
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met June 28.

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Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met June 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1.Roll Call:

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Mr. John Major, President

Mr. Carlton Smith, Vice President

Ms. Michelle Connet

Ms. Catherine Field

Ms. Erinn Murphy

Administrators present:

Dr. Elizabeth Lewin, Interim Superintendent

Mr. Justin M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent

Ms. Zeppelyn Brewer, Director of Pupil Services

Roll Call

2.Executive Session 6:00 Pm

Roll Call:

Mr. John Major, President

Mr. Carlton Smith, Vice President

Ms. Michelle Connet

Ms. Catherine Field

Ms. Erinn Murpy

Field moved, seconded by Connet, to enter Executive Session at 6:01 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Connet, Field, Major, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

Executive Session adjourned at 6:45 PM.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Smith, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

Executive Session:

Public Hearing on FY18 Amended Budget

Justin Miller distributed copies to the Board of the adopted budget that was approved back in September and the new amended numbers. He reported that we were close as far as expenditures but fell short in Fund 10 by a little over $57,000. We originally started with $16,679,000. Fund 50 extended a little less than $10,000 with the IMRF and Social Security. We are almost caught up in the transportation payments that the district is due from prior years. Overall it is a good year and we are looking at a surplus of $700,000 in Fund 60 which will cover the temporary class buildings and some small projects that are coming in July. The new fiscal year starts July 1.

Public Hearing:

3. Public Comments (Audio is available on the district website)

Kevin Garthe – Spoke regarding his continued concern about students being promoted that did not meet passing requirements. Mr. Garth directed several question towards Dr. Lewin. Dr. Lewin replied that the information she received from the building principal was that the students were not promoted but offered Summer Bridges at the High School and if they did not attend or were not successful in that program, they would return to CMS. It was 2 students that were retained. Mr. Garthe proceeded to ask only 2 students out of 66 were retained, but due to a misunderstanding of the question, Dr. Lewin was speaking in regards to 8th grade only and Mr. Garthe’s total that he was questioning included 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Mr. Garthe continued with additional questions, Dr. Lewin replied she has addressed this situation based on the information provided from the building principal and that Mr. Garthe could express his concerns with the full time Superintendent. After additional remarks between Mr. Garthe and Dr. Lewin, Mr. Major interjected and stated to Mr. Garthe that this is Dr. Lewin’s last day and that he thought that after the meeting with him and Mr. Booth that it was agreed going forward this can be resolved.

Carlton Smith expressed his concern that all of the Board should be aware about the status of what’s happening with the students and how many are being passed on. Dr. Lewin suggested that is the type of information that can be put together in a school improvement plan between the teachers and building leaders.

Erinn Murphy suggested that with the hierarchy of things, the Teacher, Principal, and Curriculum Director should work together to organize a plan on how we wrap around and track these students and what does failure mean because that word can mean a lot of things and set a goal as far as what are we going to be okay with each year as Teachers, Counselors, Support People, Administration.

Carlton Smith repeated his concern on how the Board should be aware of all things going on with the students.

Due to a severe storm/tornado warnings, the meeting took a brief recess to take cover until the tornado watch was over.

4. Public Comments:

5.Approval of Agenda

Smith moved, seconded by Field, Recommend approving the Agenda:

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Connet, Field, Major, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

Consent Agenda Items

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving Consent Agenda Items, 5.1-Minutes, 5.2-Financial Reports and 5.3-Communications

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Murphy, Smith

No votes: None

Abstain: Connet

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried

Approval Of Agenda:

Consent Agenda Items:

5.15.11Regular – May 24, 2018

5.12Executive – May 24, 2018


5.2Financial Reports

5.21 Approval of Bills

5.22Treasurer’s Report

5.23Monthly Budget Report

5.24 School Activity Fund Reports

Financial Reports


5.31FOIA Requests – None

5.32Donations – $25.00 check from Dr. Frances Becque in honor of the (3) History Fair students competing in Washington, DC.


6.Committee Reports

Committee Reports:

6.1 President’s Remarks – John Major

•The 2018 Joint Annual Conference is November 16-18, 2018 in Chicago, IL. Registration is now open. Please let Jerri know if you are planning to attend.

•Acknowledgement of Dr. Elizabeth Lewin for her service as Interim Superintendent for the 2017-2018 school year. A Cake and Punch reception will follow.

