
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees met March 9.

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Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees met March 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Pursuant to notice, a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University convened at 9:02 a. m., Friday, March 9, 2018, at the Southern Illinois University Carbondale Touch of Nature Environmental Center, Little Grassy Lodge, Friends Room, Makanda, Illinois. The meeting was called to order by Chair Amy Sholar. The following members of the Board were physically present:

Ms. Amy Sholar, Chair

Hon. J. Phil Gilbert, Vice Chair

Mr. Joel Sambursky, Secretary

Mr. Sam Beard

Mr. Luke Jansen

Dr. Shirley Portwood

Dr. Marsha Ryan

The following member was absent:

MG (Ret) Randal E. Thomas

Also present for the duration of the meeting were Dr. Randy J. Dunn, President; Mr. Luke Crater, General Counsel; and Ms. Misty Whittington, Executive Secretary of the Board. Dr. Carlo Montemagno, SIUC Chancellor; and Dr. Denise Cobb, SIUE Provost; attended a portion of the meeting.

The Executive Secretary reported and the Chair determined that a quorum was physically present.

The Chair stated that there would be a Public Questions and Comments portion available at the day’s meeting.

Dr. Kathleen Chwalisz, SIUC Faculty Senate, spoke to the Board. She spoke of positive work going on at the campus. She noted faculty were able to make important changes by providing feedback for the reorganization plan.

Mr. Anthony Travelstead, SIUC Civil Service, spoke to the Board. He reviewed SIU’s mission statement and expressed concern regarding enrollment. Further, he expressed concern of the possible layoff of approximately 149 employees with the proposed closing of east campus housing.

Mr. Jay Needham, SIUC Radio and Audio Production, spoke to the Board. He spoke of collaborative faculty discussions about combining colleges and interdisciplinary core curriculum regarding the reorganization plan.

Dr. George Boulukos, SIUC Department of English, spoke to the Board. He spoke of concerns regarding the reorganization plan and the need to retain department status.

Mr. Bret Seferian, Illinois Education Association, spoke to the Board. He referenced Article 9 regarding program changes contained in the SIUC faculty association collective bargaining agreement and the need for the administration to include shared governance regarding the reorganization plan.

Dr. Jonathan Gray, SIUC Communication Studies, spoke to the Board. He spoke of concerns about the reorganization plan and noted there was already a mechanism in place at the campus for terminating and combining departments. He expressed concern that more focus should be placed on addressing declining enrollment at the campus and hiring a Vice Provost of Enrollment Management.

Dr. Dan Silver, SIUC Paralegal Studies, spoke to the Board. He spoke of concerns regarding declining enrollment at the campus. He asked the Board to consider a comprehensive plan to reduce tuition for incoming freshmen to attract more students.

A retreat was held for the Board members.

General Counsel Luke Crater highlighted areas of SIU Board of Trustees Bylaws for possible revision. He mentioned the Trustees had previously discussed the possibility of establishing a Health Affairs Standing Committee in the Bylaws. After discussion the Board determined not to revise Bylaws to establish such committee. Trustee Portwood commented she felt the need to keep the 10-day requirement to receive written notice of meetings and of the agenda. A discussion was held about possibly changing the consideration of items added to the agenda past the 10-day requirement from requiring unanimous consent to a majority of the Board. Mr. Crater will provide the Board with options of proposed revisions to that provision of the Bylaws for the Board to consider. A discussion was held regarding Article IV, Section 2 of the Bylaws. Trustee Ryan inquired about background information regarding the change in reporting for the School of Medicine Dean. President Dunn will provide to Trustee Ryan a report on the subject that was done when the reporting change was made. Mr. Crater would make proposed edits to the Bylaws based on the Board’s discussion and provide that to the Trustees for review and further changes as desired.

For state funding allocation and campus budgeting practices, SIUE Provost Denise Cobb spoke to the desire for the Board to reconsider its appropriation allocation model to allow for future possible SIUE growth. A discussion was held regarding factors to consider with allocating the budget to the campuses. It was noted that there was a large amount of deferred maintenance and older buildings to maintain at the SIUC campus which added to the costs of that campus operation. President Dunn may investigate having a consultant assist the Board in looking at costs and possibly include a facility index.

President Dunn discussed with the Board an opportunity to have an SIU law satellite program in Springfield. Executive Director John Charles discussed the interest of delivery of a law program in the downtown area. Discussion was held regarding starting by offering continuing legal education. Another option was identified as offering a Master’s of Law program. The Board expressed interest in proceeding to the next step to see whether the program could be financially feasible. Chancellor Montemagno recommended that law school faculty should be engaged in future discussions.

The Board members had lunch.

Board members had a panel discussion with certain of the President’s staff members to learn about their job functions. Ms. Mary Carroll, Chicago Area Liaison for the Office of the President; Mr. Mark Kolaz, Director of Legislative Relations and Intergovernmental Affairs; Dr. Brian Chapman, Executive Director of Regional and Intergovernmental Affairs; Ms. Tracey Jarrell, Project Planning and Data Specialist; and Dr. Wes McNeese, System Executive Director for Diversity Initiatives; participated in the panel.

Chancellor Montemagno provided the Board with a handout regarding the campus program reorganization process. Discussions were held regarding the school level proposal review process and the college level RME review process.

Trustees discussed various topics. Improving minority recruitment was discussed for students, faculty, and staff. Chair Sholar reported that the Board would participate in a half-day training session with Dr. McNeese and staff. Trustee Portwood spoke of the need for commitment on the part of all in the university community rather than only one office or person. It was suggested that more alumni mentoring could take place on all levels. Dr. Portwood noted that a new group in Carbondale, Concerned Black Alumni and Citizens, was drafting a white paper on the topic and the final product would be available to the community. She recommended an increase in social and cultural activities be available to welcome and involve students, staff, and faculty. Spaces could be made available on campus such as diversity or multicultural centers to read books and meet with others. Trustee Beard noted the need to reopen a position in the SIUC Graduate School for minority recruitment.

Regarding contractual hires, Trustee Gilbert discussed recent publicity. He noted that for future administrative hires, the Board should be aware of and approve all agreements.

For meeting management, the Board discussed various items. The Board discussed the possible creation of a Health Affairs Standing Committee and determined it was not needed at the present time. The Board discussed the continuance of having each Chancellor and Dean Kruse to provide executive officer reports at regular full Board meetings. The Board discussed amending Board Policy for trustee participation on search committees for certain senior level hires. The Board discussed the possibility of audiostreaming Board meetings and decided to not provide that service at the present time and discussed the fact that recordings of meetings are available on the Board website. The Board discussed the benefits of an Association of Governing Boards membership and determined that it would not renew that membership at the present time.

At 2:45 p.m., Trustee Gilbert moved that the Board go into closed session for the purpose of considering pending, probable or imminent court proceedings against or on behalf of the Board; collective negotiating matters; and information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. The relevant sections of the Open Meetings Act Statute that allow for the closed session are 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1), (2), and (11). The motion was duly seconded by Trustee Sambursky. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: aye, Hon. J. Phil Gilbert, Mr. Luke Jansen, Dr. Shirley Portwood, Dr. Marsha Ryan, Mr. Joel Sambursky, Ms. Amy Sholar; nay, none.

The Board resumed the meeting in open session.

For meeting management, the Board discussed an addition of a meeting to the 2019 calendar and a change in schedule to hold meetings in January, March, May, July, September, and December. It was also discussed to include Chancellors Montemagno and Pembrook and Dean Kruse at Board dinners when they are available.

Trustee Jansen moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by Trustee Sambursky. The motion to adjourn passed unanimously by voice vote.

The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
