
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees met February 8.


Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees met February 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University convened on Thursday, February 8, 2018, at approximately 9:00 a.m. in the Conference Center, 2nd Floor, Morris University Center, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Gilbert. The following members of the Board were present:

MG (Ret) Randal Thomas, Chair (via teleconference)

Hon. J. Phil Gilbert, Vice Chair

Mr. Joel Sambursky, Secretary (via teleconference)

Mr. Sam Beard (arrived at 9:10 a.m.)

Mr. Luke Jansen

Dr. Shirley Portwood

Dr. Marsha Ryan

Ms. Amy Sholar

Executive Officers present were:

Dr. Randy J. Dunn, President, SIU

Dr. Carlo Montemagno, Chancellor, SIU Carbondale

Dr. Randall Pembrook, Chancellor, SIU Edwardsville

Dr. Jerry Kruse, Dean and Provost, SIU School of Medicine

Mr. Lucas Crater, General Counsel

Dr. Brad Colwell, Vice President for Student and Academic Affairs

Dr. Duane Stucky, Senior Vice President for Financial and Administrative

Affairs and Board Treasurer

Also present was Ms. Misty Whittington, Executive Secretary of the Board.

Note: Copies of all background documents furnished to the Board in connection with the following matters have been placed on file in the Office of the Board of Trustees.

Vice Chair Gilbert led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Executive Secretary reported and Vice Chair Gilbert determined that a quorum was physically present.

Trustee Ryan made a motion to allow Chair Thomas and Secretary Joel Sambursky to participate in the meeting via teleconference. The motion was duly seconded by Trustee Jansen. The motion passed unanimously via voice vote.

Vice Chair Gilbert stated that the next item of business on the agenda was the election of officers, Executive Committee, and Board representatives, and annual appointments by the Chair. He requested nominations for the office of Chair of the Board of Trustees.

Vice Chair Gilbert recognized Chair Thomas who nominated Trustee Amy Sholar for Chair. Hearing no other nominations, Trustee Ryan moved that the nominations be closed. The motion was duly seconded by Trustee Jansen. The motion carried unanimously via voice vote.

The motion to elect Trustee Amy Sholar as Chair passed by the following recorded vote: aye, Hon. J. Phil Gilbert; Mr. Luke Jansen; Dr. Shirley Portwood; Dr. Marsha Ryan; Mr. Joel Sambursky; Ms. Amy Sholar; Maj. Gen. Randal Thomas; nay, none.

Chair Sholar accepted the gavel from Vice Chair Gilbert and led the remainder of the meeting. Further, Chair Sholar thanked former Chair Maj. Gen. Randal Thomas for his leadership and service for the past five years to the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees.

Trustee Ryan nominated Hon. Phil Gilbert for Vice Chair and Trustee Sambursky for Secretary, and that both serve as members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. Hearing no further nominations, Trustee Ryan moved that the nominations be closed. The motion was duly seconded by Trustee Jansen. The motion carried unanimously via voice vote.

The motion to elect J. Phil Gilbert as Vice Chair and Joel Sambursky as Secretary and for both to serve as members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees passed by the following recorded vote: aye, Hon. J. Phil Gilbert; Mr. Luke Jansen; Dr. Shirley Portwood; Dr. Marsha Ryan; Mr. Joel Sambursky; Ms. Amy Sholar; Maj. Gen. Randal Thomas; nay, none.

Next, Chair Sholar nominated Maj. Gen. Randal Thomas to serve as the Board’s representative on the State Universities Civil Service System Merit Board. Maj. Gen. Thomas declined the nomination. He recommended the position not be filled until the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting when he could give a report in person regarding his previous year’s service and activity of the State Universities Civil Service System Merit Board. Chair Sholar accepted Trustee Thomas’ recommendation to postpone the appointment.

Chair Sholar made the following appointments:

Academic Matters Committee

Shirley Portwood, Chair

J. Phil Gilbert

Luke Jansen

Joel Sambursky

Architecture And Design Committee

Joel Sambursky, Chair

Sam Beard

Shirley Portwood

Amy Sholar

Audit Committee

J. Phil Gilbert, Chair

Luke Jansen

Shirley Portwood

Randal E. Thomas

Finance Committee

Marsha Ryan, Chair

Sam Beard

Amy Sholar

Randal E. Thomas

Board Of Directors, Southern Illinois University Foundation

Marsha Ryan

Joel Sambursky, Alternate

Board Of Directors, Southern Illinois University At Edwardsville Foundation

Shirley Portwood

Amy Sholar, Alternate

Joint Trustee Committee For Springfield Medical Education Programs

Randal E. Thomas

Marsha Ryan, Alternate

Board Of Directors, The Association Of Alumni, Former Students And Friends Of Southern Illinois University, Incorporated

Joel Sambursky

J. Phil Gilbert, Alternate

Board Of Directors, Alumni Association Of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Randal E. Thomas

Amy Sholar, Alternate