President’s Remarks:

6.2Committee Reports

6.21 Public Relations Committee – Erinn Murpy

•The next meeting is scheduled for August 7, 2018 at 4:00pm

6.22 Personnel Committee – None

6.23 Policy Committee – None

Committee Reports:

6.3District Reports

6.31 Director of Pupil Services, Zeppelyn Brewer

Zeppelyn distributed and explained a MTSS handbook that was put together by a committee that consisted of Zeppelyn Brewer, LaTonya Mouzon, Amy Tyner, Christine Young, and Susan Heape for parents and a separate edition that is for teachers was created by the PBIS Team that shows how the district supports students academically and behaviorally. The PBIS coaches for each building are as follows:

•Amy Britt-Simpson and Jamie Hertter – Thomas

•Melissa Norman and Melanie Tate – Lewis

•Robin Davis – CMS

•Zena Madison – Parrish

•Zeppelyn Brewer and Katrina Renzaglia - District

Erinn Murphy asked who gets the books? Zeppelyn replied that it will be available to all parents through the website.

Michelle Connet asked if the book could be translated into Spanish and Arabic? Zeppelyn replied, Yes.

Carlton Smith stated he would be reviewing this material because he has questions about what’s happening in Tier2 and Tier3. He asked do we have a Tier4? Zeppelyn replied, the term Tier4 refers to Special Education but normally we just say Special Education. Mr. Smith asked about the INA Team. Zeppelyn replied that it is typically a school psychologist, social worker, herself, building principal, the parent and a Tri-County representative. Carlton Smith asked a series of questions to Zeppelyn Brewer regarding the parts everyone does between the INA Team and Data Team in this process. He repeated that he is going to study the document and have further questions when he is done.

Erinn Murphy gave kudos for generating this document.

John Major asked, on the pyramid how did you go from 0-5% Tier3, 5-15%? Zeppelyn replied that is what the research supports. In the MTSS system, that shows the percentage where our student should be. Mr. Major asked if that is what is happening, Zeppelyn said, It is not and that information was included in the document that was shared at the board retreat. Since the retreat, the information has been updated and she can resend it to the board.

The PBIS Coaches presented the Teacher side of the MTSS Handbook and informed the board of the progress each building has made with behavior and the message that is presented district wide to make sure everyone is using the same methods and interventions. Faculty trainings are done throughout the year and other things to support our staff so that this is well implemented for our students. In addition to the handbook, folders are being created in Google Docs for the teacher to access that will be building specific.

John Major asked, As far as the intervention chart, what is the most difficult things to do? Melanie Tate replied, the stage groups are the most difficult, finding time and someone to facilitate groups during the day.

What about conferences with the parent/guardian? Melanie Tate replied: The parent should be available at all Tiers starting at the universal level Tier1. From the beginning of the year, teachers are encouraged to make phone calls and get to know the parents. There are multiple ways to communicate with the parent.

Carlton Smith had several questions about the different Tiers and the wrap around process that students receive and how the supports and Interventions work. Robin Davis gave a detailed explanation with examples to explain the steps/process taken to service students.

6.32 Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessments – No Report

6.33 Assistant Superintendent, Justin Miller

•July 10 at 4:00pm – Building and Transportation Committee Meeting. Mr. Miller wants to focus more on the Transportation. He will invite Durham Bus Co. to the meeting.

•July 19 at 4:00pm – Personnel Committee Meeting

•Annual audit July 13th – 17th. The same audit firm will be used. We are in the 2nd year of the 3 year agreement with the firm. They will also be on site the 1st week of school.

•Received an email from IASB regarding the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Grant. We applied for both Parrish and Thomas School. We did get the grant, but they have not announced for which school.

•Received word from ISBE concerning the (2) Early Childhood Grants. The 0-3 Grant awarded $307,000 and the 3-5 Grant awarded $392,000. Mr. Miller is in an appeals process regarding the amount awarded for the 3-5 grant due to amount received is 60% of what the grant was written for.

•Temporary Classroom work has started. Mr. Miller met with the Architect, the Contractor, the onsite Supervisor, as well as the manager from the mobile home company. The project is on track. The buildings should be set onsite next week. August 10th is the projected completion date.

6.34 Interim Superintendent, Dr. Elizabeth Lewin

•Monthly Suspension Report was included in Board packets.

•Zena Madison reported on the History Fair trip to Washington, DC. Ms. Madison stated the flight and accommodations were good, they girls did not advance to the Finals so they did some excursion and sightseeing the remainder of their time in Washington. There were (3) parents that accompanied them on the trip and were a huge help.

•Dr. Lewin thanked the Board for being supportive during her time with the district and for the cake in her honor.

District Reports

7.Old Business - None

Old Business

8 New Business

8.1Action on Classified Personnel

8.11Action on Resignation

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend accepting the resignation of Jamie Wildermuth as a Reading Aide at Thomas School effective the end of the 2017-2018 school year, Michelle Brown as Bookkeeper at Carbondale Elementary School District #95, effective June 29, 2018 and Devin Reeves as an Instructional Aide at Parrish School effective the 2017-2018 school year.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Smith, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.12Employment of LPN Nurse

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of Brittany Blumenstock as a LPN Nurse, start date August 13, 2018, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Smith, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.13Employment of Bookkeeper

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of Roderick Malone as Bookkeeper at Carbondale Elementary School District 95, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Calll Vote

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Smith, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Shepherd, Zaretsky

Motion carried.

