval

Murphy moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving the Thomas School Academically Talented class for an overnight field trip to Shed Aquarium in Chicago, IL for the 2018-2019 school year.

Discussion: Mr. Booth commented that going forward, he will have a system in place to approve all field trips before the school year starts.

John Major asked if there is a parent for every child attending this field trip? Mr. Booth replied, per Michelle Garthe, Yes.

John Major asked how did they get the money for the trip? Mr. Booth replied, Donations through websites.

Carlton Smith raised the concern about the liability if someone gets hurt during the field trip. Mr. Smith asked are we covered by insurance? Mr. Booth replied, Yes.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No: Major, Field

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

9. Next Scheduled Meetings

9.1 Thursday, March 28, 2019

Regular Board Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

CES95 Administrative Center

6:00 PM

6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (CLOSED) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

7:00 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

Public Comments - None

Sine die 


Roll Call:

Mr. John Major, President

Mr. Carlton Smith, Vice President

Ms. Catherine Field

Ms. Michelle Connet

Ms. Natasha Zaretsky

Ms. Erinn Murphy

Field moved, seconded by Zaretsky, to sine die Executive Session at 8:32 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.

Executive Session adjourned at 11:32 PM.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.


Smith moved, seconded by Field, Recommend Adjournment at 11:34 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Shepherd

Motion carried.



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