City of Carbondale Preservation Commission met January 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
1. Roll Call: Mr. Clark called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Members Present: Clark, Ittner, Van Awken, Benedict, and Zurlinden
Members Absent: Sigler, McCreary and Wren
Staff Present: Brightharp
Guests: Bruce Ashby
2. Approval of Minutes: Ms. Ittner moved to, and was seconded by Mr. Zurlinden, approve the minutes of October 16, 2017.
The motion to approve the minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote.
3. Communication and Reports:
a) Educational and Technical Assistance Committee
Nothing to report.
b) Nomination and Hardship Committee
Nothing to report.
c) Work Plan Committee
Nothing to report.
d) Annual Work Plan Monthly Review
1. January:
i. Preservation News - Communique Article (Due January 10 for Feb/ March edition)-Mr. Clark stated that at last meeting the Commission expressed interest in placing an article. Mr. Van Awken stated that he had planned to prepare something and wants to put in an article about the history of the park location. Mr. Van Awken stated that a plan to interest donors for the park would be a good idea, but do that by showing the history of the park in the communique. It was then discuss what the article should have in it and what the information the Preservation Commission would be looking for with the history. Mr. Van Awken stated that he would write the article and send it to Mr. Zurlinden to look over once complete.
ii. Notification for Convening Work Plan Committee-Mr. Clark stated that the Commission needs to remember to be working on the Work Plan starting in February at that meeting.
2. February: Develop Work Plan - 2018/2019
3. March: Mr. Clark just covered the different items that will be looked at in the later months, so the Commission can be proactive at completing these goals.
i. Communique Article (March/April edition)
ii. Preservation Awards Program:
1.Nominations Due
2. Select Award Recipients
iii. Nominating Committee Convene to Nominate Officers
iv. Commissioners Review Work Plan Draft
v. Promote Preservation Recognition Program through Communique
4. April:
i. Founder's Day
ii. Promote Preservation Award Program in advance
iii. Conduct Annual Meeting and Election of Officers
iv. Approve Work Plan for Next Year
v. Provide Definitions for the Commission's Standing Committees (pending from 2013)
Preservation Recognition Program (more outreach)-Mr. Clark spoke about the need for more outreach into the community.
e) Founders Park Subcommittee-
Mr. Clark asked if anything had been sent to Lee Fronabarger about helping on the Founder’s Park Subcommittee. Ms. Brightharp stated that the conversation had stopped because the mayor has to be the person to appoint to committees. Mr. Clark stated he still would like to find a way to involve Mr. Fronabarger in some way with the park planning process. There was then discussion on ways that he might be able to be involved or anyone else that might want to be included and how to go about the mayor appointing someone. Mr. Clark stated that he wants to move forward with speaking to the mayor about reaching out to Mr. Fronabarger for appointment or having Mr. Fronabarger express interest in becoming involved. It was then decided to have the letter that Mr. Sigler wrote to Mr. Fronabarger looked over and sent to Mr. Fronabarger to see if he is wanting to be involved in the subcommittee and then discussing with he how to move forward if he is interested. Mr. Clark stated that the letter would be sent and would like a response from Mr. Fronabarger by January 19th with a yes or no for involvement moving forward.
f) Founders Day Subcommittee-
Mr. Van Awken spoke about the possibility of having a band/event for Founders day. Ms. Ittner spoke about the centennial event that will be taking place in the near future and how to possibly become involved in that event. Mr. Van Awken spoke about the sign that will be located at the park, he gave a brief history on the land, the different things that the subcommittee has been working on and who all is involved in the subcommittee. Mr. Van Awken spoke about the possibility of opening an account for anyone who wishes to donate to the park. He also spoke about the history kiosk and the band shell that they are wanting to build at that location. Mr. Clark stated that the subcommittee will have a meeting on January 22nd.
4. Review of COA 18-02: use of color imagery on the Varsity marquee. Cara Racine, the
Executive Director of the Varsity Center for the Arts spoke about the images that they have been able to use and the feedback that they had received about the images that they had used. They were able to show the Commission a slideshow of the images and spoke about the ideas that they have for the future. Ms. Racine also spoke about the brightness and the different colors that have been used. They hope to move forward and be tasteful with the images and not use animations. They spoke about the negative space and use of colors without being flashy or distracting to drivers. Mr. Clark gave a history on the Varsity and why they would have to seek approval for these types of changes to the marquee. Ms. Racine also stated that the tower of the marquee is always on at night with the marquee and they also had dimmers placed in the corridor inside as well. They also spoke about the VCA’s mission statement and what they are trying to achieve in that space moving forward.
Mr. Zurlinden moved to allow the COA to continue until February 1, 2019, seconded by Ms. Ittner.
The motion to allow the COA to continue passed with a unanimous voice vote.
5. Comments by the Public, Commission Members or Staff:
Nothing to report
6. Adjournment:
Mr. Clark adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m.