8.2Action on Certified Personnel

8.21Action on Notification of Retirement

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving the notification of retirement from Viola Fowler effective the end of the 2017-2018 school year.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Smith, Murphy

No: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.22Action on Resignation

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend accepting the resignation of Kasey Schwartz, Speech and Language Pathologist at Parrish School effective the end of the 2017-2018 school year.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Connet, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried

8.23 Employment of Speech and Laguage Pathologist

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of Kayli Quillman as a Speech and Language Pathologist at Parrish School for the 2018-2019 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Connet, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Abstained: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried

8.24Employment of Board Certified Behavior Analyst

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of Rachael Malaway as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at Carbondale Elementary School District #95 for the 2018-2019 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Connet, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried

8.25Employment of Middle School Language Arts Teacher ((Tabled))

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of ______________ as an English Language Arts Teacher at Carbondale Middle School for the 2018-2019 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Connet, Smith, Murphy,

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried

8.26Employment of Special Education Teachers

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of James Yates and Matthew Carey as Special Education Teachers at Carbondale Middle School for the 2018-2019 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Abstain: Connet

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried

8.27Employment of 5th Grade Teacher

Field moved, seconded by Murphy, Recommend the employment of Lori Opp as a 5th Grade Teacher at Lewis School for the 2018-2019 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Connet, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.28Employment of Special Assignments

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of the following Special Assignments for the 2018-2019 school year.

Carbondale Middle School

Head Cross Country Coach – Brent Jackson

Assistant Cross Country Coach – Heath Laughard

Head Girls Softball Coach – Onda Karayiannis

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Connet, Murphy, Smith

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.3Action on Bids for Bakery and Dairy Products

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend awarding the 2018-2019 bid for bakery products to Kohl Wholesale and the dairy products to Prairie Farms.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Connet, Murphy, Smith

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.4Action on Sourcewell Membership

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving membership with Sourcewell, formerly known as National Joint Powers Alliance, a national buying cooperative.

Discussion: Erinn Murphy asked, What does this membership do? Justin Miller explained, It’s a membership in a cooperative that allows the purchase of goods/services from a national standpoint. The membership cost is $0.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Major, Connet, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.5Action on FY18 Amended Budget

Murphy moved, and seconded by Smith, Recommend approving the FY18 Amended Budget as presented.

Roll Call & Signature Vote

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.6Action on Intergovernmental Agreement between Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 and Carbondale Community High School District No. 165

Field moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving the intergovernmental agreement between Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 and Carbondale Community High School District No. 165. This agreement outlines the terms of employment for Stephanie Esters as the Director of Communications for both districts.

Discussion: Carlton Smith asked, What is the agreement? Justin Miller replied, it is an 80/20 split (4) days at CES95 and (1) day at CES165 with a 12 month contract.

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

8.7Action to Surplus List

Field moved, seconded by Smith, Recommend approving the surplus list as presented.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.

9.Next Scheduled Meetings

9.1Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Building & Transportation Committee Meeting

CES95 Administrative Center

925 S. Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62901

4:00 PM

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Personnel Committee Meeting

CES95 Administrative Center

925 S. Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62901

4:00 PM

Thursday, Julu 26, 2018

Regular Board Meeting (Open To The Public)

CES95 Administrative Center

6:00 PM

6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (Closed) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

7:00 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (Open To The Public)

10Public Comments (Name & Address of Person Speaking)

Charlie Howell – What percentage of milk comes from Prairie Farms? Justin Miller replied he does not know off the top of his heard. Mr. Howell stated he feels children need 4% of milk, not 1%. Mr. Miller replied we offer based on the federal guidelines.

Ellis Reed – How much is in the Amended Budget? Mr. Miller replied, the total budget that was amended from a revenue standpoint was $22,764,633, expenses was 21,614,599. Mr. Reed asked about the temporary classroom structures, is that due to the relocation of people from Cairo? Mr. Miller replied, it is not just that, we have had an increase in enrollment for the last 5 to 6 years. Mr. Reed wanted a correction in the May minutes when he mentioned an article in the Carbondale Times about the number of 8th grade students that could not read. He stated the minutes reflected 7th grade and it should have been 8th grade students. (The minutes were reviewed from the May meeting, and Mr. Ellis’s public comment referenced 2nd grade students.)


Smith moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend Adjournment at 8:40 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Smith, Murphy

No votes: None

Absent: Zaretsky, Shepherd

Motion carried.



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