
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carbondale Park District Board met November 5

Webp meeting808

Carbondale Park District Board met November 5. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

Roll Call: Upon Roll Call, the following commissioners were Present: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, and Hollister. Commissioner Absent: Welch. Staff present: Childers, Day, Green, Lewis and Legal Counsel, Mike Twomey. Staff Absent: Burns, Keller Renfro and Robinson. Guest Present: Some guests were presents.

General Announcements: Commissioner Coleman announced that on Friday, November 9 th from 4 to 6 pm at the Victory Dream Center the Annual Free Community Dinner will be held.

Approval of Agenda: It was then moved by Commissioner Hollister and seconded by Commissioner Coleman to approve the agenda as printed. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voting aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, and Hollister. Commissioner Absent: Welch. President Flowers ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The Agenda was approved as printed.

Citizens Comments and Questions: None.

Reports of Park District Citizen Advisory Committees and Department Reports:

Administration and Finance Advisory Committee - - No Report.

Aquatic Center Advisory Committee - - No Report

Child Care Advisory Committee - - No Report.

Golf Advisory Committee - - No Report.

Grounds, Facilities & Recreation Advisory Committee - - No Report.

Treasurer’s Report: No Report.

Directors Report: Acting Director Flowers reported that staff had met with the Administration and Finance Committee to review the 2019 Proposed Budget. The Lights Fantastic Parade is coming along well.

Superintendent’s Reports: No Reports

Action Taken: No Action Needed

Consent Agenda: It was then moved by Commissioner Erickson and seconded by Commissioner Hollister to approve the consent agenda as presented. Upon roll call vote, the following Commissioner voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, and Hollister. Commissioners Absent: Welch. President Flowers ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The consent agenda was approved as presented.

Unfinished Business:

Discussion of Dog Park Agreement with the Friends of Carbondale Dog Park: Legal Counsel, Mike Twomey said they had met with Eugenia Hunter and two other members of the FCDP regarding trying to get their group under the umbrella of the Park District insurance. Legal Counsel said he had spoken to IPARKS and they referred him to the local agent for the District. They will be meeting again on November 14th.

Action Taken: No Action needed.

New Business:

Discussion/Approval for Staff to Hold a Public Hearing on Proposed Property Tax Increase: President Flowers explained that the PTELL is now capped at 5% for the district. Staff is asking to increase the levy to 10% this way they can capture any new property that comes into the district. With all questions asked and answered it was then moved by Commissioner Coleman and seconded by Commissioner Hollister to approve staff request to hold a public hearing on the property tax increase. Upon roll call vote, the following Commissioner voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, and Hollister. Commissioners Absent: Welch. President Flowers ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The Board approved staff request to hold a Public hearing on the proposed property tax increase.

Items for Future Agendas: Video Gaming License, Dog Park Agreement, Public Hearing of Proposed Property Tax Increase and 2019 Budget.

Board Comments: None

Adjournment: There being no further it was moved by Commissioner Coleman and seconded by Commissioner Erickson to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call, the following commissioners voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, and Hollister. Commissioners Absent: Welch. President Flowers ordered the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
